Title: Yasemin KOCAK USLUEL, H.Tugba DOGAN,
1ICT Adoption The Teachers Stages at the
Innovation Decision Process
Yasemin KOCAK USLUEL, H.Tugba DOGAN, Ayse
MISIRLI Faculty of EducationComputer Education
Instructional TechnologyHacettepe University,
Ankara, Turkey
Innovation Any idea practice or object that is
perceived as new by an individual or other unit
of adoption.
- Diffusion, is the process in which an innovation
is communicated through certain channels over
time among the members of social system. - ( Rogers, 2003)
- (.Use of information technology is
a diffusion process.)
3Therotical Framework Innovation Decision
- IDP is the process through which an individual
(or other decision-making unit) passes from
gaining initial knowledge of an innovation, to
forming an attitude toward the innovation, to
making a decision to adopt or reject, to
implementation of the new idea, and to
confirmation of this decision. (Rogers 2003)
- In this study, the teachers stages in the IDP
about ICT usage related to teaching tasks were
investigated with their satisfaction and
importance level about ICT facilities.
- The data were analyzed qualitatively and
quantitatively. - Content analysis.
- , f,
6Study Group
- 3 Public Schools, 92 teachers
- 20 teachers were interviewed
- A questioneer was conducted with 72 teachers
7Study Group
- Age
- 24.29 are between 21 30
- 22.86 are between 31 35
- 24, 29 are between 36 40
- 28.57 are between 41 55
- Gender
- 61.97 are female
- 38.03 are male
- Class/subject
- 47.89 class teachers
- 52.11 subject matter teachers
8Study Group
Duration of ICT usage Computer
12.68 teachers do not use computer, 36.62
teachers have used computers for 1 3 years,
32.39 for 4 6 years, 15.46 for 7 10
years 2.82 for more than 11 years
Internet 22.54 teachers have not used
internet yet, 49.30 teachers have used
internet for 1 3 years, 23.94 for 4 6
years and 4.23 for more than 7 years.
9 10The teachers stages about ICT usage in their
course in the IDP
Knowledge Knowledge Persuasion Persuasion Decision Decision Implementation Implementation
I know I know I do not use but it would be better to use I do not use but it would be better to use I want to use and make effort for it. I want to use and make effort for it. I use I use
Using ICT in annual daily lesson plans 12 16,90 11 15,49 8 11,27 40 56,34
Preparing work sheets 9 13,04 14 20,29 12 17,39 34 49,28
Presentation during lectures 7 10,14 31 44,93 17 24,64 13 18,84
Preparing questions for exam 5 7,35 14 20,59 9 13,24 40 58,82
Communicating with colleagues 11 16,18 21 30,88 9 13,24 37 54,41
- Most of the teachers
- I dont use but it would be better to use.
12Some States from Teachers
- Computers are very useful tools for preparing
annual-daily lesson plans. It is more systematic
than hand written plans. - I dont use but it would be better to use,
- I review and use work sheets (prepared through
computers) on my lectures but because there isnt
any ICT facilities in the classrooms, I cant use
13Teachers importance and satisfaction level
concerning support for ICT usage given to them
Importance Importance Importance Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction
N Mean Sd N Mean Sd
Dedicated teachers ICT facilities 71 4,08 1,0 65 2,57 1,31
Quality software 71 4,20 1,05 65 2,25 1,25
Availability of printers 70 4,07 1,05 64 2,58 1,42
Access to data projectors 71 4,01 1,11 62 2,35 1,35
Internet speed 70 4,14 1,13 63 2,79 1,22
Access to computer labs 71 4,34 1,01 64 2,86 1,39
Technical support 70 4,30 ,98 62 2,45 1,30
Administrative support 70 4,37 ,96 64 2,83 1,40
Peer support 69 4,13 1,01 63 3,00 1,30
Response time for repairs 71 4,15 ,98 64 2,72 1,31
Opportunities for technology professional development 70 4,24 1,06 64 2,50 1,27
Supports for integrating technology into curriculum 70 4,23 ,98 64 2,14 1,18
- The importance level is very high
- Satisfaction level is low.
- Managerial tasks- Implementation stage
- Instructional tasks- Persuasion stage
16- Diffusion process is in two dimensions
- Managarial task is faster
- Instructional task is slower
- (The reason of this can be studied )
17THANK YOU. . .kocak_at_hacettepe.edu.trh_tugbadog