Title: Modern Graduate Electromagnetics Education
1Modern Graduate Electromagnetics EducationA New
- W.C. Chew
- Director, Center for Computational EM and EM Lab.
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- University of Illinois
- Urbana, IL 61801-2991
- July 7, 2000
- Importance of electromagnetics.
- History of Electromagnetics.
- Roles of physics and mathematics in
electromagnetics. - Role of computer science in electromagnetic
analysis. - Type of graduate students we have to reckon with.
- Roles of graduates in the academe and industry.
- Conclusions.
3Importance of Electromagnetics
4Importance of Electromagnetics-Background
- Maxwells equations remains a fundamental law
that drives electrical engineering, which is the
study of the manipulation of electricity. - Maxwells equations have strong predictive power.
- EM analysis is important in many engineering and
scientific disciplines. - Complete solution of Maxwells equations can
expedite many design and analysis process. - Electromagnetic analysis has been traditionally
performed with either simple geometry, or
approximate pencil-and-paper methods.
5IncompleteBrief History of Analysis
withMaxwells Theory
- Age of simple shapes Scattering from spheres,
cylinders, planes etc. - Sommerfeld, 1896,1949, Rayleigh, 1897, Mie, 1908,
Debye, 1909, Chu Stratton, 1938, 1941,
Marcuvitz, 1951, Wait, 1955. - Bowman, Senior Uslenghi, 1969.
- Age of approximations Approximate solution
methods, asymptotic and perturbation theory - Bremmer, 1951, Keller, 1956, Jones Kline, 1958,
Fock, 1965, Hanse, Lee Deschamps, 1976, Felsen
Marcuvitz, 1973. - Age of numerical methods MOM, FDTD, FEM
- Yee, 1966, Harrington, 1968, Silvester, 1972,
Rao, Wilton Glisson, 1983, Mittra, 1980,
Taflove, 1980.
6Scattering by Simple Shapes1890s-1950s
- EM theory was predated by theory of fluid and
theory of sound. - They were very rich in mathematics, with famous
mathematicians such as Euler, Lagrange, Stokes,
Gauss. - Many mathematics of low-Reynold number flow and
scalar wave theory of sound can be transplanted
with embellishment to EM theory.
7Sommerfeld Half-Space Problem1949
- Radiation of a Hertzian dipole on top of the
half-space earth was solved in terms of
Sommerfeld integrals.
8Approximate Scattering Theory1950s-1970s
- Physical optics approximation, Kirchhoff
approximation, geometrical optics approximation,
geometrical theory of diffraction etc. - Ansatz based
- The leading order coefficients are often obtained
from canonical solutions such as the Sommerfeld
half-plane problem, scattering by a sphere,
Watson transformation, etc.
9Numerical Methods1960s
- Method of moments (Harrington, 1960s)
- Integral equation based.
- Versatile geometry handling.
- Small number of unknowns.
- Finite Difference Time Domain Method (Yee, 1960s)
- Differential equation based.
- Simplicity (euphoric).
- Sparse matrix system.
10Basic Physics Knowledge of a Student
- Modern physics
- Understand the thought processes and abstractions
that go on in the field of physics. - Physics of classical electromagnetics
- Fundamental solutions of simple shapes and
geometries. - Physics that arises from approximate method,
surface waves, creeping waves, lateral waves,
Goubaud waves, guided modes, evanescent modes
(tunneling), radation modes, leaky modes,
specular reflections, edge diffractions. - Metamorphosis of the physics over different
lengthscales - Physics of electrostatics and magnetostatics.
- Physics of mid frequency and high frequency
electromagnetics. - Physics of optics and rays.
11Basic Math Knowledge of a Student
- Mathematical analysis
- Understand the finesse, care and precautions that
mathematicians go through in their work. - Harmonic analysis, complex variables.
- Perturbation and asymptotic methods.
- Linear algebra, linear vector spaces.
- Modern demands
- Functional analysis.
- PDE theory.
- Approximation theory, error bounds.
- Topology.
12Computer Science Knowledge
- Knowledge of modern programming languages--object
oriented programming paradigm. - Parallel computing and large scale computing.
- Algorithms, fast algorithms.
- Computer architecture.
- Computational geometry.
13Types of Graduate Students
- Types of Graduate Students
- Students who will do A when instructed to do A.
- Students who will do AB when instructed to do A.
- Students who will do C when instructed to do A.
14How do we stimulate creativity?
- We should work to bring the best people in to
work in our field. - Good people will always create new areas to work
on and forge new frontiers. - Cultivate independent thinking--old Chinese
adage - If you believe completely in your book, its
better not to have books. - If you believe completely in your teacher, its
better not to have teachers.
15Roles of Grad Students in Academe
- Software research.
- Study and develop algorithms and methodology.
- Apply methodology to applications.
- Computer programming.
- Hardware research.
- Building a component of a larger system.
- Designing a component using existing CAD tools.
16Roles of graduates in industry
- Most graduates work as system and component
design engineers. - Hence, it is imperative that graduate students
understand the physics of electromagnetics. - Understanding the physics deeply means
understanding the mechanism behind how things
work. - Therefore, in addition to mathematical analysis
and computer programming, and EM students has to
understand the physics behind a problem.
- Electromagnetics will always remain important in
electrical engineering technologies. - The long and rich history of electromagnetics
offers us a challenge to impart our knowledge to
graduate students. - The selected Important knowledge changes with
changing times. - Imparting physical insight into our students is
important. - It is imperative that we bring the best and the
most creative people to work in our field. - There is no limit to problems we can work on,
and creative people will forge new frontiers to
rejuvenate the field.