Title: Neutrino Oscillations and the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
1Results from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
Dave Wark Nikhef January 11th, 2002
2Fusion in the Sun
3Solar Neutrino Fluxes
4The Solar Neutrino Problem
7The Solar Neutrino Problem
8Neutrino Oscillations
- Let us assume that neutrinos have (different)
masses - Dm2 - Let us assume that the mass eigenstates are not
identical to the weak eigenstates - If we consider 2 flavours the mixing is
characterized by a single angle q analogous to
the Cabibbo angle in case of quarks
9Neutrino Oscillations
Consider ? 45?
10Vacuum Oscillations
- In general this leads to the disappearance of the
original neutrino flavour - With the corresponding appearance of the wrong
neutrino flavour
11The MSW effect
- ne have an extra diagram for scattering from
electrons (W as well as Z exchange) - gives ne an effective mass in matter
proportional to the electron density Ne - can lead to an energy dependent resonant
enhancement of oscillations for both large (LMA)
and small (SMA) mixing angles ( ??m2/NeE ) - The MSW effect
12Global fit, 8B Flux a free parameter
- Includes
- Rates
- Homestake
- Super-K
- Super-K spectra
- day
- night
From Bahcall, Krastev, and Smirnov hep-ph/0103179
13Sterile n solutions
- Includes
- Rates
- Homestake
- Super-K
- Super-K spectra
- day
- night
From Bahcall, Krastev, and Smirnov hep-ph/0103179
15The SNO Detector
16n Reactions in SNO
- Good measurement of ne energy spectrum
- Weak directional sensitivity ? 1-1/3cos(q)
17Cerenkov Light Production
Charged current interaction in D2O
18n Reactions in SNO
- Good measurement of ne energy spectrum
- Weak directional sensitivity ? 1-1/3cos(q)
- Measure total 8B n flux from the sun.
- Low Statistics
- Strong directional sensitivity
19The enemy..
bs and gs from decays in these chains interfere
with our signals at low energies
And worse, gs over 2.2 MeV cause d g ? n p
Design called for D2O lt 10-15 gm/gm U/Th
H2O lt 10-14 gm/gm U/Th Acrylic lt 10-12
gm/gm U/Th
21Water Systems
22SNO Water Assays
Targets for D2O represent a 5 background from
dg ? np
Targets are set to reduce b-g events
reconstructing inside 6m
23Signals in SNO
24Smoking Guns in SNO - 1
25Smoking Guns in SNO - 2
26A Neutrino Event
27Signals in SNO
28Instrumental Backgrounds
29Instrumental Background Cuts
30How do we know this worked ?
- We did it twice.
- Two different semi-independent sets of cuts were
31How do we know this worked?
Contamination measured with independent cuts
Signal loss measured with calibration sources
32Solar Neutrino Spectrum
33Current SNO data set
- Data Period 2/11/99 ? 15/01/01
- Livetime 240.9 Days
- Data set 1 Analysis Data
- used to develop the data analysis
- 166 days livetime
- Data set 2 Blind data
- test for statistical bias
- 75 days livetime
34SNO Livetime
36SNO Energy Calibrations
37Backgrounds from the Data
- External g-ray background
- bg background from the AV
- bg background from the H2O
- bg background from the PMTs
38Acrylic Vessel Assay
- Every piece sampled and tested
- Sample bonds tested
- Direct Assay by Cerenkov light
AV well below (1/10) the target level of 2
ppt U/Th
39Signal Extraction
- Threshold set at Teff 6.75 MeV
- removes most of the neutrons
- further reduces the background
- Fit resulting events to Probability Density
Functions (pdfs) in - effective energy Teff
- volume weighted position (R/RAV)3
- angle from the Sun cosq?
40Signal Extraction
41Signal Extraction
- Threshold set at Teff 6.75 MeV
- removes most of the neutrons
- further reduces the background
- Fit resulting events to Probability Density
Functions (pdfs) in - effective energy Teff
- volume weighted position (R/RAV)3
- angle from the Sun cosq?
- Use maximum likelihood to extract components
42SNO cosq? distribution
ES strongly peaked
CC 1-1/3cosq?
Neutrons isotropic
43SNO energy spectrum from unconstrained fit
44SNO energy spectrum from an unconstrained fit
(Adding syst. bin by bin in quadrature give c2 of
12 for 11 D.O.F.)
45SNO energy spectrum from an unconstrained fit
(Adding syst. bin by bin in quadrature give c2 of
12 for 11 D.O.F.)
46SNO energy spectrum from an unconstrained fit
(Adding syst. bin by bin in quadrature give c2 of
12 for 11 D.O.F.)
