I Shall Rise ???? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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I Shall Rise ????


Title: Slide 1 Author: Grace Yang Last modified by: Jong Huang Created Date: 6/2/2002 6:55:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Company – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Grace57
Tags: precious | rise | shall | stones


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: I Shall Rise ????

I Shall Rise????
Brother Mike Wong ?????
  • Please pray silently to
  • prepare your heart for worship
  • ?????, ????
  • Please Silence Your Cell Phone

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(No Transcript)
(1) You Raise Me Up?????
  • When I am down and,
  • oh my soul, so weary
  • When troubles come
  • and my heart burdened be
  • Then I am still and wait here in the silence,
  • Until You come and sit awhile with me.
  • ??????,??????
  • ??????,?????
  • ??????,??????????

(2) You Raise Me Up?????
  • There is no life, no life without this hunger.
  • Each restless heart beats so imperfectly.
  • But when You come
  • and I am filled with wonder,
  • Sometimes I think I glimpse eternity.
  • ?????????
  • ????????????
  • ?????,??????
  • ??????,?????????

(3) You Raise Me Up?????
  • You raise me up
  • so I can stand on mountains
  • You raise me up to walk on stormy seas
  • I am strong when I am on Your shoulders
  • You raise me up to more than I can be.
  • ?????,?????????
  • ?????,?????????
  • ?????,??????
  • ?????,???????

(No Transcript)
(1) From Living Stones ??
  • From living stones God builds this house of
  • On Christ alone we set this sacred place.
  • From hearts and lives of grateful people,
  • we raise a soaring steeple
  • a chapel made of praise!
  • ??????????
  • ??????????????
  • ???????????????????

(2) From Living Stones ??
  • From living stones God builds cathedrals strong
  • our cornerstone, His own beloved Son.
  • Gods mighty hand will ever lead us.
  • His love will never leave us.
  • Yes, we are not alone!
  • ??????????
  • ???????????
  • ???????????,?????????
  • ??,??????

(3) From Living Stones ??
  • We are His church of living stones.
  • We are His church of living stones.
  • What stones are these that rise
  • from Jordans cleansing waters?
  • What stones are these
  • where God engraves His sacred law?
  • ????????????
  • ?????????????
  • ????????????

(4) From Living Stones ??
  • What stones are these,
  • that shepherds dare to conquer giants?
  • Children of the Easter stone,
  • live now for God alone
  • reveal the glory of the risen Lord,
  • reveal the glory of the risen Lord.
  • ??????????????
  • ????,????????
  • ?????????

(5) From Living Stones ??
  • From living stones God builds this house of
  • On Christ alone we set this sacred place.
  • From hearts and lives of grateful people,
  • we raise a soaring steeple
  • a chapel made of praise!
  • ??????????
  • ??????????????
  • ???????????????????

(6) From Living Stones ??
  • From living stones God builds cathedrals strong.
  • Our cornerstone is His beloved Son.
  • His mighty hand will ever lead us.
  • His love will never leave us.
  • ??????????,
  • ???????????
  • ???????????,?????????

(7) From Living Stones ??
  • Yes, we are not alone!
  • We are His church of living stones.
  • We are Gods church of living stones.
  • Gods living stones! Gods living stones!
  • ??,??????,
  • ????????????
  • ???????, ????!

(No Transcript)
(1) Rejoice, the Lord Is King ???, ????
  • Rejoice, the Lord is King
  • Your Lord and King adore!
  • Rejoice, give thanks and sing,
  • and triumph evermore
  • Lift up your heart, lift up your voice!
  • Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!
  • ???, ?????,???????,???
  • ???, ????, ????
  • ?????, ????
  • ?????, ???, ???

(2) Rejoice, the Lord Is King ???, ????
  • Jesus, the Savior, reigns, the God of truth and
  • When He had purged our stains,
  • He took His seat above
  • Lift up your heart, lift up your voice!
  • Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!
  • ????,??????,????
  • ????????,???????
  • ?????, ????
  • ?????, ???, ???

