Title: Psychological Disorders
1Chapter 16
2A. What is Normal?
- Symptoms of Psychological Disorders
- Deviation from a norm
- Maladaptive
- Emotional Discomfort
3Why do you think the U.S. has such a high
prevalence of mental disorders?
4A. What is Normal?
- Deviation from a statistically calculated norm
- If a person behaves in a way that a majority
of people do (approximately 68) then the
behavior is normal. If not, the behavior is
5A. What is Normal?
- Shortcomings of this definition
- It doesnt discriminate between desirable and
undesirable abnormality - Just because a statistical majority of people
engage in a particular behavior does not mean
that society would like to encourage it as being
6A. What is Normal?
- Emotional Discomfort
- If a persons behavior causes him/her distress
than the behavior is considered to be abnormal
7A. What is Normal?
- Shortcomings of this definition
- Some behavior are so abhorrent that despite
someones comfort level if it is not normal
8A. What is Normal?
- Deviation from a social/cultural norm
- A cultural norm is what society deems as being
acceptable. There are norms that cover all types
of behaviors. - When do we notice norms?
9A. What is Normal?
- Shortcomings of this definition
- There are different norms for different cultures,
and different age groups. Additionally, norms
change over time.
10A. What is Normal?
- Maladaptivity
- If a behavior interferes with a persons
ability to function it is considered to be
abnormal. If a person is still able to function
adequately in everyday life, than it is not
11Explaining Psychological Disorders
- Biological Factors
- The earliest supporter of this view was
Hippocrates. He saw mental disorders as being
some kind of physical illness. He believed that
disorders were caused by imbalances of the four
humors (bodily fluids) which are blood, black
bile, phlegm, and yellow bile. - Hippocrates believed that depression resulted
from an excess of black bile (melancholia)
12Explaining Psychological Disorders
- Neurobiological model
- This model looks at problems in anatomy and
physiology of the brain and other areas. - This model dominates modern research on the
causesand treatmentsof psychological disorders.
People who adhere to this model see mental
disorders as being caused by a physical illness,
and believed it can be diagnosed, treated and
13Explaining Psychological Disorders
- Psychological Processes
- In this view, mental disorders are seen as being
caused by inner turmoil or other psychological
events. - Psychological models Include the psychodynamic,
cognitive-behavioral, and phenomenological
(humanistic) approaches
14Explaining Psychological Disorders
- Sociocultural Context
- Sociocultural explanations rely on factors such
as gender and age, physical and social
situations, cultural values and expectations, and
historical eras. Culture-general disorders
appear in most societies while culture-specific
forms appear only in certain ones.
15Explaining Psychological Disorders
- Diathesis-Stress as an Integrative Approach
- Diathesis-stress model
- This model views genetics, early learning, and
biological processes as contributing factors to
psychological disorders. - In other words, a persons inherited
characteristics, biological processes, and early
learning experiences may create a predisposition
(or diathesis) for a psychological disorder, but
whether or not the disorder appears depends on
the stressors the person encounters
16Classifying Psychological Disorders
- A Classification System DSM-IV-TR
- This is the most comprehensive and
authoritative set of guidelines available for
diagnosing psychological disorders. It includes
the symptoms, the exact criteria that must be met
to make a diagnosis, and the typical course for
each mental disorder.
17Classifying Psychological Disorders
- Axis I Clinical Syndromes comprises
descriptive criteria of 16 major mental
disorders) - Diagnosis of disorders are made on Axes I and II
- It is on this axis that clinician record any
major disorders that are apparent.
