The Daily Five - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Daily Five


The Daily Five By: Joan Moser and Gail Boushey – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Daily Five

The Daily Five By Joan Moser and Gail
Would you like to successfully
  • Differentiate instruction in your classroom?
  • Teach children in small groups?
  • Confer individually with students?
  • Do all of this while the rest of your class is
    fully engaged in independent reading and writing

What is The Daily Five?
  • The Daily Five is a literacy structure that
    allows for differentiation in the classroom and
    provides consistency.
  • It is an integrated literacy instruction and
    classroom management system for use in reading
    and writing workshops.
  • It is a system of five literacy tasks that
    teaches students independence.

What sets The Daily Five Apart?
  • For Teachers.
  • Deliver 3 5 whole group lessons each day
  • Teach 3 4 small groups of children each day
  • Confer with 9 12 individual students each day
  • Hold all students accountable for eyes-on-text
  • For Students
  • Engaged in the act of reading and writing for
    extended amounts of time
  • Receive focused instruction on building and
    maintaining independence
  • Receive tailored instruction through whole group,
    small group, and/or individual conferring, by
    their skilled classroom teacher, each day

Since 1946, research shows that kids need to.
read to be better readers write to be better
  • Reggie Routman and Richard Allington show that we
    are use to teaching 80 of the time and practice
    20 of the time.
  • Now we know it needs to be us teaching 20 of the
    time and students practicing 80 of the time. It
    is the same as sports, you have to physically
    practice to get better!

Literacy Block Development Over Time Seatwork
Basal Program Centers Workshop Daily Five
The Daily Five is.
  • Tasks
  • 5 tasks
  • System
  • Teaching all students independence
  • Structure
  • Providing consistency

The Daily Five does NOT hold content, it is a
structure. Content comes from your curriculum.
  • Work on writing structured time to write
  • Read to self structured time to read

What does it look like?
  • BRIEF whole group instruction
  • One round of Daily 5
  • BRIEF whole group instruction
  • 2nd round of Daily 5
  • BRIEF whole group instruction
  • 3rd round of Daily 5

Brain research from Michael Grinder shows that a
childs age is equal to how many minutes of
direct instruction they can stick within the
upper cortex of their brain. After that time,
thinking shifts to the lower cortex (which
controls eating, sleeping, breathing).
This is why direct instruction lessons are BRIEF!!
Why is it called The Daily Five?There isnt time
for five rounds!
  • It is called The Daily Five because there are
    five literacy components for children to choose
    from when they go off to work. These components
  • Read to Self
  • Read to Someone
  • Listen to Reading
  • Work on Writing
  • Working with Words
  • It is NOT called The Daily Five because they have
    to do all 5 each day.

  • Discussion
  • What beliefs influence the decisions you make in
    your classroom?
  • Are there foundational principles you cling to
    that support your teaching strategies and
    learning for all students?

  • These foundations are important to The Daily
  • Trusting students
  • Providing choice
  • Nurturing community
  • Creating a sense of urgency
  • Building stamina
  • Staying out of students way once routines
  • are established

Trusting Students
  • Trusting children is the underpinning of what
    makes the Daily Five work.
  • When trust is combined with explicit instruction,
    our students acquire the skills necessary to
    become independent learners.
  • The Daily Five works because we gradually build
    behaviors that can be sustained over time so
    children can easily be trusted to manage on their

Providing Choice
  • Although giving children the power to choose
    makes us a little nervous, it puts them in charge
    of their own learning, is self-motivating, and
    will improve their skills.
  • Purpose Choice Motivation

Nurturing Community
  • A sense of community provides members with
    ownership to hold others accountable for
    behaviors of effort, learning, order, and
  • During Daily Five the class becomes a community
    that works together to encourage and support each

Creating a Sense of Urgency
  • Answers the questions Why do we have to do it?
    Whats in it for me?
  • When people understand the reason for a task, it
    establishes motivation and becomes a force that
    keeps them persevering.
  • Sense of urgency comes from understanding the why.

Building Stamina
  • Lays the foundation for success as it gives
    children the support they need.
  • Teaching children how to read on their own for
    extended periods of time each day creates the
    self-winding learner that is actively engaged in
    the reading process because they have the stamina
    to be independent.