(3) Rejoice, the Lord Is King ???, ????
  • His Kingdom cannot fail,
  • He rules over earth and Heaven
  • The keys of death and hell are to our Jesus
  • Lift up your heart, lift up your voice!
  • Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!
  • ????????, ??????
  • ????????????????
  • ?????, ????
  • ?????, ???, ???

(4) Rejoice, the Lord Is King ???, ????
  • Rejoice in glorious hope!
  • Our Lord and judge shall come
  • And take His servants up to their eternal home
  • ????????????
  • ????????????
  • ????????????

(5) Rejoice, the Lord Is King ???, ????
  • Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!
  • Lift up your heart, lift up your voice!
  • Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! Rejoice!
  • ?????, ????
  • ?????, ???, ???

(No Transcript)
(1) Amazing Grace
  • Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
  • That saved a wretch like me.
  • ????, ????, ??????
  • I once was lost but now Im found,
  • Was blind, but now I see.
  • ????, ????, ??????

(2) Amazing Grace
  • Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
  • And grace my fears relieved
  • ????, ????, ??????
  • How precious did that grace appear
  • The hour I first believed.
  • ????, ????, ??????

(C) Amazing Grace
  • My chains are gone, I've been set free
  • ????, ????
  • My God, my Savior has ransomed me
  • ??, ???????
  • And like a flood His mercy reigns
  • ????????
  • Unending love, Amazing grace
  • ????, ????

(3) Amazing Grace
  • The Lord has promised good to me,
  • His word my hope secures
  • ????, ????, ??????
  • He will my shield and portion be
  • As long as life endures.
  • ????, ????, ??????

(C) Amazing Grace
  • My chains are gone, I've been set free
  • ????,????
  • My God, my Savior has ransomed me
  • ??,???????
  • And like a flood His mercy reigns
  • ????????
  • Unending love, Amazing grace
  • ????,????

(C) Amazing Grace
  • My chains are gone, I've been set free
  • ????,????
  • My God, my Savior has ransomed me
  • ??,???????
  • And like a flood His mercy reigns
  • ????????
  • Unending love, Amazing grace
  • ????,????

(4) Amazing Grace
  • The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
  • The sun forbade to shine
  • ????????,??????
  • But God, Who called me here below
  • Will be forever mine
  • ????????,??????
  • Will be forever mine
  • ??????
  • You are forever mine
  • ??????

(No Transcript)
(1) Worthy Is The Lamb ?????
  • Thank You for the cross Lord
  • ??????
  • Thank You for the price You paid
  • ???????
  • Bearing all my sin and shame
  • ???????
  • in love You came
  • ????
  • and gave amazing grace
  • ??????

(2) Worthy Is The Lamb ?????
  • Thank You for this love Lord
  • ??????
  • Thank You for the nail pierced hands
  • ????????
  • Washed me in Your cleansing flow
  • ???????
  • now all I know
  • ????
  • Your forgiveness and embrace
  • ???????

(C-1) Worthy Is The Lamb ?????
  • Worthy is the Lamb
  • ?????
  • seated on the throne
  • ?????
  • Crown You now with many crowns
  • ???????
  • You reign victorious
  • ?????

(C-2) Worthy Is The Lamb ?????
  • High and lifted up
  • ?????
  • Jesus Son of God
  • ?????
  • The Darling of Heaven crucified
  • ?????????
  • Worthy is the Lamb
  • ?????

(Br) Worthy Is The Lamb ?????
  • Bridge
  • Worthy is the Lamb
  • ?????!
  • Thank You for the Lamb
  • ?????
  • Worthy is the Lamb
  • ?????
  • Worthy is the Lamb
  • ?????
  • Worthy is the Lamb
  • ?????

(No Transcript)
? ? Scripture Reading
  • ???? John 1125-26

(No Transcript)
  • ?? Hymn 340
  • Fill My Cup, Lord
  • ??????

