Title: Kurt Cavano
1- Next Wave of Technology Innovation
- Or Phones, Drones and Automobiles
2Lets Revisit
The three big trends that snuck up on us
3While we have been busy watching these guys
4Technology got easy
Cloud Open Source Platforms
5The New venture capital model - Everybody
6Collaborative Commerce
7Like putting fertilizer on weeds
Before you know it, Its raining startups
8And you thought it was hard keeping up before
9Technology Easy Free
FREE (almost)
13iPhone 6
14Complex computation Transportation Optimization
15Pharma Large chain biologics
16From a new venture model to - A World Awash in
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24And the Startups are putting that cash to work
Brick Mortar
Is it a store? a distribution center? a
fulfillment center? YES YES YES
25Collaborative commerce -gt VC Greed The Uber
effect 41B
Uberfication Of Everything
26Follow the money
27Uberfication Quiz
Saucey.com Stylebee.com UnWindMe.com Medicast.com
iCracked.com KitchenSurfing.com Goodegg.com Ea
ze.com Bannerman
Liquor Delivery Personal Beautician Home
Massage Doctor House Call Phone repairs Personal
Chief Farm Market Delivery Cannabis
Delivery Personal Bodyguard
28Commoditization of work
29Old becomes new
Back to the future
30Bar Code
31QR Code
33Serialized Barcode
34Near Field Chip
35Apple Pay
36Cool demo here
37Its all about the phone
Phones Friend or Foe? Yes
38Drones for good Europe takes the lead
39Drone Video
40It looks like a Google Think Last Mile
41Thank You
- Kurt Cavano
- Founder and Chief Strategy Officer
- GT Nexus
- Kurt.Cavano_at_gtnexus.com
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