Title: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories 1990-2001
1Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories 1990-2001
2Institutional and Procedural Arrangements
- The Irish EPA was established under the
Environmental Protection Agency Act of 1992 - Under Sections 52 69 of the EPA Act, the Agency
is required to establish and maintain databases
and inventories of emissions to the environment
and to provide such information to interested
parties - Under Section 55 of the Act the Agency must
provide information and advice to Government in
order that it can comply with Irelands reporting
obligations and commitments within the framework
of international agreements - These requirements are the regulatory basis on
which the EPA produces annual inventories of GHGs - The Department of Environment Heritage and Local
Government (DEHLG) designated the EPA as the
focal point for submission of emissions data to
the UNFCCC Sectretariat and to the UNECE
Sectretariat - The agency compiles the national GHG inventories
on behalf of the Department for submission under
the Framework Convention on Climate Change and to
the Monitoring Mechanism of the Commission under
Decision 99/296/EEC
3Institutional Procedural Arrangements
4Common Reporting Format
- Framework for reporting information onmethods,
assumptions for each IPCC sectoraggregated
activity data and emission factorsbunkers,
feedstocks, recalculations, changes in methods - Designed to facilitatesubmission of annual
inventory in uniform format for all
countriesidentification of errors and
omissionscomparisons between years and between
5National Inventory Report
- Detailed description of methods and
datacountry-specific methods, assumptions for
each IPCC sectordisaggregated activity data and
emission factorscalculation sheets, database
information, references - Information on QA/QC
- Uncertainties
- Improvements, response to reviews
6Status of Irish Reporting
- Consistent CRF time-series 1990-2001 for CO2, CH4
and N2O 1995-2001 for f-gases - Substantial application of revised 1996 IPCC
Guideline methodologies - NIR structured according to UNFCCC Reporting
Guidelines - Significant progress on implementation of IPCC
Good Practice Guidance
- Two major rounds of recalculations to improve
consistency and completeness - Recalculations described in detail in NIR 2002
and NIR 2003 - Update for CO2 emissions/removals by forest to be
submitted in 2004 - Major recalculations in coming years for
Agriculture and LUCF
8Irelands Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1990-2001
9Emissions by Sector
10Trends by IPCC Source Category
11Trends by Gas
12CO2 from Combustion Sources
13Emissions from Agriculture
14Key Sources
- A key source is one that is prioritised within
the national inventory system because its
estimate has a significant influence on the total
inventory in terms of absolute level of emissions
, the trend in emissions, or both (IPCC Good
Practice Guidance)
15Key Sources (IPCC Level 2)
16Key Source Analysis by Level Assessment in 2001
- 41 key sources in total (calculation level)
- 26 key sources for CO2 account for 65 of
emissions - 6 key sources for CH4 account for 17 of
emissions - 7 key sources for N2O account for 13 of
emissions - 2 key sources for HFC,PFC SF6 account for lt1
of emissions - Energy has 26 key sources Industrial Processes
has 5 and Agriculture has 8
17Key Sources in 2001
18Tier 1 Uncertainty Estimates
19ERTDI Research Programme
- The ERTDI programme has allocated approximately
6m for climate change research - Areas identified from the NCCS (2000), EPA
Millennium Report (2000) and discussions with
stakeholders - Aims
- Support GHG inventory reporting requirements
- Provide scientific information to support policy
and effective participation and negotiation - Develop research capacity
- Provide new data specific to Ireland
20Impacts of Climate Change
- Completed and published
- Studies of likely impacts of climate change in
Ireland - Indicators of climate change
- Reports available
21Research on GHGs F-gases
- Completed and published
- Inventory time-series for f-gases 1995-2001
- Comparison of top-down and bottom-up methods
- Inverse modelling
- Reports available
22Research on GHGs -LUCF
- Filling the information gaps in LUCF
- Determine soil and biomass carbon stocks
- Develop robust methods for emissions/removals in
LUCF categories 5.B, 5.C and 5.D - Special consideration for peatlands
- Further development of CARBWARE model for LUCF
category 5.A aimed at reporting under the Kyoto
23Research on GHGs -Agriculture
- More Accurate Emissions for Agriculture
- determine country-specific CH4 emission factors
for cattle (Tier 2 methods) - determine country-specific N2O emission factors
for direct emissions (2 methods) - develop methods to account for the factors that
influence direct N2O emissions - undertake extensive farm surveys to fully
quantify N excretion and AWMS
24Data Management System/COE
- climate change database COE project
- data management system for research data
- archive and retrieval systems all GHG data
- reporting specific to National Climate Change
Strategy - application to emission projections
- archive facility for other relevant EPA data
- provides for integrated analyses of key data
- provides stakeholder and public access
25Inventory Data Users Group
- Supports implementation of the National Climate
Change Strategy - Aims to improve inventory capacity
- Develops collaboration among data suppliers
- Identifies data needs, new data sources
- Templates for specific data capture
- Internal review of inventories
26Ireland is furthest from its Distance to Kyoto
Target (23.9 Percent points)
27(No Transcript)
28National GHG Total/KP target
29Review of GHG Inventories
- Objectivesprovide for a periodic detailed
assessment of inventory methods, procedures
methodologiesexamine institutional
arrangements, documentation, record keeping,
paper trailexamine consistency with UNFCCC
reporting guidelines, IPCC guidelines and
GPGidentify areas for improvementassist
Partiesensure that the COP has adequate
information on GHG emissions and on their trends
30Annual Review
- Review Guidelines (COP8)all Annex I Parties to
be reviewed annuallyup to 8 in-country
reviewsup to 8 Parties in centralized
reviewup to 5 Parties in desk reviews - Reviews in 2003in-country reviews of Belgium,
Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Ireland, Japan,
Romania, Spain18 Parties in centralized review
and 3 in desk review