The War On Terror - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The War On Terror


The War On Terror President George W. Bush & President Barak Obama 9-11 Afghanistan Afghanistan First on the ground was the CIA (quickest response) After one month ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: army | pakistan | terror | war


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The War On Terror

The War On Terror
  • President George W. Bush
  • President Barak Obama

  • 4 attacks on the US
  • - WTC
  • - Penatgon
  • - Pennsylvania

  • First on the ground was the CIA (quickest
  • After one month Dept of Defense takes over and
    focus turns to Tora Bora region
  • To large of region gt not enough forces and Bin
    Laden escapes to Pakistan

  • Get the Taliban on the run
  • Gather up Al Queda and Taliban leaders
  • Military trials with Rumsfeld as jury/judge (Dick
    Cheneys idea)
  • Extraordinary Rendidtion moving terrorists to
    allied countries and tortured for info

Iraq and WMDs
  • Bush states that there are links between Saddam
    Hussain and Al Queda
  • CIA doesnt find any connection
  • Dick Cheney doesnt trust CIA findingsgt is very
    influential on Bush
  • Defense says they got info on connection from
    detainees (tortured)
  • CIA vs. Defense (Tenet vs. Rumsfeld (and Cheney)

Trouble in Iraq
  • Decisions on how the war should be fought caused
  • General Tommy Franks want to fight an aggressive
    war and Rumsfeld wanted less aggressive with
    smaller force
  • 145,000 and slow moving

Trouble in Iraq
  • Debate in Bushs War Cabinet between how Iraq
    should be run after the war
  • Colin Powell (Sec of State) if we break up Iraq
    we would own it wanted UN to make decisions
  • Rumsfeld take out Saddam Hussain and WMD
  • Sept 2002 Bush asks UN to go into Iraq and look
    for WMD

War on Terror
  • Established Guantanamo Bay as a prison for terror
  • Terror tactics to get info
  • Used religion to get info

Trouble in Iraq
  • Cheney and his office tried to control CIA info
    and what was being reported to Senategt used a
    media blitz to get public support
  • 3/7/03gt final ultimatum to Saddam ( we knew where
    Hussain was but Bush orders us not to get him
    because he gave 48 hours)
  • 3/9/03gt 8 PM Bush orders troops into Iraq
  • Attacked minutes after 48 hour deadline

Shock and Awe
  • 3 weeks of constant bombardment
  • Saddam Hussain and Iraqi Army disappear
  • Mass chaos gt no order gt US military only had
    7,000 troops
  • No Iraqi assistance
  • Plan was to hand over control to Iraqi National
    Congress but a major argument between State Dept
    and Defense Dept of who should control Iraq

Trouble in Iraq
  • CIA doesnt believe that there was a meeting with
    Saddam and Al Queda or WMDs
  • War in Iraq is Rumsfelds War
  • 100,000 troops in by end of 2003
  • Didnt have good intellingence
  • Establishment of Abu Grabe prisongt severe
    interrogation to get info

End of Major Conflict
  • May 2003gt major conflict ends in Iraq
  • US formed democratic government
  • Bremer is named ambassador and put in charge of
    stabilizing the govt
  • Dec 13, 2003gt Saddam Hussain is
    captured.increased violence
  • Fallujah is a foreign policy nightmare to start
  • Photos of interrogation are leaked
  • More resistance

Democracy for Iraq
  • June of 2004 a Constitution is written for Iraq
  • Handing over control to Iraqi governmentmore
    violence as US tries to leave

  • 2004 Bush gets re-elected and cleans house in his
  • Powell resigns gt Condeleezza Rice takes over
    (former NSA)

New Policy for Iraq
  • Clean - Hold - Build
  • Clean out insurgents
  • Hold territory
  • Build relationships

Civil War
  • With the transition to Iraqi governmentgt civil
    war erupts
  • Sunnis vs. Shiites
  • Al Queda supports the Sunnis
  • Shiite politician wins election in Iraq
  • Civil war continues with US leaving
  • Blame for continual violence and problems shifts
    to Rumsfeldgt resigns in 06
  • 2007gt more focus on clean-hold-build and
    increases troops in Iraq
  • Bush declares no defeat just a stalemate

Obamas War
  • President Obama re-focus on Afghanistan
  • 7-2-09gt 4000 Marines into southern Afghanistan
    (Helmund Province) to drive out Taliban
  • Heavy fighting in tough conditions
  • Primary job was connecting with the people and
    protect from Taliban threats (trusting US

Obamas War
  • General David Petraeus giving command of US
    troops in Afghanistan
  • Trying to humanize troops to make connections
    with the people

US Relationship with Afghanistan
  • 50s and 60s US helped build canals and dams in
    Helmund Province (most fertile part of
  • 70s-80s Us supplied Afghans who resisted
    Russian Communism

Obamas War
  • Richard Hollbrook
  • Special ambassador to Afghanistan
  • Started nation re-building
  • Major problems Hamad Karzai and Pakistan
  • Karzai is President of Afghanistan but govt is
    very corrupt gt people trust Taliban more than
    Afghan government

Obamas War
  • Pakistan
  • Safe haven for Taliban (where US found Bin Laden)
  • US put pressure on Pakistan but Pakistan still
    disclaims that they help Taliban and Al Queda
  • Many believe that US govt is too soft on
    Pakistani leaders

Obamas War
  • May 2, 2011 gt US SEALs kill Bin Laden in Pakistan
    with letting Pakistan know gt strained relations
    with Pakistan
  • 66,000 troops in Afghanistan gt President Obama
    said by 2014 he would reduce amount to 33,000.
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