The National Climate Change Policy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The National Climate Change Policy


Recognises that people, natural ... provincial and community organisations and human resources for the ... Draft and enact national climate change ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The National Climate Change Policy

(No Transcript)
  • Rationale
  • Context and Linkages
  • Objectives
  • Commitments
  • Guiding Principles
  • Policy Themes, Directives and Strategies

  • Recognition that CC is a sustainable development
    issue with challenges and opportunities
  • Realisation that Achievement of optimum economic
    growth to support the rapidly growing population
    will require scaling up economic activities and
    utilization of natural capital that will give
    rise to environmental problems and increased GHG
  • Acknowledges that apart from adaptation, an
    important solution to CC are some of the natural
    environmental settings and the services they
    provide such as in the forest.
  • Recognising the need to provide a strategic
    framework to address CC challenges and benefit
    from opportunities that it brings and to position
    the country in the phase of a growing range of
    global innovative financing

Context and Linkages
  • An expression of S.I. Commitment to regional
    international MEAs
  • Articulates from and linked to frameworks of
    national, regional and international policies and
  • Alignment with the NDS (obj. 78)
  • Draws from regional frameworks such as the PIFACC
    and the Regional Framework on Disaster Risk
    Reduction and Disaster Management
  • Guided by international commitments (e.g UNFCCC,
    KP, Hyogo Framework on DRM)

  • To provide a guiding framework to
  • Integrate CC consideration and support the
    implementation and achievement of the S.I. NDS
    and other regional and international frameworks
  • To guide the government and its development
    partners efforts to ensuring that
  • the people, natural environment and economy are
    resilient and able to adapt to adverse impact of
  • the country benefits from renewable energy,
    energy efficiency and clean mitigation
    technologies that improves livelihoods and
    national economy and contributes to global
    efforts to reduce GHG

  • Sees mainstreaming as integral part of its
    national development strategy and programs
  • Recognises that people, natural environment and
    economy of S.I. are very vulnerable to climate
    variability and the predicted impacts of CC
  • Sees the importance of developing capacities to
    reduce risk and raise ability to adapt to the
    impacts of CC and to implement measures to reduce
    GHG emissions
  • Important to forge and maintain partnerships and
    seek the support of its development partners
    through programs and projects for the
    implementation of this policy

Guiding Principles
  • Guided by the National Constitution
  • Seeks the participation and collaboration of all
  • Looks at a holistic and multi-disciplinary
  • Emphasis on precautionary principle and
    no-regrets approach
  • Calls for the respect for culture and rights of
    indigenous people
  • Recognizes gender equity and involvement of
    youth, children and people with special needs

Policy Themes, Directives and Strategies
  1. Enabling environment and institutional
    arrangement to plan, implement and coordinate an
    integrated and multi-stakeholder participatory
    approach to addressing CC
  2. Mainstreaming of CC into all development sectors
    and integrated into the work of government
    agencies, national institutions, civil society
    organisations and the private sector
  3. Vulnerability and adaptation and disaster risk
    reduction to asses vulnerabilities and risks
    associated with climate variability and change
    and to reduce the risks and adapt to the impacts
    of CC
  4. CC Mitigation through appropriate measures and
    actions in its effort to reduce S.I. GHG
  5. Research and systematic observation to ensure
    better understanding of CC at all levels and
    sections of society for effective planning and
    implementation appropriate adaptation and
    mitigation actions

Policy Themes, Directives and Strategies ......
  • 6. Technology transfer to enhance the countrys
    capacity to carryout effective adaptation and
    mitigation actions
  • 7. Education, awareness and capacity building to
    strengthen the capacity of nationals, provincial
    and community organisations and human resources
    for the effective planning and implementation of
    appropriate CCA and RR and mitigation actions
  • 8. Finance and resources mobilisation to support
    CC programs and projects
  • 9. Develop and maintain strong partnerships and
    cooperation with national partners, stakeholder,
    regional and international organisations and
    institutions and development partners to address
  • 10. Establishment of monitoring and evaluation
    mechanism to ensure implementation of this policy

Enabling environment and institutional
  • Strengthen capacity of the Climate Change
    Division as the government lead agency overseeing
    climate change to lead, guide and coordinate
    national programs and actions addressing climate
    change, and coordinate preparations and
    participation in international climate change
  • Draft and enact national climate change
    legislation to give legal mandate to the
    government lead agency responsible for climate
    change and its associated coordinating and
    implementation bodies and that shall also include
    provisions for mandatory assessments and
    reporting for purposes of planning, implementing
    and evaluating climate change adaptation and
    mitigation actions.
  • Establish a National Climate Change Council to
    oversee the implementation, coordination,
    monitoring and evaluation of national climate
    change policies and strategies.

Enabling environment and institutional
  • Establish a Climate Change Working Group (CCWG)
    to provide inter-agency and inter-stakeholder
    coordination for the implementation of the
    policy. The Membership, scope and role of the
    CCWG is presented in Annex 5.
  • Strengthen capacity of the government lead agency
    overseeing climate change to be the Secretariat
    of the National Climate Change Council.
  • Enhance the role and capacity of the Environment
    and Conservation Standing Committee of Parliament
    to include oversight over Climate Change.
  • Develop national and provincial level climate
    change policies and strategies that is in line
    with the NDS and other national sector policies
    and National Disaster Management Framework.

Enabling environment and institutional
  • Establish national Thematic Working Groups (TWG)
    to provide technical and strategic support and
    advice to the lead agency and National Climate
    Change Council on climate change issues. The
    working groups shall oversee the following
    climate change thematic areas
  • Vulnerability, disaster risk reduction and
  • Mitigation Green house gas inventory
  • Research, Systematic Observation and
    Technology Transfer and
  • Education, awareness and capacity building.

Enabling environment and institutional
  • Establish formal climate change coordination
    arrangements within Provincial Governments using
    existing or new coordinating bodies.
  • Designate officials as Climate Change Focal
    Points within national and provincial government
    Ministries and Departments as well as national
    institutions and civil society organizations
  • Establish community-based or village-based
    climate change coordination arrangements using
    existing or new coordinating bodies.

Mainstreaming of Climate Change
  • a) Support organizations and institutions build
    capacity for mainstreaming climate change.
  • b) Review and revise existing relevant
    legislations and regulations to support climate
    change adaptation and mitigation.
  • c) Review national and provincial government
    policies strategies and integrate climate
    change considerations.
  • d) Integrate climate change considerations into
    the planning and budgeting processes of national
    and provincial governments.
  • e) Mainstream climate change considerations in
    country partnership arrangements with regional
    agencies, international agencies and donors
  • f) Ensure that the National Development Strategy
    and other national sector strategies are fully
    climate compatible within their stated time

  • Thank You
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