Title: Sense, Meaning, and Perception in Three Dance Cultures
1Sense, Meaning, and Perception in Three Dance
Written By Cynthia Jean Cohen Bull
Edited by Dr. Kay Picart and Donna
Gallagher Based on a presentation by Erika
2Key Terms
- Kinesthetic
- Primacy
- Improvisation
3Ballet The Primacy of Seeing
- What is the role of the body?
4Ballet The primacy of Seeing
What is the role of the audience?
5Ballet The Primacy of Seeing
- What is the role of music?
6Ballet The Primacy of Seeing
- What is the role of gender?
7Contact Improvisation The Primacy of touch
- What is the role of touch?
8Contact Improvisation The Primacy of Touch
What is the role of the body?
9Contact Improvisation The Primacy of Touch
- What is the role of the audience?
10Discussion Question
- How is the role of the audience different in
ballet and contact improvisation? How is the
setting different? - How might this effect the feelings/thoughts of
the viewers?
11Contact Improvisation The Primacy of Touch
- What is the role of music?
12Contact Improvisation The Primacy of Touch
What is the role of gender?
13Traditional Ghanaian Dance The Primacy of
- What is the role of hearing?
14Discussion Question
- How does the role of music in traditional
Ghanaian dance compare to the role of music in
contact improvisation?
15Traditional Ghanaian Dance The Primacy of Hearing
- What is the role of the audience?
16Traditional Ghanaian Dance The Primacy of Hearing
- What is the role of the body?
17Traditional Ghanaian Dance The Primacy of Hearing
What is the role of gender?
18Discussion Question
- How do gender roles compare in ballet, contact
improvisation, and traditional Ghanaian dance?