1Intro to Astronomy
1. Astronomy-
The study of everything outside of the earths
2. Celestial Sphere -
Imaginary sphere that surrounds Earth, in which
all stars, planets and moons are attached to.
3. Zenith Point -
The point directly above you in the sky.
4. Nadir Point -
The point directly below in the sky.
When an object is moving, the apparent motion you
see when close objects move faster than far away
5. Parallax -
2An object spinning on its axis.
One object orbiting around another object.
Earth centered universe.
- 9. Heliocentric Universe -
Sun centered universe.
The distance from the Earth to the Sun.
93,000,000 million miles
History of Astronomy
- Planetary objects moved in God Paths
- Aristotle was his student.
3- Said the Earth didnt move because he did not
see parallax with the stars in the sky.
B. Heliocentric People
- One of the first people to teach the
heliocentric universe model.
- The Church let him go because he was working on
calendar reform.
- Studied the positions of many planets and stars.
- Discovered the sky changed when he found a
comet in the sky.
4- Helped Tycho Brahe with mathematics.
- Discovered the 3 Laws of Planetary Motion.
- Invented the telescope.
- Discovered moons revolving around Jupiter.
- Discovered the Laws of Gravity.
- Discovered the 3 Laws of Motion.
- Proved the heliocentric universe model.