18Classifying Psychological Disorders
- Axis II Personality disorders
- these disorders are patterns of personality
traits that are longstanding, maladaptive, and
inflexible and involve impaired functioning or
subjective distress. Examples include
borderline, schizoid, and antisocial personality
disorders) and mental retardation
19Classifying Psychological Disorders
- Axis III General Medical Conditions Physical
disorders of conditions are recorded on this
axis. Examples include diabetes, arthritis, and
20Classifying Psychological Disorders
- Axis IV Psychosocial and Environmental
Problems - Types and levels of stress, it may be a
negative life event, an environmental difficulty
or deficiency, a familial or other interpersonal
stress, an inadequacy of social support or
personal resources, or another problem that
describes the context in which a persons
difficulties have developed
21Classifying Psychological Disorders
- Axis V Global Assessment of Function (GAF)
Scale - Has a rating of that ranges from 100 (Superior
functioning in a wide range of activities) to 1
(Persistent danger of severely hurting self or
others). - Estimate are made of the individuals current
level of adaptive functioning as a whole and of
the individuals highest level of functioning in
the past year
22Classifying Psychological Disorders
- Diagnosis of disorders are made on Axes I and II
- Axes III, IV, and V are used to record
supplemental information about the patient
23Classifying Psychological Disorders
- Purposes and Problems of Diagnosis
- Goals Help identify appropriate treatment for
clients and to accurately and consistently group
patients with similar disorders so that research
efforts can more easily identify underlying
causes of mental illness - Limitations
- Validity Some argue that attempts on improving
the consistency of the diagnosis has taken away
from the validity of the diagnosis
24Classifying Psychological Disorders
- Purposes and Problems of Diagnosis
- Limitations
- Interrater Reliability Studies have shown that
80 of the time there is agreement between
independent raters
- Mild personality disorder, usually does not
impair ones ability to function in society. - Symptoms
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Self-defeating patterns of behavior
- Serious personality disorder, usually
incapacitating preventing one from functioning in
society. - Symptoms
- Loss of contact with reality
- Hallucinations inappropriate feelings that come
to us from one of our senses - Delusions false but persistent beliefs despite
evidence to the contrary
27(No Transcript)
- Types of Hallucinations
- Auditory Hallucinations
- hearing things that are not there
- Visual Hallucinations
- seeing things that arent there
- Types of Hallucinations
- Tactile Hallucinations
- feeling things that arent there
- Olfactory Hallucinations
- smelling things that arent there
- Gustatory Hallucinations
- tasting things that arent there
- Symptoms of Psychosis
- Delusions false but persistent beliefs despite
evidence to the contrary
- Types of Delusions
- Delusions of Grandeur
- thinking you are someone
- of great importance
- Types of Delusions
- Delusions of Reference
- thinking that you are the center of attention,
that people are looking at, or talking about you - Delusions of Depersonalization
- thinking you are turning into an inanimate or
vegetative object
- Types of Delusions
- Delusions of Persecution
- thinking that people are out to get you or harm
you - Delusions of Guilt
- thinking that you have just committed a
terrible wrong
34Anxiety Disorders
- Anxiety Freud called anxiety a free floating
fear meaning that it is not attached to any
particular object or event. Anxiety is a general
feeling of doom and dread. Anxiety disorders are
marked by feelings of excessive apprehension
35Anxiety Disorders
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- A person with General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is
continually tense, apprehensive, and in a state
of autonomic nervous system (ANS) arousal. This
anxiety is persistent and many escalate into a
panic attack
36Anxiety Disorders
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- People with this disorder worry constantly about
yesterdays mistakes and tomorrows problems. In
particular, they worry about minor matters
related to family finances, work and personal
illness. They often dread decisions and brood
over them endlessly. Their anxiety is commonly
accompanied by physical symptoms
37I wish I could tell you exactly whats the
matter. Sometimes I feel like something terrible
has just happened when actually nothing has
happened. Other times, Im expecting the sky to
fall down any minute. Most of the time I cant
point my finger at something specific. Still, I
feel tense and jumpy. The fact is that I am
tense and jumpy almost all the time. Sometimes
my heart beats so fast, Im sure its a heart
attack. Little things can set it off. The other
day I thought a Supermarket clerk had
overcharged me a few cents on an item. She
showed me that I was wrong, but that didnt end
it. I worried the rest of the day. I kept
going over the incident in my mind, feeling
terribly embarrassed at having raised the
possibility that the clerk had committed an
error. The tension was so great, I wasnt sure
Id be able to go to work in the afternoon. That
sort of thing is painful to live with.
38Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale
1. F 11. T 21. T 31. T 41. T
2. T 12. F 22. T 32. F 42. T
3. F 13. T 23. T 33. T 43. T
4. F 14. T 24. T 34. T 44. T
5. T 15. F 25. T 35. T 45. T
6. T 16. T 26. T 36. T 46. T
7. T 17. T 27. T 37. T 47. T
8. T 18. F 28. T 38. F 48. T
9. F 19. T 29. F 39. T 49. T
10.T 20. F 30. T 40. T 50. F
39Anxiety Disorders
- Phobic Disorder Phobic disorders are marked by
a persistent, irrational fear of a specific
object or situation. - Whats the difference between a phobia and a fear?
Phobia is the Greek word for morbid fear after
the lesser Greek god, Phobos
40Anxiety Disorders
- Specific Phobias
- involve fear and avoidance of a specific stimuli
or situation. - About 10 of the general population will
experience a specific phobia at some point in
their lives. - More than twice as many women as men suffer from
specific phobia.
41Anxiety Disorders
- Specific phobia tend to fall into four categories
- 1. Fear of particular situations such as
flying driving, - tunnels, bridges, elevators, crowds, or
enclosed placed - 2. Fear of features of the natural environment
such - as heights, water, thunderstorms, or
lightning - 3. Fear of injury or blood including the fear
of - injections, needles, and medical or
dental procedures - 4. Fear of animals and insects such as
snakes, spiders, dogs, cats, slugs, or bats
42Hilda is 32 years of age and is terrified
of snow. She cannot go outside in the snow.
She cannot even stand to see snow or hear about
it on the weather report. Her phobia severely
constricts her day-to- day behavior. Probing
in therapy revealed that her phobia was caused
by a traumatic experience at age 11. Playing at
a ski lodge, she was buried briefly by a small
avalanche of snow. She had no recollection of
this experience until it was recovered in
43Anxiety Disorders
- Social Phobias a fear of being negatively
evaluated by others or publicly embarrassed by
doing something impulsive, outrageous, or
humiliating. - Social phobia goes well beyond the shyness that
everyone sometimes feels at social gatherings.
Rather, the person with social phobia is
paralyzed by fear of social situations,
especially if the social situation involves
performing even routine behaviors in front of
44Anxiety Disorders
- Agoraphobia a fear of situations the person
views as difficult to escape from if panic begins
to build. - Many people with this
- disorder become trapped
- in their own homes or
- in similar safe zones.
45Anxiety Disorders
- Phobias are considered anxiety disorders because
they focus general feelings of anxiety onto a
feared object or situation - General Facts about phobias
- Phobias are twice as high for females than males
- Phobias are more prevalent in blacks than in
whites or Hispanics - Phobias tend to be chronic (lasts between 24-31
years) - Typical onset is childhood or young adulthood
46Anxiety Disorders
- Common Phobias and the Feared Objects Acrophobia
- High Places
- Agoraphobia
- Open Places
- Astraphobia
- Thunderstorms
- Claustrophobia
- Enclosed Places
47Anxiety Disorders
- Common Phobias and the Feared Objects
- Hematophobia
- Blood
- Mysophobia
- Contamination
- Pyrophobia
- Fire
- Xenophobia
- Foreigners/Strangers
- Hippophobia
- Horses
48Anxiety Disorders
- Panic Disorder Periodic episodes of extreme
terror (panic attacks) without warning or obvious
cause are characteristic of people with panic
49Anxiety Disorders
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Obsessions
- are unwanted thoughts, ideas or mental images
that occur over and over again - Compulsions
- are repetitive, ritual behaviors, often
involving cleaning or checking.