Stay Out of the Way
  • How can students make decisions on their own and
    monitor themselves regarding their progress if
    they are never given the chance to try it on
    their own?
  • After training, children understand what is
    expected of them, have practiced the strategies,
    and have built their stamina now we need to
    stand back and let them be independent.

  • When we follow routines, day after day, our
    students can use their energy to grow as readers
    and learners rather than to figure out what we
    expect them to do. And we in turn, can focus our
    energy on teaching, not managing, our independent
  • - Kathy Collins

P. 28 Although the foundations of D5 create a
strong base for student independence, there are
also key materials, routines, and concepts we
introduce to children in the first days of school
that are crucial to the success of the program
  1. Establishing a gathering place for brain and body
  2. Developing the concept of good-fit books
    through a series of lessons
  3. Creating anchor charts with students for
    referencing behaviors
  4. Short, repeated intervals of independent practice
  5. Calm signals and check-in procedures
  6. Using the correct model/incorrect model approach
    for demonstrating appropriate behaviors

1. Establish a Gathering Place
  • Open space large enough for the whole class to
    come together and sit on the floor.
  • Regardless of the age of children we teach, we
    always have a gathering place.
  • Distractions are limited and proximity allows us
    to check in on behavior more effectively
  • Students are able to turn and talk to each other,
    engaging everyone in the conversation of a less

  • Gathering on the floor signals a shift in
    activity and thinking
  • - It provides time for a change in their
    brain work along with much need movement of their
    bodies (Brain and Body Break).

2. Good-Fit Books
  • Research indicates that an independent-level or
    good-fit book for children is one they can read
    with 99 accuracy. (Richard Allington, March
  • Higher levels of oral reading error rate are
    linked to significant increases in off-task
    behavior. (Gambrell, Wilson, and Gantt, 1981)
  • It is essential to spend focused classroom time
    teaching our children to choose books that are a
    good fit for them and they enjoy.
  • There is more to choosing a good-fit book than
    just reading the words. A childs purpose for
    reading, interest in a topic, and ability to
    comphrehend play a large role in finding a
    good-fit book.

  • I choose a book
  • P urpose Why do I want to read it?
  • I nterest Does it interest me?
  • C omprehend Am I understanding what I am
  • reading?
  • K now I know most of the words
  • After they grasp the concept of I PICK,
  • have them model their book choices
  • front of whole class.

Setting Up the Book Boxes
  • Have a separate book box for each student.
  • Use small plastic tubs, cereal boxes, or even ask
    parents to send one with each child
  • 5 10 books in box
  • Self-selection of books depends on age
  • Journal and pencil
  • Book box has assigned spot it is kept

Book Boxes
  • Book Box Introduction What are they?
  • http//
  • Book Selection
  • http//
  • Whats in the book box?
  • http//
  • Changing the books (250)
  • http//

3. Anchor Charts
  • Large charts created based on what children have
    to say
  • One way to make thinking permanent and visible in
    the classroom
  • Allow class members to build on earlier learning
    or remember a specific lesson

As each component of the Daily Five is
introduced, the class comes together to make an
anchor chart, which is called an I chart. The I
chart allows childrens thinking about student
and teacher behaviors during Daily Five to be
recorded on a chart and displayed.
4. Short Intervals of Repeated Practice
  • The brain receives input through 3 different
    external memory systems visual, auditory, and
  • Memory stored in the kinesthetic system evokes
    the longest memory.
  • To activate this system, kinesthetic learning
    experiences are provided and then labeled so
    children hear and feel what they are doing. This
    movement is stored in muscle memory and becomes
    part of their
  • default behaviors.

10 Steps to Teaching and Learning Independence
  • 1. Identify what is to be taught
  • Today we are going to..
  • 2. Setting Purpose Sense of Urgency
  • Tell the students why
  • 3. Brainstorm behaviors desired using an I chart
  • What does it look like, sound like, feel like?
  • Read the whole time.
  • Stay in one spot.
  • Read quietly.
  • Get started right away.
  • 4. Model most desirable behaviors
  • Show what it looks like 3 dimensional
  • As they do this, go over I chart and then ask
    Will ____ become a better reader if he does
    this? (Self assessment is so important.)

