Simple Linear Regression - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Simple Linear Regression


SIMPLE LINEAR REGRESSION Statistical Assumptions of Simple Linear Regression See last week s notes on assumptions of correlation Variables are normally ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Simple Linear Regression

Simple Linear Regression
Last week
  • Discussed the ideas behind
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Random Sampling Error
  • Statistical Significance, Alpha, and p-values
  • Examined Correlation specifically Pearsons r
  • What its used for, when to use it (and not to
    use it)
  • Statistical Assumptions
  • Interpretation of r (direction/magnitude) and p

  • Extend our discussion on correlation into
    simple linear regression
  • Correlation and regression are specifically
    linked together, conceptually and mathematically
  • Often see correlations paired with regression
  • Regression is nothing but one step past r
  • Youve all done it in high school math
  • Firstbrief review

Quick Review/Quiz
  • A health researcher plans to determine if there
    is an association between physical activity and
    body composition.
  • Specifically, the researcher thinks that people
    who are more physically active (PA) will have a
    lower percent body fat (BF).
  • Write out a null and alternative hypothesis

PA and BF
  • HO
  • There is no association between PA and BF
  • HA
  • People with ? PA will have ? BF
  • The researcher will use a Pearson correlation to
    determine this association. He sets alpha
  • Write out what that means (alpha 0.05)

  • If the researcher sets alpha 0.05, this means
    that he/she will reject the null hypothesis if
    the p-value of the correlation is equal to or
    less than 0.05.
  • This is the level of confidence/risk the
    researcher is willing to accept
  • If the p-value of the test is greater than 0.05,
    there is a greater than 5 chance that the result
    could be due to ___________________, rather than
    a real effect/association

  • The researcher runs the correlation in SPSS and
    this is in the output
  • n 100, r -0.75, p 0.02
  • 1) What is the direction of the correlation?
    What does this mean?
  • 2) What is the sample size?
  • 3) Describe the magnitude of the association?
  • 4) Is this result statistically significant?
  • 5) Did he/she fail to reject the null hypothesis
    OR reject the null hypothesis?

Results defined
  • There is a negative, moderate-to-strong,
    relationship between PA and BF (r -0.75, p
  • Those with higher levels of physical activity
    tended to have lower BF (or vice versa)
  • Reject the null hypothesis and accept the
  • Based on this correlation alone, does PA cause
    BF to change? Why or why not?

  • Assume the association seen here between PA and
    BF is REAL (not due to RSE).
  • What type of error is made if the researcher
    fails to reject the null hypothesis (and accepts
  • Says there is no association when there really is
  • Type II Error
  • Assume the association seen here between PA and
    BF is due to RSE (not REAL).
  • What type of error is made if the researcher
    rejects the null hypothesis (and rejects HO)
  • Says there is an association when there really is
  • Type I Error

  • HA Is an association between PA and BF
  • HO Is not an association between PA and BF

Our Decision Our Decision
Reject HO Accept HO
What is True HO Type I Error Correct
What is True HA Correct Type II Error
Back to correlations
  • Recall, correlations provide two critical pieces
    of information a relationship between two
  • 1) Direction ( or -)
  • 2) Strength/Magnitude
  • However, the correlation coefficient (r) can also
    be used to describe how well a variable can be
    used for prediction (of the another).
  • A frequent goal of statistics
  • For example

Association vs Prediction
  • Is undergrad GPA associated with grad school GPA?
  • Can grad school GPA be predicted by undergrad
  • Are skinfolds measurements associated with BF?
  • Can BF be predicted by skinfolds?
  • Is muscular strength associated with injury risk?
  • Can muscular strength be predictive of injury
  • Is event attendance associated with ticket price?
  • Can event attendance be predicted by ticket
  • (i.e., what ticket price will maximize profits?)

Correlation and Prediction
  • This idea should seem reasonable.
  • Look at the three correlations below. In which
    of the three do you think it would be easiest
    (most accurate) to predict the y variable from
    the x variable?

