Measuring the Impact of Coaching - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Measuring the Impact of Coaching


Title: Slide 1 Author: Gary Short Last modified by: Rob Wilson Created Date: 3/11/2005 3:18:27 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Measuring the Impact of Coaching

Measuring the Impact of Coaching
  • .now we have gone to all this effort
  • .has it made any difference?

Rick Woodward Director, Learning Development
Global Performance Managementrequired improved
  • Global process launched in 2005
  • Multi-rater feedback (360o)
  • Quarterly coaching discussions
  • 6 Leadership Qualities (including Talent

800 plus team leaderswere trained in coaching
  • 1 day highly interactive programme led by
    Performance Associates
  • Launched in USA and Europe
  • Based on GROW model
  • Inspiring and impactful

But did it have any impact?
  • Level 1 evaluations enthusiastic
  • Best course I have ever taken
  • Amazing experience
  • Simon is a great trainer
  • Level 2/3 evaluations encouraging
  • I now ask more than I tell
  • I schedule regular coaching sessions
  • I use the GROW model

We commissioned an independent level 4 coaching
impact study
  • Peggy Parskey a leading expert in Workplace
    Measurement conducted the analysis
  • She e-surveyed 224 team leaders and 202 team
  • She interviewed 30 team leaders some strong
    supporters, some not!
  • She confirmed that her results were statistically
    significant and robust

We made 3 major findingsabout coaching
  • Coaching significantly improves performance
  • Coaching training positively impacted business
  • Coaching has much more impact when reinforced by
    the leaders manager

Coaching significantly improves performance
  • Team members who received frequent coaching (blue
    bars) were significantly more likely to report
    increased productivity and effectiveness than
    those not receiving frequent coaching (maroon

Strongly agree agree
I dont think coaching builds strength as much
as it unleashes it. (Team leader Interview)
Coaching training positivelyimpacted business
  • Team leaders reported significant business
    improvements from their coaching.
  • They estimate that the training accounts for 10
    of the business results attained.

Average improvement in business result area
out of 224 respondents citing the business
Team leaders explained how coachingimproved
business results
We saved 117,000 in decreased overtime
My coaching empowered a maintenance team to take
ownership. They repaired a machine part instead
of replacing it and saved 2,800.
We put a trade show together in only 2 months
it normally takes 4. The customer applauded our
long term vision and forward thinking plans.
My team delivered 7 million savings against a
target of 4 million and the quality of work
was better.
Team leaders linked coaching toperformance
My coaching reduced frustration in the team. We
made a 1 million turnaround on a production
asset. I believe that 30 of that came from the
My coaching has helped the team work smarter and
focus on realities. Now we concentrate on what
makes best sense to earn the business.
I challenged my team to increase productivity and
waste utilization. Productivity increased 10
and waste utilization improved by 21.
I coached a deputy about her interpersonal skills
which not only improved her relationships
internally but also helped her to save 30,000
from a vendor over project errors.
Team leaders mentioned other benefits from
I coached a regional manager about how to handle
a difficult employee. The individual now knows
our expectations and has an improved attitude.
I managed to retain all my key staff despite
re-organization and very difficult times.
With my improved coaching skills my team members
advance projects on their own leading to improved
productivity and reduced costs.
Coaching has made me more confident as a team
leader. I am learning to listen instead of
talking. I now coach everyday and my employees
are more engaged.
Coaching has four times more impactwhen
reinforced by the leaders manager
  • Business improvements were four times more
    likely when the leaders manager mentored and
    supported coaching efforts. For example, 25 of
    mentored team leaders reported a 20 increase in
    productivity against only 4 of those who were
    not mentored.

of total population reporting gt20 improvement
in each area
Before I talked to people every day. Now I
coach people every day. Employees are more
engaged. I literally saw the walls break down.
(Team leader interview)
But it wasnt all good!
  • Respondents believe coaching is a high priority
    and that their team leaders expect them to use
    these skills.
  • Only 50 feel their team leaders support or
    reinforce their coaching efforts.
  • Only 29 feel Senior Leaders model coaching

Strongly agree agree
How do we reinforce thevalue of coaching?
  • Continue with coaching training
  • Incorporate coaching into leadership skills
  • Extend training with Helping Others Succeed
  • Reinforce coaching in team intervention
  • Tough Conversations Training
  • Coaching Health Care sales professionals
  • Changing the culture of key sale teams
  • Strong vocal leadership from CEO
  • Tom Falk frequently reinforces coaching in Senior
    Leader meetings
  • Talent Management objectives include coaching

CEO supports coaching as a part of talent
  • Reinforces the link between coaching and improved
  • Includes coaching reminders in employee
  • Cascades an annual objective to all team leaders
    with a coaching component

Tom Falk Kimberly-Clark CEO Chairman
Deliver timely, accurate, focused feedback and
coaching, including quarterly discussions, to
ensure desired job performance and no surprises
at the year end assessment
Coaching with impact
  • Coaching does have a measurable business impact
  • It requires leadership commitment and time and
  • It is much more effective when reinforced by
    senior leaders
  • It may be a key component of employee engagement
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