50Anxiety Disorders
- Obsession-Compulsive Disorder
- marked by persistent uncontrollable intrusions
of unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and urges to
engage in senseless rituals (compulsions) - Rate 3 of the general population
- Onset for males 6-15 for females 20-29
- Demographics for commonly found among upper
income, highly intelligent groups, males and
females are equally likely to suffer from this
disorder -
51Anxiety Disorders
- The patient was a 49-year-old man whose main
symptom was an obsession with the number 13. If
he heard the word he felt a shock and
experienced a subsequent period of acute anxiety.
His everyday life was a continuous effort to
avoid any reference to 13, so much that his
activities were seriously handicapped. In some
way or another, it seems as if everyone was
always saying 13 to him. If they met him in
the morning they would say, Oh, good morning,
or later in the day it would be Good afternoon
(13 letters each). He stayed in bed on the 13th
day of each month, skipped the 13th tread in a
stairway, and found it necessary to count letters
and phrases, his steps, and streets, to avoid the
number 13.
52Anxiety Disorders
- Shirley was an outgoing popular high school
student with average grades. Her one problem was
that she was late for school almost everyday.
Before she could leave the house in the morning,
she had to be very sure that she was clean, so
she needed to take showers that lasted two hours.
She also spent a long time dressing, because
each actfor example, putting on her stockings,
underclothes, skirt, and blouse had to be
counted and repeated precisely 17 times. When
asked about her washing and counting, she said
she knew that is was crazy but that she just had
to do it and couldnt explain why. She said that
she had struggled against this problem for three
years but had no success
53Anxiety Disorders
- Causes of Anxiety Disorders
- Biological Factors
- Twin studies suggest there may be a weak genetic
predisposition to anxiety disorders. Also,
identical twins reared apart often times have
independently developed phobias. Most anxiety
disorders, such as panic disorder,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, and generalized
social phobia, appear to run in families. - Excessive amounts of serotonin are present in
people with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
54Anxiety Disorders
- Causes of Anxiety Disorders
- Cognitive Factors
- Cognitive theorists maintain that certain
styles of thinking make some people particularly
vulnerable to anxiety disorders. According to
these theorists, some people are more likely to
suffer from problems with anxiety because they
tend to - misinterpret harmless situations as threatening
- focus excessive attention on perceived threats
- selectively recall information that seems
55Anxiety Disorders
- Causes of Anxiety Disorders
- Learning Factors
- Learned Helplessness
- Classical Conditioning
- Stimulus Generalization
- Observational Learning
- Operant Conditioning
56Somatoform Disorder
- Psychological disorders in which the symptoms
take a bodily form without physical cause. This
type of disorder is more common in Asian, Latin
American, and African cultures where people are
less open about their feelings. Even though
these symptoms have a psychological cause rather
than a medical cause, they are still genuinely
57Somatoform Disorder
- Conversion Disorder
- Freud called it hysteria
- A person with conversion disorder experiences a
change or a loss of physical functioning in a
major part of the body for which there is no
medical explanation (although they are still
genuinely felt) - People with this disorder are strangely
indifferent to their problems
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59Somatoform Disorder
- Conversion Disorder
- Conversion disorders tend to appear when a person
is under stress. - These physical symptoms often help reduce stress
by enabling the person to avoid unpleasant
situations. For instance, a stomachache may mean
getting out of going to school. - Today, conversion disorder is rare. It accounts
for only about 2 percent of diagnoses.
60Somatoform Disorder
- One university student, for example,
experienced visual impairment that began each
Sunday evening and became total blindness by
Monday morning. Her vision would begin to return
Friday evenings and was fully restored in time
for weekend football games and other social
61Somatoform Disorder
- Hypochondriasis
- A person misinterprets normal physical
sensations as symptoms of a disease.