Correlation and Prediction
  • The stronger the relationship between two
    variables, the more accurately you can use
    information from one of those variables to
    predict the other

Which do you think you could predict more
accurately? Bench press repetitions from body
weight ? Or 40-yard dash from 10-yard dash?
Explained Variance
  • The stronger the relationship between two
    variables, the more accurately you can use
    information from one of those variables to
    predict the other
  • This concept is explained variance or variance
    accounted for
  • Variance the spread of the data around the
  • Why the values are different for everyone
  • Calculated by squaring the correlation
    coefficient, r2
  • Above correlation r 0.624 and r2 0.389
  • aka, Coefficient of Determination
  • What percentage of the variability in x is
    explained by y
  • The 10-yard dash explains 39 of the variance in
    the 40-yard dash
  • If we could explain 100 of the variance wed
    be able to make a perfect prediction

Coefficient of Determination, r2
  • What percentage of the variability in y is
    explained by x
  • The 10-yard dash explains 39 of the variance in
    the 40-yard dash
  • So about 61 (100 - 39 61) of the variance
    remains unexplained (is due to other things)
  • The more variance you can explain the better the
  • The less variance that is explained the more
    error in the prediction
  • Examples, notice how quickly the prediction
  • r 1.00 r2 100
  • r 0.87 r2 75
  • r 0.71 r2 50
  • r 0.50 r2 25
  • r 0.22 r2 5
  • Example with BP

Variance BP
Mean 119 mmHg SD 20 N 22,270
  • Average systolic blood pressure in the United
  • Note mean and variation (variance) in the

Why are these values so spread out?
What things influence blood pressure
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Physical Activity
  • Diet
  • Stress

Which of these variables do you think is most
important? Least important? If we could measure
all of these, could we perfectly predict blood
pressure? Correlating each variable with BP
would allow us to answer these questions using r2
Beyond r2
  • Obviously you want to have an estimate of how
    well a prediction might work but it does not
    tell you how to make that prediction
  • For that we use some form of regression
  • Regression is a generic term (like correlation)
  • There are several different methods to create a
    prediction equation
  • Simple Linear Regression
  • Multiple Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression (pregnancy test)
  • and many more

Example using Height to predict Weight
Lets start with a scatterplot between the two
Note the correlation coefficient above (r2
0.66) SPSS is going to do all the work. It will
use a process called Least Squares Estimation
Least squares estimation Fancy process where
SPSS draws every possible line through the points
- until finding the line where the vertical
deviations from that line are the smallest
The green line indicates a possible line, the
blue arrows indicate the deviations longer
arrows bigger deviations
This is a crappy attempt it will keep trying
new lines until it finds the best one
Least squares estimation Fancy process where
SPSS draws every possible line through the points
- until finding the line where the vertical
deviations from that line are the smallest
Eventually, SPSS will get it right, finding the
line that minimizes deviations, known as Line of
Best Fit
The Line of Best fit is the end-product of
This line will have a certain slope
And it will have a value on the y-axis for the
zero value of the x-axis
The intercept can be seen more clearly if we
redraw the graph with appropriate axes
The intercept will sometimes be a nonsense value
in this case, nobody is 0 inches tall or weighs
-234 lbs.
From the line (its equation), we can predict
that an increase in height of 1 inch predicts a
rise in weight of 5.4 lbs
Slope 5.4
We can now estimate weight from height. A person
thats 68 inches tall should weight about 135
SPSS will output the equation, among a number of
other items if you ask for them
SPSS output
The ß-coefficient is the Slope of the line
The (Constant) is the Intercept of the line
The p-value is still here. In this case, height
is a statistically significant predictor of
weight (association likely NOT due to RSE)
We can use those two values to write out the
equation for our line
Depending on your high school math teacher
Y b mX
Y a bX
Weight -234 5.434 (Height)
Model Fit?
  • Once you create your regression equation, this
    equation is called the model
  • i.e., we just modeled (created a model for) the
    association between height and weight
  • How good is the model? How well do the data fit?
  • Can use r2 for a general comparison
  • How well one variable can predict the other
  • Lower r2 means less variance accounted for, more
  • Our r 0.81 for height/weight, so r2 0.65
  • We can also use Standard Error of the Estimate

How good, generally, is the fit?
  • Standard error of the estimate (SEE)
  • Imagine we used our prediction equation to
    predict height for each subject in our dataset (X
    to predict Y)
  • Will our equation perfectly estimate each Y from
  • Unless r2 1.0, there will be some error between
    the real Y and the predicted Y
  • The SEE is the standard deviation of those
  • The standard deviation of actual Ys about
    predicted Ys
  • Estimates typical size of the error in predicting
    Y (sort of)
  • Critically related to r2, but SEE is more
    specific to your equation