10 Steps to Teaching and Learning Independence
  • 5. Model least desirable behaviors
  • Michael Grinder calls this training your muscle
    memory. As a child is modeling this, go through
    chart and ask children, Will ___ become a better
    reader if he does this?
  • Then, have the child show you he/she can do it
  • 6. Place students around the room
  • Children want to be comfortable
  • At the beginning we place them and after awhile
    we show them how to choose. We ask them, Where
    do you read best?
  • 7. Everyone practice and build stamina (3
  • Dont set timer, look for body clues.

10 Steps to Teaching and Learning Independence
  • 8. Stay Out of the Way
  • Use the magical power of a teachers eye
  • Watch for The Barometer Child
  • 9. Quiet Signal Come back to Group
  • When stamina is broken, use signal.
  • 10.Group Check In How Did You Do?
  • This is time for self reflection and sharing.

5. Signals and Check-in
  • Teach children to quickly respond to a signal so
    they know it is time to gather and check back in.
  • You want something that will grab attention but
    not break the tone of a classroom.
  • Explain the signal and its purpose on the first
    day of the year. Make an anchor chart together
    and write down ideas about what it would look
    like and sound like in the room when the signal
    goes off. Then, practice, practice, practice!
    Each time revisiting the
  • anchor chart in-between!

  • Teaches children to be self-reflective.
  • Thumb up by heart if they know in their hearts
    they were independent and successful.
  • Thumb to the side if they were somewhat
    independent and successful but could do better.
  • No thumbs down this only gives negative
    attention to those who
  • thrive on it.
  • http//
    embers/266.cfm (100)

6. Correct Model/Incorrect Model
  • Complete I-chart and discuss
  • Have one student model correctly while pointing
    out all of the wonderful behaviors the student is
  • Then, model incorrectly
  • Pick child carefully one that would want the
    attention of doing it wrong.
  • Most children laugh, but deep learning occurs
    after the incorrect model.
  • After revisiting I-chart about incorrect
    behaviors, ask child to then demonstrate
  • This way, the child has shown he/she is capable
    of being successful.

5 Tasks of The Daily Five
  1. Read to Self
  2. Read to Someone
  3. Work on Writing
  4. Listen to Reading
  5. Word Work

Complete I chart for Read to Self what will
it look like and sound like? Work the whole
time Stay in one spot Get started right away Work
Quietly To become a better reader FUN
Read to Self
  • Introduce 3 ways to read a book
  • Read the words
  • Read the pictures
  • Retell a story you have heard before

Follow the 10 steps of teaching independence for
Read to Self. Introduce, set purpose, create I
chart, model, practice, self-assess
Add more time each day until you hit desired
goal. Continue to revisit I chart each day.
  • Barometer Child

Launching Read to Self I Chart
540 http//
Launching Read to Self Stamina
540 http//
Launching Read to Self Part 3
640 Desirable/lease desirable behaviors http//ww
Launching Read to Self Barometer Child
251 http//
Launching Read to Self Day 2
340 http//
Work on Writing
Create I chart of what it will look like, sound
like, and feel like. It should include desired
student and teacher behaviors and resemble the I
chart from Read to Self.
Day One - Model what to do when writing words you
can't spell. Day Two Practice where to sit
what materials to use Day Three What to write
about Make a list of topics (vacation, dog,
sisters, etc.) Make a list of forms (letters,
lists, narrative) Post lists for students
reference Day Four Continue to teach the forms
and traits of writing according to your district
Once a focus lesson is taught, students work on
writing building stamina. Add a few minutes
each day until primary students are up to 20 min
and intermediate students can sustain for 30
40 minutes.
Work on Writing Videos
  • Modeled writing and heart words
  • http//
  • Work on writing word choice
  • http//

  • We are motivated, engaged, and productive when we
    are in control of our schedules. Why should our
    children feel any differently? This is why
    choice is so important!
  • Introduce choice as one of the most exciting
    things ever! Let the children know you trust
    them to be independent during the time they work
    on their Daily Five choice just like they have
    learned and practiced.
  • Remind them to make a choice that feels right for
    their brain and their body.
  • Have the children close their eyes and think
    about which Daily they would like to begin with.
    Tell them to make a picture in their mind of what
    their body looks like, sounds like, and feels
    like when they are engaged in that choice.
  • Then, grab your check in sheet and begin! There
    are many different versions of a check in
    sheet. Use what works best for you!

