Title: Symbiotic Relationships
1Symbiotic Relationships
2Symbiotic Relationships
- symbiosis - the relationship between two
different individual species that live together
in a close relationship (living together) - The word symbiosis can be broken down into two
parts to determine its meaning - sym means together
- bio means life
3Types of Symbiosis
- There are three types of symbiotic relationships
- Mutualism (, )
- Commensalism (, 0)
- Parasitism (, -)
- Each relationship can be shown using , - , or 0
- mutualism - a relationship where both organisms
benefit - A / relationship
- Think of a normal friendship where both friends
gain something from the friendship
The acacia galls are homes to stinging ants and
the ants defend acacia from other insects that
would harm tree leaves.
5MutualismFlowers and their Pollinators
(Example Bees and hummingbirds gather nectar
and spread pollen.)
The moray eel gets a clean mouth and the cleaner
fish gets a meal.
7Mutualism Birds and mammals eat berries and
fruits while the plant benefits by the dispersal
of it seeds.
The oxbird gets rid of the parasiteson the
antelope and allows the oxbird to have a meal.
9Mutualism Cleaners eat insect pests from the
skin of animals.
10Mutualism Algae and Fungi (Lichen) - Alga gets
water and nutrients from the fungus and the
fungus gets food from the algae.
11Mutualism Many herbivores such as cows, sheep,
deer, horses and rabbits depend on bacteria that
live in their stomachs to break down the plant
12Mutualism The corals get food and the algae are
- commensalism a relationship where one species
benefits while the other species remains
unaffected - A / 0 relationship
- Think of a friendship where one of the friends
benefits while the other doesnt change
Barnacles adhering to the skin of a whale
14CommensalismOne species uses a second organism
for housing such as small mammals or birds that
lives in holes in trees or orchids which live in
Orchid in rainforest Venezuela
Cattle stir up insects as they eat grass and
theegrets hang around and eat insects.
Clown fish get their protection from the sea
anemone and the anemone is unaffected.
17 Commensalism
Shark eats and the remora gets the scraps left by
the shark.
- parasitism a relationship where one organism
benefits (parasite) while the species it depends
on (host) is harmed - host an organism on which a parasite lives
- A / - relationship
- Think of a friendship where you might feel used
by your friend
Parasitic isopod on fish
19ParasitismTicks and fleas that live in a host
animal's fur bite the animal and drink its blood
are parasites.
Mistletoe takes moisture and nutrients from the
plant while the woody plant has to support itself
and the mistletoe.
21ParasitismInsects such as mosquitoes feeding on
a host are parasites.
22The tick eats the blood of a human and the human
receives Lyme disease from the tick.
23ParasitismVines such as Kudzu growing on Trees
24ParasitismTomato Hornworm with Wasp Eggs
25The tapeworm attaches itself to the intestines of
a dog and the tapeworm takes nutrients from the
26ParasitismTapeworm or Hookworms living in Host's
27Symbiosis Brain Pop