He/She fusses over every symptom. Sympathy may
reinforce the complaints
62Somatoform Disorder
- Somatization Disorder
- In this disorder, a person makes dramatic, but
vague, reports about a multitude of physical
problems rather than a specific illness
63Somatoform Disorder
- Pain Disorder
- This disorder is characterized by severe, often
constant, pain with no apparent physical cause
64Dissociative Disorders
- Dissociation
- The process of separating a portion of the
personality that is causing undue emotional
stress from the rest of the normally functioning
personality. (The individual may view parts of
their activity as separate from him/herself)
65Dissociative Disorders
- Types of Dissociative Disorders
- Dissociative Amnesia
- Dissociative Fugue
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
66Dissociative Disorders
- Dissociative Amnesia
- The failure to recall events or personal
information. A sudden memory - loss. Memory lapses generally
- concern the personal aspects
- of an individuals life. Amnesia
- can be caused by a traumatic
- event (psychogenic) or a head
- injury (organic)
I forgot
67Dissociative Disorders
- Psychogenic Amnesia vs. Organic Amnesia
- 1. Loss of memory for both recent 1. Loss of
memory for the - and distant past recent past but
memory for distant past is
essentially intact - 2. Lose identity but general 2. Lose both
personal identity - knowledge remains intact as well as
general knowledge - 3. Have no anterograde amnesia 3. Primary
symptom is - (memory loss for events after
anterograde - amnesia starts)
- 4. Amnesia often reverses itself very 4. Memory
returns gradually for - abruptly retrograde amnesia,
- anterograde hardly ever
- returns
68A young man dressed in work clothes came to the
emergency room of a hospital in the city in which
he lived with the complaint that he did not know
who was. He seemed dazed, was not intoxicated,
and carried no identification. After being kept
in the hospital for a few days, he woke up one
morning in great distress, demanding to know why
he was being kept in the hospital and announcing
that he had to leave immediately to attend to
urgent business. With recovery of his memory,
the facts related to his amnesia emerged. The
day his amnesia began, he had been the driver in
an automobile accident that resulted in the death
of a pedestrian. Police officers on the scene
were convinced that the driver had not been in
the wrong The accident had been the
pedestrians fault. The police told the driver
to fill out a routine form and to plan on
appearing at the coroners inquest. The man
filled out the form at the home of a friend,
accidentally left his wallet at his friends
home, and mailed the form. After mailing the
form, he became dazed and amnesiac. He was led
to the hospital by a stranger. The amnesia was
probably related to the stress of the fatal
accident, fear of the inquest, and worry that he
might actually have been responsible for the
69Dissociative Disorders
- Dissociative Fugue
- Dissociative Fugue a sudden loss of personal
memory and the adoption of a new identity in a
new locale - Amnesia flight from the geographic location
703) Dissociative Disorders
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
- This is rare disorder that is characterized
- by the development of two or more
separate and
independent personalities - within the same person
71Dissociative Disorders
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Each personality has its own set of memories,
typical behaviors (i.e. each personality has its
own voice and mannerisms). - Frequently none of the personalities has any
awareness of the others. People with multiple
personalities usually are not violent.
72The 21 Faces of Sarah In a well-publicized
criminal case, Mark Peterson, 31, and Oshkosh
grocery worker, was prosecuted for sexually
assaulting a 26-year-old-woman, who, according to
her psychiatrist, had at least 21 distinct
personalities. Peterson met the woman, who
introduced herself to him as Franny, a few days
before the assault. Others present at that time
told him that the womans true name was Sarah and
that she suffered from multiple personality
disorder. On a coffee shop date Franny told
Peterson about Jennifer, another personality,
whom she described as a 20-year-old
73 female who likes to dance and have fun. When
they returned to Petersons car, he summoned
Jennifer and asked, Can I love you? She
answered, O.K. During the encounter, another
personality, 6-year-old Emily, suddenly intruded
to peek. Ignoring Peterson pleas to keep what
happened a secret, Franny and Emily reported the
encounter to Sarah, the predominant personality.
