Problems in Roman Catholic Church - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Problems in Roman Catholic Church


New Ideas. From Ninja Turtles to a Mak Attack Was the only Christian church in most of Europe The people of Europe were very devout Everyone was concerned about going ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Problems in Roman Catholic Church

Problems in Roman Catholic Church
New Ideas. From Ninja Turtles to a Mak Attack
Medieval Catholic Church
  • Was the only Christian church in most of Europe
  • The people of Europe were very devout
  • Everyone was concerned about going to heaven
  • Catholics believe in Purgatory-a place between
    heaven and hell where a soul stays until the
    person has done penance for any sins

Medieval Catholic Church
  • Was the only Christian church in most of Europe
  • The people of Europe were very devout
  • Everyone was concerned about going to heaven

Medieval Catholic Church
  • Catholics believe in Purgatory-a place between
    heaven and hell where a soul stays until the
    person has done penance for any sins
  • If you died with a dirty Soul you would go to
    either Purgatory or straight to hell.
  • You had to go to Church and get the Priest to
    clean your Soul.
  • If you died with a clean Soul you would go to

What did People believe at the Start of the 16th
  • If you went on a Crusade or a Pilgrimage you
    could earn time out of Purgatory
  • You could buy a special letter from the Pope
    called an Indulgence which was like a get out of
    jail for free card but for Purgatory.

Abuses in the Church
  • Clergy was poorly trained and often illiterate
  • Higher ranking clergy were more interested in
    materialism (lifestyle)
  • Popes needed lots of money to pay for lifestyle,
    wars, and beautiful cathedrals
  • Often clergy bought their positions-simony
  • Indulgences were sold as penance for sins, but
    often paid for Church projects

Abuses in the Church
  • People were calling for reform in part because of
    corruption in the Catholic Church
  • Between 1450 and 1520 a series of popes failed
    to meet the Churchs spiritual needs.
  • They were more concerned with the political
    interests of the Papal States.
  • Julius II, the
    warrior-pope, even led armies against
  • his enemies.
  • Many people were
    disgusted with him and the
  • Catholic Church.

Merchants and the Church
  • Because of trade with Middle East, merchants
    needed to borrow money to pay for ships and
    trading goods
  • The Catholic church banned usury
  • Usurylending money at interest
  • Merchants resented they could only borrow money
    from non-Christian moneylenders
  • They began to demand changes.
  • Some set up banks to lend money-de Medicis

Italian Domination of Church
  • Italians filled many of the high positions in the
    Catholic Church-bishops, archbishops, popes
  • All members of Catholic Church had to tithe 10
    of their income
  • Most money went to high clergy positions or to
    Rome (Italians)
  • German princes and English royalty disliked
    Italian domination of the Church
  • Wanted money to stay in their lands

Churchs Political Power
  • Catholic church owned HUGE amounts of land
    throughout Europe--probably more than 30
  • They paid no taxes on this land

Churchs Political Power
  • High ranking clergy held political/feudal
    positions in many lands increasing the Churchs
  • The pope ruled as a political leader-he ruled a
    large part of Italy-the Papal States.
  • He often fought wars to control and expand his

  • Were sold by the Church as a penance for sins
  • Much of the money went to the pope
  • The pope needed money to build St. Peters
    Basilica in Rome
  • He sent Johan Tetzel to Germany to sell
  • He sent other priests throughout Europe

  • To sell more indulgences, Tetzel claimed they
    could get a dead persons soul out of Purgatory
  • The moment a coin in the coffer rings, a soul to
    heaven springs
  • Many were outraged by Tetzels selling technique,
    including Martin Luther
  • This led to the Reformation

Other Changes in the World
  • People, not just priests, were learning to read
  • People started reading the Bible on their own
  • People stared to think on their own, and not
    listen to the priests
  • People started reading the ancient non-Christian
    Greeks Homer, Aristotle, and Plato once again
  • New ideas of science and mathematics from the
    Muslim intellectuals were being read
  • New scientific ideas by Copernicus and others
    questioned the thinking of the Church

Other Changes in the World
  • Erasmus and other thinkers were quietly pushing
    the church for reform
  • The new printing press rapidly spread
    revolutionary ideas
  • The rulers and priests in Germany were angry at
    seeing money earned in their states being sent to
    Rome to build rich palaces and churches.
  • The Muslims now controlled the Byzantine Empire
    and cut of Italy from the spices and silks of
    India and China
  • The Portuguese now sailed directly to India
    around Africa, bypassing the Italian middlemen
    and thereby offering cheaper prices for spices
    and silk

Into This Enters Martin Luther
  • Reformer or Revolutionary?
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