Title: Myth Madness
1Myth Madness
- The only being at the beginning of time.
3What came from Chaos?
- UranusSky God
- Gaia or GaeaEarth Goddess
- Son of Uranus and Gaia
- Killed his father, Uranus
- Prophecy was that Cronus would be killed by his
child - Cronus swallowed his children whole
- Wife of Cronus
- Tricked him into swallowing a rock instead of son
Zeus - Zeus was raised by another family and came into
greatness so Cronus spared him.
6Cronus was defeated!
- Cronus had the help of the titans.
- Zeus had the help of the Cyclopes and the
Hundred-Handed Ones.
7Zeus divides the power
- ZeusGod the Sky
- PoseidonGod of the Sea
- Hades--God of the Underworld
8Where do the gods live?
9Chapter 2 Lets Start With the LadiesThe
- Demeter
- Goddess of Crops and Agriculture
- Happyfields are green, grasses grow
- Sadfields and grass suffer
- Mother of Persephone
- Myth explains seasonal changes
10Lets Start With the LadiesThe Goddesses
- Hera
- Sister and wife of Zeus
- Queen of the Gods
- Mean, jealous
- Hated Heracles (Hercules)
- Drove Heracles to kill his own sons
- Often tried to kill him always lost
11Lets Start With the LadiesThe Goddesses
- Hestia
- Halo over her head
- Guardian Angel of Goddesses
- Helped orphans and lost children
- Helped people enjoy family life
12Lets Start With the LadiesThe Goddesses
- Athena
- Goddess of Wisdom
- Born from Zeuss head (big headache!)
- Hephaestus hit Zeus in the head with an ax and
out popped Athena. - She came out full grown and with a sword
13Athena and a Contest
- A human girl, Arachne, bragged about being the
best weaver around even though Athena invented
weaving. - Athena challenged her to a contest and Arachne
lost. - Arachne hung herself Athena turned her into a
spider. (Hmmmarachnids?)
- Goddess of Love
- Born from the sea and the dismembered pieces of
Uranus - Most beautiful woman ever seen!
- Men brought her gifts, and Hera made her choose
15Women can start wars!
- The goddesses were arguing over who was the most
beautiful. Paris chose Aphrodite in order to get
the most beautiful girl in the world, Helen of
Troy. - Helen left Menelaus and caused the Trojan War.
16The Trojan War
- Spartans vs. Trojans
- All because of Helen of Troy!
17Chapter 3 Lets Hear It for the BoysThe Gods
- Hades
- God of the Underworld
- Ruled the dead
- God of Wealth
- Invisible helmet
- Kidnapped Persephone
18The Gods
- Poseidon
- God of the Sea
- Uses a three-pronged trident
- Violent and unpredictable
- Greedy
- Second in command to Zeus
19The Gods
- Zeus
- God of the Sky
- Father of them All
- King of all Gods
- Fathered many gods and goddesses
20Chapter 4 The Many Children of Zeus
- Apollo
- God of the Sun
- Most handsome
- Son of Zeus and Leto
- Taught wisdom not material gifts
- Invented music
- Killed Marsyas and nailed his skin to a tree
where a river formedstill there today!
21The Many Children of Zeus
- Ares
- God of War
- Son of Zeus and Hera
- Always in armor and wearing a helmet
- Out of control temper!
