Is There Life on Earth? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Is There Life on Earth?


Unit 1 Is There Life on Earth? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Is There Life on Earth?

Unit 1
  • Is There Life on Earth?

About the writer
  • Art Buchwald (1925- ) well-known humor
    columnist for the Washington Post.

  • It is a humorous essay. But after reading it you
    will surely find that the author is most serious
    in writing it.
  • Why?

  • Pre-activities Planets in the Solar System
  • Text Reading What are these?
  • Comprehension Questions
  • Language Learning
  • Post-activities Writing

Planets in the Solar System
  • ?? Sol (or the Sun)
  • ?? Mercury
  • ?? Venus
  • ?? Terra (or the Earth)
  • ?? Mars
  • ?? Jupiter
  • ?? Saturn
  • ??? Uranus
  • ??? Neptune
  • ??? Pluto

(No Transcript)
What are these?
  • the Venus Institute of Technology
  • the Venus Evening Star
  • Venus Beings
  • The Grubstart
  • zilches
  • the flying saucer
  • the area of Manhattan
  • the Consolidated Edison Belt
  • something that looks like a river
  • metal particles
  • stalagmite projections
  • granite formations

  • Manhattan the commercial and cultural center of
    New York City, famous for its all buildings and

  • Consolidated Edison Belt Ther is a radiation
    zone encircling the earth, called the Van Allen
    Belt. Consolidated Edison is the company that
    makes and supplies electricity for much of
    eastern New York State. They burn a lot of coal,
    which makes air polluted.

(No Transcript)
  • Grubstart In American English there is a word
    grubstake, which means money supplied to a
    prospector on the condition of sharing in
    whatever he finds. Here the author has changed
    grubstake into Grubstart to mean a supposed
    government agency in charge of supplying funds to
    scientific research programs.

  • Zlich zlich is a slang word meaning zero or
    nothing. In our text it is used as if it were a
    monetary unit such aas yuan or dollar. A native
    speaker would immediately see the humor in
    spending billions and billions of nothings.

Comprehension Questions
  • Where did the story take place?
  • What were the people doing and talking about?
  • What are the questions from the reporters and
    what are the answers to the questions from the

  • Sum up briefly the various dangers that a Venus
    Being might encounter if sent onto Earth.
  • After reading the story, is it humorous to you?
    What do you think is the authors purpose of
    writing the story?
  • What will you do to help protect our environment
    from being seriously polluted?

  • This is a humorous and satirical essay, and yet
    the author is most serious in his intention. Art
    Buchwald tells us that Venusians are researching
    the human being and trying to explore the
    possibility of life on Earth. Venusian scientist
    have come to the conclusion, based on their
    satellite findings, that there is no life on

  • The authors aim is to bring our attention to the
    fact that man has polluted the environment to
    such a degree that he might destroy himself in
    the end, unless he takes effective measures.

Reading Alound and Memorizing
  • There was great excitement on the planet of Venus
    this week. For the first time Venusian scientists
    managed to land a satellite on the planet Earth,
    and it has been sending back signals as well as.
    photographs ever since.

Reading Alound and Memorizing
  • The satellite was directed into an area known as
    Manhattan (named after the great Venusian
    astronomer Prof. Manhattan, who first discovered
    it with his telescope 20,000 light years ago).

Reading Alound and Memorizing
  • Because of excellent weather conditions and
    extremely strong signals, Venusian scientists
    were able to get valuable information as to the
    feasibility of a manned flying saucer landing on
    Earth. A press conference was held at the Venus
    Institute of Technology.

Language Learning
  • manage signal as well as
  • name after as to feasibility
  • base on compose survive
  • as far as be concerned
  • originally hazard indicate
  • unfit add to crashsmash
  • set back proceed spend

manage (to do sth.)
  • succeed in handling sth. with an effort
  • The little boy managed to climb up on the stair.
  • He managed not to be angry no matter what she

signal n./v.
  • send out/back a signal
  • a smoke/ turn (traffic)/ fire/ storm signal
  • v. send a signal or signals to
  • The chairman signaled silence to the audience.
  • Sailors signal SOS (for help) by flags.
  • The teacher signaled us to come closer.

as well as
  • in addition to, besides both and
  • as well as??????,???????????
  • He grows vegetables as well as flowers in his
  • She is a talented writer as well as a politician.

name after
  • give the same name of
  • The Hudson River is named after the English
    explorer Henry Hudson.
  • Our eldest son was named George after his uncle.

as to
  • about concerning
  • I have no more suggestion as to the project.
  • He has no complaint as to his position and
  • as to ?as for ????????,???????????????as
    to ??????????? as for
  • As to the matter you just mentioned, we are in
    complete agreement.
  • Much of the land is under water and as for the
    grain, most has been ruined.

feasibility n.
  • possibility of being carried out or done
  • The feasibility of the program is being discussed
    by the committee.
  • A feasibility study is required before the bank
    agrees to finance a project.

