Title: Protein-protein Interactions
1Protein-protein Interactions
- Introduction
- The Study of Protein-protein Interaction by Mass
Spectrometry - Yeast-Two-Hybrid
- Phage Display
- Protein-protein Interaction on the Web
- Information Extraction (IE)
3- Introduction
- The Study of Protein-protein Interaction by Mass
Spectrometry - Yeast-Two-Hybrid
- Phage Display
- Protein-protein Interaction on the Web
- Information Extraction (IE)
Nature, 2000, 405837-846.
- Intrinsic to every cellular process
- Form the basis of phenomena
- -DNA replication and transcription
- -metabolism
- -signal transduction
- -cell cycle control
6- Introduction
- The Study of Protein-protein Interaction by Mass
Spectrometry - Yeast-Two-Hybrid
- Phage Display
- Protein-Protein Interaction on the Web
- Information Extraction (IE)
7The Study of Protein-protein Interaction by Mass
- A key question about a protein,in addition to
when and where it is expressed, is with which
other proteins does it interact. Interaction
partners are an immediate lead into biological
function and can potentially be exploited for
therapeutic purposes. Creation of a
proteinprotein interaction map of the cell would
be of immense value to understanding the biology
of the cell.
Purification of protein complex
8The study of Protein-protein Interaction by Mass
- Nature Biotechnology, 1999, 17, 676-682.
9The Study of Protein-protein Interaction by Mass
Nature Biotechnology, 1999, 17, 676-682.
10Generic Strategy to Analyze the Spatial
Organization of Multi-protein Complexes by
Cross-linking and Mass Spectrometry (1/2)
Anal. Chem., 2000,72, 267-275.
11Generic Strategy to Analyze the Spatial
Organization of Multi-Protein Complexes by
Cross-Linking and Mass Spectrometry (2/2)
Anal. Chem., 2000,72, 267-275.
12- Introduction
- The Study of Protein-protein Interaction by Mass
Spectrometry - Yeast-Two-Hybrid
- Phage Display
- Protein-Protein Interaction on the Web
- Information Extraction (IE)
13Yeast Two-hybrid
- Researchers insert a gene in yeast for a "bait"
protein alongside DNA for half of an "activator"
protein. The other half of the activator DNA is
then inserted alongside DNA for random "prey"
proteins. The yeast cells are then grown up and
the proteins are allowed to interact. If bait and
prey proteins bind, the two halves of the
activator protein be close enough to work
together to turn on another yeast gene that turns
the cell blue, signaling a match.ILLUSTRATION
14Yeast Two-Hybrid System
- Useful in the study of various interactions
- The technology was originally developed during
the late 1980's in the laboratory Dr. Stanley
Fields (see Fields and Song, 1989, Nature).
15Yeast Two-Hybrid Assay
16Hybrid proteins
DNA-binding domain
Bait domain
Activation domain
Fish domain
Hybrid 1
Hybrid 2
17Transcriptional Activation by Hybrid Protein in
HIS gene
Transfect yeast cells with genes encoding hybrid
1 and hybrid 2
Transcription-initiation complex
18Fishing for Proteins that Interaction with Ras
ras gene
cDNA from library
Fish plasmid
Bait plasmid
Transfect into trp, leu, his mutant yeast cells
Select for cells that grow in absence of
tryptophan and leucine
Plate selected cells on medium lacking histidine
19Fishing for Proteins that Interaction with Ras
Ras hybrid
Ras-interacting hybrid
20Fishing for Proteins that Interaction with Ras
Colony Formation
21Fishing for Proteins that Interaction with Ras
Ras hybrid
Noninteracting hybrid
22Fishing for Proteins that Interaction with Ras
No Colony Formation
23- Introduction
- The Study of Protein-protein Interaction by Mass
Spectrometry - Yeast-Two-Hybrid
- Phage Display
- Protein-Protein Interaction on the Web
- Information Extraction (IE)
24Phage Display
- A method where bacteriophage particles are made
to express either a peptide or protein of
interest fused to a capsid or coat protein. - It can be used for peptide epitopes, peptide
ligands, enzyme substrates or single-chain
antibody fragments.
25Phage Display
- Bacterially expressed GST-fusion proteins or
Immobilize individually into wells
Wash unbound phage particles
Amplify phage particles
Sequence the cDNA insert
26- Introduction
- The Study of Protein-protein Interaction by Mass
Spectrometry - Yeast-Two-Hybrid
- Phage Display
- Protein-Protein Interaction on the Web
- Information Extraction (IE)
27Protein-protein Interaction on the Web
- Suiseki
- Useful database
29DIP NEWSJanuary 24th, 2002
- Another release of the complete dataset. It
contains more than 11,000 individual
protein-protein interactions described in 1,800
research papers. Please, note that this is, most
probably, the last dataset released in the old
format as we anticipate the next one (to be
released witin 3-4 months we'll try to prepare
at least 3 updates a year) will be XML formatted.
30Database of Interacting Proteins
31(No Transcript)
32(No Transcript)
33(No Transcript)
34(No Transcript)
is a system for the extraction of protein-protein
interactions from large collections of scientific
- DNA replication
- The Immune system
- The E2F transcription factor
- The talin/viniculin/actin system
36Suiseki (2/3)
37Suiseki (3/3)
38(No Transcript)
39(No Transcript)
40- Introduction
- The Study of Protein-protein Interaction by Mass
Spectrometry - Yeast-Two-Hybrid
- Phage Display
- Protein-protein Interaction on the Web
- Information Extraction (IE)
41Information Extraction (IE)
- A vast amount of data on protein-protein
interactions residues in the published
literature, which never been entered into
databases. - IE have been applied to gaining information on
protein-protein interactions.
42Mining Literature for Protein-protein Interactions
43Mining Literature for Protein-protein Interactions
44Mining Literature for Protein-protein Interactions
45(No Transcript)
46(No Transcript)
47Detection of Protein Names
- Protein Names are not standardized and are often
used in different forms in free text style.
48Creation of the Protein Name List
Comp Funct Genom 2001, 2, 196-206
49Extraction of the interactions
- The nouns and verbs are taken from a hand
constructed list containing nouns such as
activation, phosphorylation or interaction, and
verbs such as activates, binds or phosphorylates.
Rules are applied directly to the text by string
Comp Funct Genom 2001, 2, 196-206
50Extraction of the Interactions
- The sentence The expressed p53 protein showed
nuclear localization and its expression was
associated with an induction of p21 and bax
expression relates p53 with p21 and bax but
does not imply a physical interaction between
Comp Funct Genom 2001, 2, 196-206
51Distribution of the Protein Interaction Universe
Comp Funct Genom 2001, 2, 196-206