Title: Facility Usage and Technology Demonstration Participation Package For:
1Facility Usage and Technology Demonstration
Participation Package For Enter Participant
Organization here Enter System / Activity Name
here Version X.X Date Day Month Year
2Basic Information
Name of Activity/System Enter name
High Level Objective Enter objective
Anticipated Timeframe Enter timeframe (dates / schedule of the event)
Primary Benefits List high-level benefits to DoD
Participant Enter Government / Corporate Office Name
Sponsor Enter Government sponsor, if applicable (name, organization, role, telephone email)
Points of Contact Management POC (name, organization, role, telephone email) Technical POC (name, organization, role, telephone email)
To be filled in by PD C4ISR Net Mod
PD C4ISR Net Mod Point of Contact
3Quad Chart Title
- Identify any high-level technical objectives
- Describe what the system does and its primary
data interfaces - Describe expected results
- Identify deliverables (e.g. software, reports)
Visually describe the system and its main
components (e.g., DoDAF OV-1, photograph)
Supporting Information
- Number of live system quantities
- MS (as appropriate)
- Timeframe available for integration, pre-testing,
execution, wrap-up - Technical POC information
- Describe the anticipated operational use of the
system - Include relationship/relevance to Current/Future
Force systems and/or requirements
Please provide summary information for your
system/activity in this format
4- List specific resources your organization will
supply and resources requested from PD C4ISR
Network Modernization, including
Resources Required Participant Provides or Coordinates with External Sources Requested From PD C4ISR Net Mod
Equipment Vehicles, radios, systems Note PD C4ISR Net Mod has a limited number of vehicles of various configurations Participant organizations are expected to provide drivers
Maintenance Vehicular support
Facilities Workspace, storage, trailer or vehicle parking, etc.
Personnel Engineering and/or logistical support
Terrain Airspace Training areas / airspace required to execute activity
Virtual Models, Simulations, Virtual Environments, High Performance Computing (HPC) assets
Network Connectivity LAN/WAN, DREN, SATCOM, Internet, etc
Data Collection / Analysis Support
Other Items