- Loves Aphrodite
22The Many Children of Zeus
- Dionysus
- God of the Vine
- Invented Wine
- Brings joy and anger to people
- Wine is both sweet and sour
- Known to drive people crazy
- Born from Zeuss thigh
23The Many Children of Zeus
- Hephaestus
- God of Smithing
- Son of Zeus and Hera
- Born small and ugly
- Hera threw him off a cliff
- Amazing craftsman (thunderbolts, jewelry,
trident) - Married Aphrodite
24The Many Children of Zeus
- Hermes
- Messenger God
- Son of Zeus and Maia
- Rotten and mischievous
- Stole Apollos cows
- Played the lyre
- Winged shoes
- Worked for Hades and Zeus
25The Many Children of Zeus
- Perseus
- Son of Zeus and Danae
- Grandfather sent Perseus and Danae away
- King Polydictes raised them King wanted to marry
Danae - Sent Perseus to get Medusas head
- Gets head and kills grandfather
- Saved Andromeda
26Chapter 5 Top Ten Lesser Gods
- The Erinyes (Tisiphone, Mageara, Alecto)
- Responsible for punishing crimes
- Also called Furies
- Followed bad, evil people and drove them to their
deaths - Came from the blood of Uranus
27Chapter 5 Top Ten Lesser Gods
- Eris
- Unpopular
- One of the women to indirectly caused the Trojan
28Chapter 5 Top Ten Lesser Gods
- Eros
- God of Love (Cupid)
- Son of Aphrodite
- Blinded because love is blind
- Arrows he throws are magically treated
29Chapter 5 Top Ten Lesser Gods
- The Fates
- Decided each persons identity
- Chose if you were good or evil
- Clotho-Spinner, Spun the thread of life
- Lacheis-Measurer, Decided the length
- Atropos-Shears or cuts the thread
30Chapter 5 Top Ten Lesser Gods
- The Graces
- Sang and danced for the gods
- Daughters of Zeus and Eurynome
- Aglaiasplendor
- Euphrosynemirth
- Thaliagood cheer
31Chapter 5 Top Ten Lesser Gods
- Hebe
- Goddess of Youth
- Daughter of Zeus and Hera
32Chapter 5 Top Ten Lesser Gods
- The Muses
- ClioHistory
- UraniaAstronomy
- MelpomeneTragedy
- ThaliaComedy
- TerpsichoreDance
- CalliopeEpic Poetry
- EratoLove Poetry
- PolyhymniaSongs to the Gods
- EuterpeLyric Poetry
33Chapter 5 Top Ten Lesser Gods
- Nemesis
- Helped to avenge those who were wronged
- People were scared of her!
34Chapter 5 Top Ten Lesser Gods
- Pan
- God of Goatherds and Shepherds
- Son of Hermes (half goat/half man)
- Goat horns and feet
- Term panic comes from him
35Chapter 5 Top Ten Lesser Gods
- Thanatos
- God of Death
- Friendly with Hades
- Lived in the Underworld
36Chapter 6 Foolish Mortals
- Medusa
- Mortal girl
- Athena changed her hair to snakes when she caught
her with Poseidon in Athenas palace
37Chapter 6 Foolish Mortals
- Medea
- Wife of Jason, she could cast spells
- Jason left her and she made his new bride a
wedding dress that killed her - She killed her own sons to get back at Jason
38Chapter 6 Foolish Mortals
- King Midas
- Everything he touched turned to gold
- His daughter turned to gold
- He asked to be changed back and was
39Chapter 6 Foolish Mortals
- Daedalus
- Great inventor
- Killed his nephew Talos because he was bragging
about being a better inventor - Athena forced him to leave Athens
- Escaped the Labyrinth with his son Icarus
40Chapter 6 Foolish Mortals
- Pandora
- Made by Hephaestus out of clay
- Athena breathed life into her
- She opened the box that brought disease and bad
thoughts to the world.
41Chapter 6 Foolish Mortals
- King of Thessaly
- His children were rescued by the magical ram
- Narcissus
- In love with himself
42Chapter 7 Top Ten Monsters
- Argus
- AKA Panoptes
- 100 eyes
- Giant
- Killed by Zeus
43Chapter 7 Top Ten Monsters
- Centaurs
- Part human and part horse
- Cerberus
- 3 Headed Watch-Dog
- Guarded the Underworld for Hades
44Chapter 7 Top Ten Monsters
- Charybdis
- Daughter of Poseidon
- Killed people for fun
- Cyclopes
- One eye in forehead
- Gigantic monster
45Chapter 7 Top Ten Monsters
- Harpies
- Face of a woman
- Body of a vulture
- Nymphs
- Fairies in the woodlands and ponds
46Chapter 7 Top Ten Monsters
- Pegasus
- Winged flying horse
- Son born out of Medusas head
- Phoenix
- Bird of Apollo
- Could burn and rise from the dead
- Sirens
- Half bird/Half woman
- Enchanting songs lured sailors to death
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