Cell Growth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cell Growth


Cell Growth & Division Ch. 10 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: cell | fish | growth | karyotype


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cell Growth

Cell Growth Division
  • Ch. 10

  • Cells divide to maintain a workable ratio of
    volume to surface area.  The original cell is
    called the parent cell and the offspring are
    called daughter cells.  The offspring receive a
    portion of the cytoplasm, organelles, and
    hereditary information from the parent. 
  • Cell size

Limits to Cell Growth
  • 1.  DNA overload - more demands are placed on the
    cells DNA2.  Material Exchange - the rate at
    which food oxygen are used up waste products
    are produced become too much for the cell3. 
    Ratio of Surface Area to Volume - volume
    increases more rapidly that surface area4.  Cell
    Division - 2 new daughter cells form

Diploid Cells
  • Diploid cells are also known as 2n because they
    have the full set of chromosomes.  Somatic cells
    are diploid.  The diploid number for humans is

Haploid Cells
  • Haploid cells are also known as n because they
    have half of the cells found in a typical somatic
    cell.  The haploid number for humans is 23.  An
    example of a haploid cell in humans would be
    sperm or eggs. 

Diploid vs. Haploid Division
  • Diploid cells undergo cell division known as
    mitosis while haploid cells undergo cell division
    known as meiosis.  All cells that undergo mitosis
    have daughter cells with the same number of
    chromosomes as the parent cell, while cells that
    undergo meiosis have half the number of
    chromosomes as the parent cell. 

Homologous Chromosomes
  • Every body cell contains 2 chromosomes bearing
    genes for the same set of characteristics, the
    2 members usually have the same size shape. 
    The members of a pair are called homologous
    chromosomes one from the mother one from the
  • A locus is a particular site on a chromosome.

Chromosome drawing
Human Karyotype
Autosomes 1st 22 pairs of chromosomes Sex
chromosomes last pair determines sex samples
  • Nondisjunction - failure of chromosomes to
    separate properly in cell division responsible
    for Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY) , Turner Syndrome
    (XO), Trisomy-21 (Down Syndrome)

Cell Division
  • Some cells divide once a day, others are not as
    frequent. Brain cells and other highly
    specialized cells (mature muscle cells) dont
    divide at all.

  • 1. Interphase - time in between divisions cell
    carries on its usual life activities- metabolism
    is very high in this stage
  • 3 Stages of Interphase  1) G1 - growth phase
    the cell decides if it will divide again
    cellular differentiation occurs2) S - DNA
    replication occurs chromosomes go from being
    single to being double (2 sister chromatids)3)
    G2 - another growth phase organelles reproduce
    prepares for division.

The Cell Cycle
Cell Cycle
  • 1) Interphase 90 of cells life
  • 2) Mitotic Stage broken up into
  • a) Mitosis splits nucleus contents
    consists of prophase, metaphase, anaphase,
  • b) Cytokinesis splits cytoplasm

(No Transcript)
  • Prophase - EARLY centrioles begin to migrate
    to opposite sides of the nucleus, chromatin may
    become denser, MIDDLE nuclear membrane starts
    to break down, nucleolus begins to disasppear,
    chromosomes appear, centrioles migrate to poles
    produce the aster complex that makes the spindle
    arising from 2 centrosomes, LATE no nucleolus
    or nuclear membrane, chromosomes are floating
    within the cell, spindle apparatus has formed

  • Metaphase - chromosomes align themselves along
    the equator they are attached to the spindle
    fibers at the kinetochore.

  • Anaphase - splitting of the centromeres , spindle
    fibers contract chromatids are divided, these
    become chromosomes are pulled to the poles, the
    chromosomes are V-shaped in middle anaphase
    J-shaped in late anaphase, this stage is over
    when chromosomes reach the poles.

  • Telophase - this is the reverse of prophase,
    MIDDLE begins the formation of the nuclear
    membrane, the nucleolus reappears, granular
    chromatin reappears, LATE there is a complete
    nuclear membrane, the aster complex disappears,
    centrioles disappear

  • The result of cell division is the production of
    2 identical daughter cells.  In animals a
    cleavage furrow occurs that pinches in the cell. 
    This begins during anaphase.  In plants a cell
    plate forms in the middle of the dividing cell
    this eventually forms the cell wall after
    migrating to the edges of the cell.

  • Meiosis occurs in sex cells.  It is composed of 2
    stages  Meiosis I Meiosis II.  Meiosis
    consists of 2 nuclear divisions in which the
    chromosomes divide only once.  The result is that
    mature gametes have only 1 member of each
    homologous chromosome pair (haploid).  When the
    gametes unite, a zygote is formed. 

