Title: How We
1How Were Going toSolve the AI Problem
- Pedro Domingos
- Dept. Computer Science Eng.
- University of Washington
2What is the AI Problem?
- Build robots that do every job humans do,as well
as them or better. - (Preferably much better.)
3Why Havent We Solved It Yet?
- Because no one has really tried
- Everyone works on subproblems
- Because we dont have the hardware
- But this will soon change
4A Phase Shift in AI Research
- In 10 years (give or take), hardware will reach
the computational power of the human brain - Then we can really start trying
- Progress is much faster when you work on the
actual problem - In the meantime Lay the groundwork
5Ways to Solve AI
Approach Proponents Examples
Mother of all KBs Doug Lenat Cyc
Web mining Tom Mitchell Oren Etzioni WebKB KnowItAll
Retrace evolution Rod Brooks Genghis, Cog
Robot baby Paul Cohen Robot Baby
One Algorithm Geoff Hinton Jeff Hawkins Neural networks
6Mother of All KBs
- Hypothesis We dont need no new discoveries
just a lot of knowledge - Empirical test Miserable failure
- Itll take tens of thousands of rules
- No, hundreds of thousands
- No, wait, more like millions
- Deduction is not enough!
- We need induction and uncertain reasoning
- Cycorp now realizes this
- And at least they tried
7Web Mining
- Lets read the Web instead ofmanually inputting
formal knowledge - Pros
- Theres a lot of stuff in the Web
- Language is great window into intelligence
- Great application value in its own right
- Cons
- The Web sucks
- Language is built on top of vision,motor
control, everyday life, etc.
8Retracing Evolution
- Human intelligence is too hard.Build an insect
first! - Well, that turns out to be easy, and
doesntbring us much closer to human
intelligence - Brooks got tired after Genghis pals,and went
straight to Cog (which did nothing useful) - Evolution is blindingly slow
- Subsumption architecture still seems likea good
9Robot Baby
- Build a robot and let it learn like a baby
- Pros
- Guaranteed to work! (Existence proof)
- It solves the real problem
- Cons
- Is it overkill? (Intelligent ? Human)
- Do we really have to wait 10 years for it to grow
up? - Too much to try at once (start w. symbol
grounding?) - And we dont have the hardware
10One Algorithm
- Hypothesis Neocortex is all one algorithm
- Pretty good empirical support so far
- It does everything learning, reasoning,
vision,language, motor control, etc. - Shortest path to AI Figure out what this
algorithm is - Reverse engineer the brain? Not necessarily
- Testbed Digit recognition? No!
- Algorithm has to work on many different problems
without change
11How About This?
- Build a Robot Baby
- Power it with One Algorithm
- Add stages one by one (Subsumption)
- Feed it Cyc
- And then have it Read the Web
12It Takes a (Global) Village
Richardson and Domingos, KCAP-2003
13What Can We Do Now?
- Algorithms that work on any number of cores
- Solve two problems simultaneously
- Learning and reasoning
- Vision and robotics
- Language and common sense
- Then solve three
- Solve series of increasingly hard problems
- Dont get stuck in local optima
- If you have 80/20 solution, move on to next
harder problem - Stay off the bandwagons
14Got the Hardware. Now What?
- Divide and conquer doesnt work for AI
- Gluing pieces together doesnt work(engineering
hits complexity wall) - We need the right language
- Mechanics Calculus
- Electromagnetism Differential operators
- Alternating current Complex numbers
- Digital circuit design Boolean logic
- AI Not there yet (but see Markov logic)
15Three Simple Tests
- Youre not solving the AI problem if
- Your system doesnt work online
- Your system doesnt simultaneously process more
than one type of information - Your system doesnt process so much
informationit needs a focus of attention
mechanism - Consciousness Lots of information well
integrated online with a focus of attention
16When Will We Solve AI?
- Common view Never
- Kurzweil, Moravec 25 years
- Both wrong
- Solving AI is a long-term project
- How do we make sure were making progress?
- How do we speed up progress?
- How do we keep up motivation (and funding)?