(No Transcript)
???? - 1
  • ???????, ????????900am??1030am??.
  • Next Sunday is the Easter Sunday, Holy Communion
    will be held at 1030am instead of 900am.

???? - 2
  • ?????(??)????????, ?????, ????????, ???????,
    ??????????, ????????. (????????)
  • A gospel meeting is scheduled for Saturday, 3/30.
    Dinner will be served at 530PM, and testimony
    sharing starts at 7PM. The topic will be The
    Right Way. Please invite friends and family to
    come, and pray for their salvation. Invitation
    flyers are available on the front counter.

???? - 3
  • ??????????????????, ???(4/4)??, ????????????????,
  • Thursday night Chinese Bible study class will
    resume next week (4/4), Brother Jonathan Pong
    will continue to teach the Book of Romans.

???? - 4
  • ?????????????????????, ????????????????????????.
    ???????, ???????????,?????????????,
    ????????????????, ???????????????, ????.

???? - 4
  • Usher team wants to thank sisters and brothers'
    cooperation for Sunday parking, especially, for
    those parallel parking's who move cars around for
    people to come out in need. Just a reminder, most
    of our parking spots are for compact cars, please
    be careful to watch other cars next to you, don't
    forget to leave a note for the owner if you
    accidentally hit or scratch other people's car.

???? - 1
  • ????????????,?????,????????.
  • Brother Jonathan Pong is preaching in
    Philippines. Please support his ministry with
    your prayers.

???? - 2
  • Amanda Sun ??????6 ?- 20 ??Bellevue
    ????????????????, ???????????. ???????????,
    ???????????????, ????Amanda ????.

???? - 2
  • Sister Amanda Sun will go on a short term mission
    trip from April 6 to April 20with a local team in
    Bellevue, they will be ministering to university
    students in Chongqing, China. Please pray for her
    and this mission trip, also if you would like to
    support her financially to the costs of this
    trip, please contact Sister Amanda directly.

???? 3a
  • ?????????????????. (??????????????????)
  • ????????????(???????????????,?????????????????????
    ?????????? )
  • Austin?????????????(???, ????????????,
    ????????????????. ????????Austin??????????????,

???? 3a
  • Please continue to pray for our missionaries
    abroad (please refer to their prayer letters on
    the bulletin board for detailed prayer requests)
  • - for Brother Kevin Chen in Kyrgystan ( Please
    continue to pray for Kevin and his teammates, may
    The Lord leads and strengthens their serving in
    Kyrgyzstan, also pray for their health and
    safety. )
  • - for Brother Austin and Sister Feyon in India (
    Thank God, they are reaching out to people
    outside their fellowship group, and also willing
    to open their house as temporary shelter for
    families in need. Please pray for God's
    protection over Austin's safety while he is
    traveling, and be with them always.)

???? 3b
  • ?????????????????. (??????????????????)
  • Kaegso????????????? (Kaegso?????????????????,
    ???????, ????????. ??????????????????????????????.
    ???????????, ???????????????, ???????????????????
  • ????????????????.
  • ???????????????, ????.

???? 3b
  • - for Brother Kaegso and Sister Eipeen in
    Brazil (There are changes happened recently in
    the village of Queimadas, where Kaegso and
    Eipeen live, the chief of the village resigned
    and the vice chief declared himself as the new
    chief for now, but he is the one who is behind
    the abuse of community vehicles, illegal
    negotiations and general disorder in the village
    in the last months. Please pray for these
    changes, may God watch over for His servants'
    safety and needs, may they continue to be great
    witness for our God's glory, even in this
    difficult situation.)
  • - for Brother Mark Gao and Sister Carol Lo in
  • - Please pray for Holy Spirit's guidance for the
    future gospel mission in Yunlin, Taiwan .

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???????????, ????????????, ????????. ??!
(No Transcript)
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