  • 1.  Prophase I  -the 2 members of each pair of
    homologous chromosomes come into side-by-side
    contact .  Each chromosome has already replicated
    to form 2 chromatids, each of which will become a
    new chromosome.  The 2 chromatids are joined at 1
    point, the synapsis, so that each will become 4
    future chromosomes, is thus called a tetrad. 
    In this stage, crossing over occurs in which
    chromatids exchange segments (increases genetic

Metaphase I
  • 2.  Metaphase I - the chromosomes align on the
    equator of the cell

Anaphase I
  • 3.  Anaphase I - unlike mitosis, the centromeres
    holding the chromatids together do NOT divide
    each chromatid is pulled toward each pole (1st
    Reductive Division occurs)

Telophase I
  • 4. Telophase I - the daughter cells contain 1 of
    each of the homologous chromosomes  - total
    chromosome number is now 23 in humans.

Meiosis I
Meiosis II
  • The second meiotic division more closely
    resembles the events in mitosis.  The chromosomes
    are split at the beginning of meiosis II by
    division of the centromeres, single-stranded
    chromosomes move toward each pole.  Each
    chromatid now exists in a separate cell.  The
    essential difference is that you start with
    haploid cells. 4 cells are now formed.  In the
    male, all 4 cells are functional sperm, but in
    the female, only 1 is functional the others
    become polar bodies. 

Comparing Mitosis Meiosis
  • Similarities Both are types of cell division
    Chromosomes duplicate only once
  • Differences Mitosis used for somatic cells,
    meiosis used for sex cells Mitosis yields 2
    diploid genetically identical cells, meiosis
    yields 4 haploid genetically different cells
    Mitosis has 1 division of the nucleus, meiosis
    has 2

Cell Differentiation
  • All cells contain the same DNA.  In cell
    differentiation, some of the DNA is repressed and
    some is expressed.  This allows cells to have
    different functions. 

Cell Differentiation Regulation
  • Stem cells Unspecialized cells that can
    differentiate into any type of body cell 2
    types are embryonic adult
  • Apoptosis programmed cellular death (all cells
    have a pre-determined life span)

Cell cycle regulators
  • 1.  Internal regulators - proteins respond to
    events inside the cell to determine when mitosis
    occurs cyclins bind to cyclin-dependent
    kinases that start stages in the cell cycle2. 
    External regulators - proteins respond to events
    outside the cell direct cell to speed up or
    slow down the cell cycle cells grow until they
    touch each other

Types of Cell Regulation
  • Density-dependent inhibition cells stop
    dividing when they touch each other based on
    cell surface proteins (will close wounds)
  • Anchorage dependence cells must be in contact
    with a solid surface (matrix of tissue) to divide

Cancerous Division
  • Tumor abnormally growing mass of cells
  • Benign stays enclosed in a wall remains at
    the original site
  • Malignant spreads into neighboring tissues
    causes angiogenesis (lures new blood vessel
  • Metastasis spread of cancer through the body
    via the circulatory/lymphatic system

Types of cancers
  • Carcinomas in coverings of skin/lining of
  • Sarcomas in bone, muscle in areas that
    support the body
  • Leukemias /lymphomas in blood-forming tissues
    (marrow, spleen, lymph nodes)
  • Most chemotherapy agents work to freeze or
    prevent spindle formation.

Cancer Development
  • Hypertrophy - cells increase in sizeHyperplasia
    - cells increase in numberDysplasia - cells
    change their shape (atypical cells) Neoplasia -
    producing new cellsApoptosis - is programmed
    cellular death

(No Transcript)
Asexual vs. sexual reproduction
  • Asexual reproduction only takes one parent.
    Asexual reproduction is the primary form of
    reproduction for unicellular organisms. Asexual
    reproduction is relatively rare among
    multicellular organisms.

  • While asexual reproduction may have short term
    benefits when rapid population growth is
    important or in stable environments, sexual
    reproduction offers a net advantage by allowing
    more diversity, allowing adaptation to changing

Types of asexual reproduction
  • 1. Budding - the formation of a new organism by
    the protrusion of part of another organism.
    This is very common in plants, bacteria, and
    fungi, but may be found in animal organisms, such
    as the hydra, as well.

  • 2. Binary fission - in single-celled organisms by
    which one cell divides into two cells of the same
    size, used by most bacteria. This process results
    in the reproduction of a living cell by division
    into two equal or near-equal parts.

  • 3. Vegetative propagation - Plants are produced
    using material from a single parent and as such
    there is no exchange of genetic material,
    therefore vegetative propagation methods almost
    always produce plants that are identical to the
    parent. Vegetative reproduction uses vegetative
    plants parts or roots, stems and leaves.

  • 4. Spore formation alternation of generations
    allows spore formation with meiosis (not true
    asexual method), some fungi algae, however, can
    form spores without meiosis

  • 5. Fragmentation new organism grows from a
    fragment of the parent (regeneration)

  • 6. Parthenogenesis - form of reproduction found
    in females where growth and development of an
    embryo or seed occurs without fertilization by
    males (plants, bees, aphids, wasps, some
    reptiles, some fish, some amphibians).

(No Transcript)
Sexual reproduction
  • 1. Conjugation - transmission of DNA without
    fusion of gametes (some bacteria protists)

  • 2. Fertilization - sperm egg (gametes) join to
    form embryo
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