base on
  • build or found on use as a basis for
  • We should always base our opinions on facts.
  • The book is based on something that really

compose vt.
  • (of parts or elements of sth.) to form a whole
  • England, Scotland and Wales compose the island of
    the United Kingdom.
  • be composed of be made up of ???/??
  • The water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
  • The committee was mainly composed of teachers and

survive v.
  • vi. remain alive continue to live or exist
  • According to the Theory of Evolution, only the
    fittest animals survive.
  • I cant survive on 100 yuan a month.
  • vt. 1) remain alive ???
  • Few buildings survived the earthquake.
  • The old lady of 80 survived the operation.
  • 2) live long than ????
  • In a typical family, the wife usually survives
    the husband by 5 years or longer.

as far as be concerned
  • as for in respect of
  • As far as you are concerned, you should put all
    your heart in study.
  • As far as work is concerned, I always try my best.

concern v./n.
  • be of great concern
  • The situation is of great concern to us all.
  • concern about/over
  • He was much concerned over his son.
  • be concerned in/with
  • He couldnt prove that he was not concerned with
    the case.
  • concerning prep./conj.
  • Concerning your application letter, Im pleased
    to inform you for an interview.
  • concerned adj.
  • concerned look, trying to sound concerned
  • Everyone concerned should be informed.

indicate v.
  • show
  • Ancient Chinese officials would take up the
    teacup to indicate that it was time for guests to
  • Early results of the election indicate that the
    Prime Minister will soon lose his job.

unfit a.
  • be unfit to do sth. be not suitable to do sth.
  • She is so young that it is unfit for her to live
    by herself.
  • be unfit for sth. be not suitable for sth./
    doing sth.
  • He is unfit for a job as a teacher because of his
  • Note It is a. to do sth.

add to
  • put sth. to sth. else to increase or strengthen
  • This adds to our difficulties/ information.
  • The music added to our enjoyment.
  • The word is added to the sentence to give

crash smash
  • crash fall or strike suddenly, violently and
  • The fighter plane crashed to the ground after
    being hit by enemy gunfire.
  • A strong wind came and the empty vase crashed to
    the floor.
  • smash (cause to) break into pieces violently
  • He was extremely angry at her words, so he
    smashed everything within reach.
  • Tom keeps smashing neighbors windows when he
    plays football in the alley.

set back
  • cause to put off or get behind schedule reverse
    the progress of
  • Bad weather set back the construction of the
    building by one month.
  • We shall set our clocks back by one hour when
    summer ends.

proceed vi.
  • continue after having stopped
  • He waited for the applause to die down and
    proceeded with his speech.
  • After the break, we will proceed to discuss the
    problem of the pollution.

spend v.
  • spend on sth. / in doing sth.
  • spend to do sth. (inf.???)
  • The boy doesnt spend much time on his homework.
  • Why are we spending such a great effort to help

Words to Drill
  • atmosphere
  • deadly
  • hazard
  • signal
  • compose
  • emit
  • indicate
  • smash

Words to Drill
  • conclusion
  • extremely
  • originally
  • survive
  • conference
  • feasibility
  • pollute
  • type
  • crash
  • fund
  • proceed
  • unfit

Phrases Expressions
  • (be) known as also publicly called named
  • name after give the same name as
  • as to about, concerning
  • base on / upon use as a basis or fuondation for
  • ----This novel is based on a true story.

Phrases Expressions
  • for one thing(for another) in the first
    place(in the second place)
  • be composed of have as members or parts
  • ---Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
  • ??Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.

Phrases Expressions
  • as far as be concerned to the degree that it
    matters to
  • stick up stand upright project
  • ----His hair has stuck up straight with fright.
  • give off emit send out
  • set back delay the advance or development of

Study Practice---Vocabulary
  • notice or pay attention to
  • notice ????,???????????
  • pa attention to ???????,??

Study Practice---Vocabulary
  • notice or pay attention to
  • Eg.1 On the way home from the party Nancy asked
    her mother if she had noticed anything strange in
    the way the hostess behaved.
  • Eg.2 Obviously too much attention has been paid
    to the details.

Study Practice---Vocabulary
  • spend or pay or cost
  • spend ? pay ???????
  • spend money /time on something / somebody
  • spend money /time doing

Study Practice---Vocabulary
  • spend or pay or cost
  • payfor something
  • pay somebody to do something
  • cost ?? it ??????
  • cost money /timeto do something

Study Practice---Vocabulary
  • spend or pay or cost
  • eg.1 Peters aunt is used to a simple way of
    living. No wonder she doesnt spend so much money
    on food or clothing.
  • eg.2 It goes without saying that everyone has to
    pay to get into the cinema.
  • eg.3 Does it cost a lot to have the recorder

  • Skill Coherence
  • Coherence is one of the most important elements
    in paragraph writing, which requires that each
    sentence in a paragraph lead naturally and
    logically to the next in explaining the central

  • Write a paragraph of 120-150 words about why the
    Venusian scientists conclude there is no life on
    Earth. Consider the following points before
  • signals and photographs sent back by the
  • the earths surface
  • the atmosphere
  • the Consolidated Edison Belt
  • the water
  • Also you are required to include the given
  • for one thing , for another also finally
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