Title: Regional Operational Programmes 2014-2020
1 Regional Operational Programmes 2014-2020
Sustainable Urban Development
- Stephen Blair
- Director
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2Thematic Concentration
- Given the Thematic Concentration requirements as
set out in the Structural Funds Regulations, the
new Regional Programmes had to focus their
efforts on a very limited number of Priorities,
having regard to the outcomes of the Needs
Analysis and the feedback from the public
consultations. - This meant that the targeted areas for the new
Programmmes had to be in the broad areas of
Research Innovation, ICT infrastructure,
Entrepreneurship for SMEs, Renewable Energy and
Sustainable Urban Development.
3Priorities for new Regional Programmes
- Priority 1 Strengthening RTDI in the Regions
- Priority 2 ICT Infrastructure
- Priority 3 SME Competiveness
- Priority 4 Low Carbon Economy
- Priority 5 Sustainable Urban Development
- This Presentation will focus on this 5th Priority
4Priority 5 Sustainable Urban Development
- Specific Objectives of SUD Priority
- To revitalise, regenerate and improve the
environment in the urban centres as part of
integrated urban strategies. (Investment Priority
6e) - To support low carbon urban mobility in
designated urban centres (Investment Priority 4e)
5Priority 5 cont/
- Proposed Actions
- In line with the integrated urban strategies,
Local Authorities in the designated urban centres
will bring forward projects under one or more of
the following fields - Green regeneration, physical enhancements and
social revitalisation - Rehabilitation of brownfield sites
- Rehabilitation/development of cultural
infrastructure/assets - Various multimodal mobility actions, such as
pedestrianisation schemes, installation
extension of network of cycle lanes and bus
lanes, and reduction of short-distance car
journeys through the introduction of good quality
travel information and alternative infrastructure
6Financial Plan SE OP
Priority Axis Fund Thematic Objective Union Support National counterpart Total Funding
RTDI ERDF 1 90m 90m 180m
2. ICT ERDF 2 30m 30m 60m
3. SME Â ERDF 3 34.6m 34.6m 69.2m
4. Low Carbon Economy ERDF 4 66.5m 66.5m 133m
5. Integrated Urban Development ERDF 6 26m 26m 52m
6. Technical Assistance ERDF N/A 2m 2m 4m
Total   250m 250m 500m
7Financial Plan BMW OP
Priority Axis Fund Thematic Objective Union Support National counterpart Total Funding
RTDI ERDF 1 52m 52m 104m
2. ICT ERDF 2 45m 45m 90m
3. SME Â ERDF 3 29m 29m 58m
4. Low Carbon Economy ERDF 4 18m 18m 36m
5. Integrated Urban Development ERDF 6 14m 14m 28m
6. Technical Assistance ERDF N/A 2m 2m 4m
Total   1600m 160m 320m
- Total Budget 80 million
- 50 or 40m provided by way of ERDF grants, with
the other 50 to be put up by the Local
Authorities from their own resources. - This match funding will mainly be by way of cash,
but some in-kind costs may be accepted. - Borrowings will not be permitted for match
funding. - Projects to run over a 1-3 year period
9Outline of Scheme
- The Sustainable Urban Development Priority will
be delivered by way of one or more calls directed
at the designated lead authorities for the NSS
Gateways in both the BMW and SE Regions and the
Hub Towns in the SE Region. - These calls will specify the funding which will
be available and will specify the types of
eligible projects which will be considered, and
the criteria which will be used to assess
eligibility of projects put forward by local
authorities. All projects will have to
demonstrate how they fit within an integrated
urban plan which has been adopted for the
10Outline of Scheme cont./
- A Steering Committee will be established to
oversee the implementation of the scheme, whose
membership will be drawn from officials in the
Departments of Environment and Public
Expenditure, together with the two Managing
Authorities. - The Steering Committee will assess project bids
and will make the award of grants to the local
11Selection Criteria
- Actions will be selected on the basis of a
detailed specification and criteria to be
prepared for the investment programme. These
criteria will take account of, inter alia, the
following key criteria - Coherence with the integrated strategy submitted,
including the strategic fit with national,
regional and local plans and individual Urban
Centre Strategies. - Quality of the selected proposal(s) in terms of
social inclusion and contribution to economic
development of urban centre, universal design and
environmental sustainability, - Social and Economic benefits that the proposal
will bring to the community and to the urban
centre concerned over-and-above what is there
already in terms of employment and sustainable
economic development. - Value for money of the proposed actions to be
supported and the expected leverage effect of
additional public and private funding - Inclusiveness of the consultative process
undertaken in the development of the integrated
strategy and the prioritization of project
actions, in terms of council and community
buy-in. - Delivery arrangements including project
management arrangements, milestones, targets,
deadlines and outcomes.
12Types of Eligible Actions
- Investment Priority 6e - Taking action to improve
the urban environment, to revitalise cities,
regenerate and decontaminate brownfield sites
(including conversion areas), reduce air
pollution and promote noise-reduction measures - It will support integrated urban regeneration
initiatives to improve the urban environment and
revitalise urban areas. - Sustainable integrated urban development measures
supported will focus on the efficient use of
existing resources within the urban environment
hence reduce the pressure for the centre to
spread outwards and lead to further land
degradation. - The actions to be supported could include
- Green regeneration, physical enhancements and
social revitalisation including open
public/community spaces - Rehabilitation of brownfield sites including
renewal of existing and/or demolition and
construction of new buildings and landscaping
and - Rehabilitation/development of cultural
13Types of Eligible Actions cont./
- Investment Priority 4e - Promoting low-carbon
strategies for all types of territories, in
particular for urban areas, including the
promotion of sustainable multimodal urban
mobility and mitigation-relevant adaptation
measures. - This investment priority will support sustainable
urban mobility initiatives, consistent with
Irelands Smarter Travel policy. - The multimodal actions to be supported could
include a number of the following - Pedestrianisation
- installation and extension of a network of cycle
lanes - installation and extension of bus lanes.
- reduction in short-distance car journeys through
the introduction of good quality travel
information and alternative infrastructure, and - Improved walking and cycling access to public
14Next Steps Indicative Timetable
- Steering Committee to be formally established
- SC to agree on Terms of Reference for Call for
Proposals, including scale of funding to be made
available - First call to be launched by end Q1 or early Q2
- Projects selected and award of grants made by
summer - Projects to commence in Q3, 2015 and run for a
number of years.
15Contact Details
- Southern Regional Assembly www.southernassembly.
ie - Northern Western Regional Assembly
www.nwra.ie - ANY QUESTIONS?