Lets go back to our line of best fit (this line
represents the predicted value of Y for each X)
SEE is the standard deviation of all these errors
Large Error
Very Small Error
Small Error
Notice some real Ys are closer to the line than
others SEE The standard deviation of actual Ys
about predicted Ys
  • Why calculate the standard deviation of these
    errors instead of just calculating the average
  • By using standard deviation instead of the mean,
    we can describe what percentage of estimates are
    within 1 SEE of the line
  • In other words, if we used this prediction
    equation, we would expect that
  • 68 fall within 1 SEE
  • 95 fall within 2 SEE
  • 99 fall within 3 SEE
  • Knowing, How often is this accurate? is
    probably more important than asking, Whats the
    average error?
  • Of course, how large the SEE is depends on your
    r2 and your sample size (larger samples make more
    accurate predictions)

Lets go back to our line of best fit
SEE is the standard deviation of the residuals
Very Small Residual
Large Residual
Small Residual
In regression, we call these errors/deviations
residuals Residual Y Real Y Predicted
Y Notice that some of the residuals are - and
some are , where we over-estimated (-) or
under-estimated () weight
  • The line of best fit is a line where the
    residuals are minimized (least error)
  • The residuals will sum to 0
  • The mean of the residuals will also be 0
  • The Line of Best Fit is the balance point of
    the scatterplot
  • The standard deviation of the residuals is the
  • Recognize this concept/terminology if there is a
    residual that means the effect of other
    variables is creating error
  • Confounding variables create residuals

Statistical Assumptions of Simple Linear
  • See last weeks notes on assumptions of
  • Variables are normally distributed
  • Homoscedasticity of variance
  • Sample is representative of population
  • Relationship is linear (remember, y a bX)
  • The variables are ratio/interval (continuous)
  • Cant use nominal or ordinal variables
  • at least pretend for now, well break this one
    next week.

Simple Linear Regression Example
  • Lets start simple, with two variables we know to
    be very highly correlated
  • 40-yard dash and 20-yard dash
  • Can we predict 40-yard dash from 20-yard dash?

  • Trimmed dataset down to just two variables
  • Lets look at a scatterplot first

All my assumptions are good, should be able to
produce a decent prediction
Next step, correlation
  • Strength? Direction?
  • Statistically significant correlations will
    (usually) produce statistically significant
  • r2 ??

Now, run the regression in SPSS
The predictor is the independent variable
Model Outputs
  • Adjusted r2 Adjusts the r2 value based on
    sample sizesmall samples tend to overestimate
    the ability to predict the DV with the IV (our
    sample is 428, adjusted is similar)

Model Outputs
  • Notice our SEE of 0.06 seconds.
  • 68 of residuals are within 0.06 seconds of
  • 95 of residuals are within 0.12 seconds of

Model Outputs
  • The ANOVA portion of the output tells you if
    the entire model is statistically significant.
    However, since our model just includes one
    variable (20-yard dash), the p-value here will
    match the one to follow

  • Y-intercept 1.259
  • Slope 1.245
  • 20-yard dash is a statistically significant
  • What is our equation to predict 40-yard dash?

  • 40yard dash time
  • 1.245(20yard time) 1.259
  • If a player ran the 20-yard dash in 2.5 seconds,
    what is their estimated 40-yard dash time?
  • 1.245(2.5) 1.259
  • 4.37 seconds
  • If the player actually ran 4.53 seconds, what is
    the residual?
  • Residual Real Predicted
  • 4.53 4.37 0.16

Significance vs. Importance in Regression
  • A statistically significant model/variable does
    NOT mean the equation is good at predicting
  • The p-value tells you if the independent variable
    (predictor) can be used as a predictor of the
    dependent variable
  • The r2 tells you how good the independent
    variable might be as a predictor (variance
    accounted for)
  • The SEE tells you how good the predictor (model)
    is at predicting

  • In-class activity
  • Homework
  • Cronk Section 5.3
  • Holcomb Exercises 29, 44, 46 and 33
  • Multiple Linear Regression next week
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