Essay Review Geography! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Essay Review Geography!


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Title: Essay Review Geography!

Essay ReviewGeography!
Components of the Regents Essay
  • F Facts, Evidence Details (the explanation,
    specifics and substantiation of the essay)
  • O Organization (Introduction, Body Paragraphs
  • L Level of Analysis (the long-range or
    immediate impact of the information on a society
    or on history)
  • D Development of the Task (the bullets of the

The Geography Essay!
Task Select three different geographic features
and for each Discuss how this geographic
feature influenced the historical and/or cultural
development of a specific civilization, empire,
country, or region.
Essential Information for this Essay!
  • Sahara Desert
  • Location Northern Africa
  • Size 3,000 x 1,500 miles size of Continental
  • Effects Massive barrier to trade travel,
    presents agricultural difficulties, spreading of
    the desert in Sahel region creates economic
  • Gobi Desert
  • Location Northern China/Mongolia
  • Note This is a rain shadow desert of the
    Himalaya Mts.
  • Effects Historic barrier to trade travel,
    terrible desertification occurring and terrible
    sand storms create problems for China

  • Himalaya Mountains
  • Location S. Asia, between India China
  • Note Highest mountain range in the world
  • Effect Serious barrier to trade travel,
    isolated China created sense of superiority
    (ethnocentric), the Middle Kingdom
  • Andes Mountains
  • Location W. coast of S. America
  • Note Second highest mountain range in world
  • Effect Isolates coast, Incas had to create
    terrace farming, paved roads and suspension
    bridges in order to communicate and farm

  • Indian Ocean
  • Location South of Asia
  • Effects Historic highway of trade between E.
    Africa, India, SE Asia China, created cultural
    ethnic diversity in SE Asia because of the
    volume of trade diversity of traders
  • Mediterranean Sea
  • Location Between Europe and Africa
  • Effects Historic highway of trade for European
    civilizations especially Rome, Rome controlled
    land all around the Med Sea and trade was an
    important component to Romes power wealth

  • Nile River
  • Location Egypt
  • Effects Site of Egypts Ancient civilization,
    the Nile provided life-giving water in an
    otherwise arid Sahara Desert (also key for
    irrigation), flooded annually leaving fertile
    silt behind
  • Yellow River (Huang-He)
  • Location China
  • Effects Sometimes referred to as Chinas
    sorrow, it was the site of Chinas Ancient
    civilizations, water for humans, animals
    irrigation, flooded unpredictably (causing
    destruction), leaving fertile loess behind

Island Location
  • England/Britain
  • Location 20 miles off the coast of Europe
  • Effects Location is close enough to afford
    contact or isolation, Necessitated development of
    a navy or merchant ships to trade or for defense
  • Japan
  • Location 90 miles off the coast of Asia
  • Effects Location is close enough to afford
    contact or isolation, Japan borrowed some Chinese
    culture, but remained largely isolated during
    Tokugawa Era (1603-1867), Japanese society is
    very homogenous
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