Sarah called the police to report that she had
been sexually assaulted. Petersons defense
centered on the idea that the woman was not
mentally ill and had consented to have sex. The
spectacular trial included appearances by Sarah,
Franny, Jennifer, and Emily. Jennifers
testimony was perhaps most crucial. When
questioned about the sexual encounter, she said,
I didnt know what he was doing. When asked if
she and Peterson had sex, Jennifer responded, I
dont know. Whats sex?
74 The Wisconsin jury had several issues to
consider (1) Whether Sarah was mentally ill at
the time of the sexual act, (2) Whether she was
able to appraise Petersons conduct, and (3)
Whether Peterson knew of Sarahs condition. In
Wisconsin it is a crime to engage in sexual
intercourse with a person you believe to be
mentally ill and who cannot assess your
conduct. Psychiatrists who had treated Sarah
testified that she was not faking her disorder,
was incapable of judging her action, and had been
traumatized when she saw her father crushed while
he was working under a car. Ruth Reeves, a
neighbor and close friend of the woman, told the
court that she had forewarned Peterson of Sarahs
multiple personality disorder.
75Mood Disorders
- Types of Mood Disorders
- Major Depression
- Dysthymic Disorder
- Bipolar Disorder
- (Formerly known as Manic Depression)
765) Mood Disorders
- Major Depression
- This is often referred to as the common cold
of psychological disorders. - Why do you think that is?
77Mood Disorders
- Major Depression
- This is a mood disorder in which a person, for
no apparent reason, experiences two or more weeks
of depressed moods, feeling of worthlessness and
diminished interest or pleasure in most
activities. The person may become deeply
discouraged about everything and may experience
fatigue. Depressed people often feel that they
are helpless. They feel there is nothing they
can do to change things
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79Mood Disorders
- Symptoms of Depression
- Persistent depressed mood for most of the day
- Loss of interest or pleasure in all, or almost
all, activities - Significant weight loss or gain
- Sleep changes
- Fatigue or loss of energy, boredom
- Feelings of worthlessness or unfounded guilt
80Mood Disorders
- Symptoms of Depression (continued)
- Reduced ability to concentrate
- Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide
- Physical complaints
- Loss of friends
- Tearfulness
- Poor grade, truancy, disciplinary problems
- Social behavior changes
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82Mood Disorders
- Dysthymic Disorder
- A person shows the sad mood, lack of interest,
and loss of pleasure associated with major
depression, but less intensely and for a longer
duration (The duration must be at least two years
to quality)
83Mood Disorders
- Suicide and Depression
- Suicide is most closely tied to depression than
to any other psychological disorder. - Suicide rates are high in some northern European
countries, and Japan but low in Greece, Italy,
Ireland and the Middle East (these countries have
strong religious prohibitions)
84Mood Disorders
- Bipolar Disorder
- (formerly known as manic depressive disorder)
- The person alternate between the hopelessness
and lethargy of depression and the hyperactive,
wildly optimistic, impulsive phase of mania
(excited and overly active periods) - Bipolar Disorder is less common than major
855) Mood Disorders
- Mania
- During the manic phase the person may
- sing, shout, talk
- continuously, move
- around rapidly.
- He has little need for
- sleep.
86Mood Disorders
- Mania
- He is easily irritated if crossed. The person
may show few sexual inhibitions. His speech may
be flighty. It is difficult to interrupt him.
He has grandiose optimism. - Bipolar disorder may lead to reckless spending
and investment sprees.
87Mood Disorders
- Then they go through a normal phase
Then they go through a depressive phase. (The
depressive phase usually lasts longer than the
manic phase)
88Mood Disorders
- Bi Polar Disorder
- 1 of the total U.S. population has bi-polar
disorder. Only 15-25 show a definite cycles of
manic-depressive behaviors. - Recovery rate is about 90.