Daily 5 Check In Videos
  • Intermediate example
  • http//
  • Kindergarten example
  • http// (530)

Read to Someone
Day One Brainstorm I chart and teach EEKK
(elbow, elbow, knee knee)
Day Two
Model and practice how partners read. Teach
I Read, You Read taking turns Teach Checking
for Understanding asking questions about the
story, I just heard you read Day Three
Brainstorm and practice How to Choose Books
talk and make a deal or rock, paper,
scissors Day Four Brainstorm and practice where
to sit in the room. Day Five Model and practice
How to Choose a Partner. Day Six - Model and
practice Coaching or Time.
Once a focus lesson is taught, students read to
someone and build stamina. Each day add a few
more minutes until they are up to 20 min. for
primary and 30 40 min. for intermediate
Read to Someone Videos
  • Check for understanding partner reading example
  • http//
  • Debrief picking a partner
  • http//
  • Read to someone picking a partner
  • http//
  • Read to someone book choice
  • http//

Listen to Reading
Day One Brainstorm and practice I chart,
Model and practice material setup and how to
use it Model and practice listening and
following along with words and/or pictures Day
Two - Review I chart Model and
practice putting materials away neatly Day Three
- Review I chart Model and practice
listening to a short story, finishing it, and
starting a new story Day Four - Review I
chart Discus the number of
recorders/computers available Listen to
reading reviewing the I chart video
Working with Words
  • Day One - Introduce optional materials and
    their locations to students.
  • Brainstorm I chart of how to set up materials
    and how to work with them independently
  • Model finding the materials, materials
    placement in the room, and setup of materials
  • Brainstorm chart of how to clean up
  • Model materials placement in the room, setup,
    and cleanup of the materials
  • Day Two - Model and practice materials setup,
    materials placement, and cleanup of materials
  • Brainstorm I chart How to Use Materials
  • Model and practice student behaviors of how
    to use materials
  • Continue building stamina of working with
    materials, adding 1 2 minutes each day

Other focus lessons for Word Work might include
the following
  • Add words to word study notebook that relate to
    the strategy taught that day
  • List words that belong to a pattern and add to
    word study notebook
  • Word sorts
  • Adding words to their collection
  • Practicing basic words most often misspelled

Each day add a few more minutes until students
are independently working with these materials
for the desired amount of time.
Word Work Videos
  • Word Work Materials
  • http//
  • Launching word work I Chart
  • http//
  • Launching word work pt. 1
  • http//
  • Launching word work pt. 2
  • http//
  • More word work (Kindergarten)
  • http//
  • Intro to word work as last of Dailys (Joan)
  • http//
  • Word work materials letter boxes
  • http//
  • Touring the word work area
  • http//

Working with Words
  • Ideas for Word Work
  • Shell spell using spelling words or words from
    word wall
  • Playdoh (pinch and poke / roll)
  • Write the room
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Rainbow write
  • Wikki sticks
  • Dry erase boards
  • Beans
  • Bingo dabbers
  • Alphabet stamps
  • Magnetic letters
  • Clay (press in lid of coffee can and write with
    a golf tee)
  • Magnadoodle
  • Jr. Boggle game
  • Scrabble tiles
  • Chalk boxes (spray cardboard box with chalk
  • Etch a sketch

Other Daily 5 Videos
  • Im Done! What to do
  • http// (210)
  • Reviewing D5 when a new student comes
  • http//
  • Sharing at the end of D5
  • http//
  • Work time 5th grade classroom
  • http//
  • Touring a word wall
  • http//
  • Independent work with Kindergarten
  • http// (45)
  • Whole class independent work K-2 classroom
  • http//
  • What do kids remember from last year?
  • http// (800)

Daily 5 With a Sub
  • Pre-type plans and fill in lessons
  • The children are so well trained in routine it is
    not hard to do!
  • Kids are learning as they do daily, it creates
    less interruption because they do their regular
    routine even though you are absent.
  • Substitutes reported back that they enjoyed D5
    and many even bought book!
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