47Solar Neutrino Fluxes
- Absolute fluxes from constrained fit
NB All fluxes quoted are in units
48Systematic Flux Uncertainties
- Error Source
- Energy scale
- Energy resolution
- Non-linearity
- Vertex shift
- Vertex resolution
- Angular resolution
- High Energy ?s
- Low energy background
- Instrumental background
- Trigger efficiency
- Live time
- Cut acceptance
- Earth orbit eccentricity
- 17O, 18O
- Experimental uncertainty
- Cross-section
- Solar Model
- ES error ()
- -3.5, 5.4
- 0.3
- 0.4
- 3.3
- 0.4
- 2.2
- -1.9, 0.0
- -0.2, 0.0
- -0.6, 0.0
- 0.0
- 0.1
- -0.6, 0.7
- 0.2
- 0.0
- -5.7, 6.8
- 0.5
- -16, 20
CC error () -5.2, 6.1 0.5 0.5 3.1 0.7 0.5 -
0.8, 0.0 -0.2, 0.0 -0.2, 0.0 0.0 0.1 -0.6,
0.7 0.2 0.0 -6.2, 7.0 3.0 -16, 20
49Solar Neutrino Fluxes
- Absolute fluxes from constrained fit
50Flux Differences
The hypothesis that this is a downward statistical
fluctuation is ruled out at 99.96
51Ftotal vs. Fe
You can extract the total neutrino flux from
these results
This can be compared to the SSM prediction
John Bahcall has been right all these years!
52Using the 8B flux to constrain G and WIMPS
See Lopes and Silk, astro-ph/0112310
See Lopes and Silk, astro-ph/0112390
53Allowed Solutions for Neutrino Oscillations
54Equalizing SNO/SK n response
CC and ES have different En response
However, choosing different thresholds can
For the current analysis, Tthresh 6.75 MeV for
SNO and 8.6 MeV for Super-K equalize response to
For these thresholds the fluxesstill differ by
0.53 0.17
Sterile oscillations ruled out by this test at gt
55Allowed Solutions for Neutrino Oscillations
56Oscillation Analyses including SNO
- Barger, Marfatia and Whisnant hep-ph/0106207
- Oscillations to partially sterile neutrinos still
allowed - Fogli et al. hep-ph/0106247
- Purely sterile oscillations ruled out at gt3s
- SMA flavoured oscillations also ruled out
57Allowed regions from Fogli et al.
58Oscillation Analyses including SNO
- Barger, Marfatia and Whisnant hep-ph/0106207
- Oscillations to partially sterile neutrinos still
allowed - Fogli et al. hep-ph/0106247
- Purely sterile oscillations ruled out at gt3s
- SMA flavoured oscillations also ruled out
- Bahcall, Gonzalez-Garcia, Pena-Garay
hep-ph/0106258 - No, at 3s everything still allowed
- Bandyopadhyay et al. hep-ph/0106264
- Includes SNO energy spectrum
- SMA ruled out
- Berezinsky hep-ph/0108166
- SNO was right about everything.
- Krastev and Smirnov hep-ph/0108177
- No they werent, but neither are the others..
59What is going on?
- Why do these analyses differ?
- Different handling of spectral oversampling
- Slightly differences in the methods
- Which one is right?
- Beats me..
- As Rutherford said, if you need a statistical
test, you did the wrong experiment.
60The Right Experiment
- SNO Neutral Current Measurement
- Pure D2O - data in can, results soon
- Salt data now being taken
- Higher efficiency for neutron capture
- Capture signal at higher E, clear of background
- Independent test for NC/CC discrimination
- Different systematics
- Discrete NCDs to be deployed next
- Stringent test for non-electron neutrino
- The SNO detector is working and taking beautiful
data. - The CC rate measured in SNO is incompatible with
the Super-K ES rate. - This is strong evidence (gt99.8 c.l.) for the
appearance of m or t neutrinos from the Sun. - Sterile and Just-So2 oscillations are excluded by
these results at gt99.8 c.l. - The 8B n flux from the Sun is now measured to be
in agreement with the predictions of the Standard
Solar Model. - Super-KT2 b decay ? 0.001 lt Wn lt 0.18
- These results are just the first of what SNO will
produce. - The conclusions listed on the preceeding slide
are systematics dominated. They will be severely
tested by new measurements - NC measurements in pure D2O
- Day/night in pure D2O
- The same measurements with NaCl added
- The same measurements with the NCDs
- Borexino and KamLAND will give additional
information in the near future - The future - SIREN, LENS, etc.
- Solar Neutrinos have demonstrated (confirmed?)
that neutrinos have mass and undergo flavour
oscillations - Now we must understand why..