89Mood Disorders
- Biological Factors
- Neurotransmitters such as serotonin and
norepinephrine - A shortage of serotonin and norepinephrine is
related to depression. An overabundance is
related to mania. - Hormones such as cortisol
- Mood disorders have also been related to
malfunctions of the endocrine system, especially
the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical system
90Mood Disorders
- Biological Factors
- Genetic influences
- Twin studies have shown there is a hereditary
component to both Bi-Polar and Depression
Disorders. If an identical twin has bi-polar
disorder, the other twin has a 70 chance of also
having the disorder. A fraternal twin has a 20
change of having bi-polar disorder if his/her
twin suffers from it. People who are adopted and
have mood disorders are more likely to find a
history of mood disorders in their biological
families rather than in their adopted families.
91Mood Disorders
- Psychological Factors
- Psychodynamic theorists Depression is due to the
feelings of loss associated with childhood or
unresolved anger toward parents (Horney). Freud
believed that depression was the result of a loss
of a loved one. He contents that in addition to
grief we feel anger over feelings of abandonment.
Some of that anger is directed inward which
results in depression
92Mood Disorders
- Psychological Factors
- Behavioral theorists Behaviorists believe that
depression is the result of learned helplessness.
They say that people become depressed when they
have no control over negative events.
93Mood Disorders
- Cognitive theorists
- Cognitive theorists believe that those with
depression have self-defeating beliefs. They
tend to magnify bad experiences and minimize good
experiences. This ruminating style is especially
characteristics of women. - Depressed people have a tendency to explain bad
events as being stable, global, and internal.
- The term schizophrenia means literally split
- Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia
- Break of contact with reality
- Hallucinations
- Delusions
- Disorganized and
- Bizarre Behaviors
- Disturbances in
- emotions, speech and thoughts
- Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia
- Disturbances in thoughts and speech
- Neologisms
- (literally new words). At times, a
schizophrenics speech includes the rare
appearance of words and phrases not found in even
the most comprehensive dictionary. Neologisms
(new words) are sometimes formed by combining
parts of two or more regular words. Neologisms
may also involve the use of common words in a new
- Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia
- Disturbances in thoughts and speech
- Echolalia
- Repeating words said in their presence over and
over and over again
- Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia
- Disturbances in thoughts and speech
- Derailment (loose associations)
- The tendency for one thought to be logically
unconnected, or only superficially related to the
next. Sometimes the associations are based on
the double meanings or on the way words sound
- Example of Derailment
- He pushed back the blankets from the bed. He
saw the river bed was covered with small stones
washed down from the quarry. The hunter came
fast because he was following his quarry over the
- Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia
- Disturbances in thoughts and speech
- Irrelevant Replies
- Giving answer to questions that are not
relevant - Example How old are you? As old as the
pyramids crumbling into dust. Where do you live?
I exist in the world, from it, of it, and by it.
- Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia
- Disturbances in thoughts and speech
- Word Salad
- Combining words and phrases in what appears to
be a completely disorganized fashion. Unlike
neologisms, word salad suggests no effort to
communicate. In word salad, nothing is related
to anything else.
- Example of word salad
- Its all over for a squab true tray and there
aint no music, there aint no nothing besides my
mother and my father who stand alone upon the
Island of Capri where there is no ice, there is
no nothing but changers, changers, changers.
That comes like in first and last names, so that
thing does. Well, its my suitcase, sir. Ive
got to travel all the time to keep my energy
- Symptoms of Schizophrenia
- Disturbances in thoughts and speech
- Clanging
- The pairing of words that have no relation to
one another beyond the fact that they rhyme or
sound alike
- Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia
- Anhedonia lack of interest in living, loss of
pleasure in life - Alogia (mutism) Total Silence
- Flat Affect Person shows no emotion
- Avolition Loss of motivation
- Types of Schizophrenia
- Catatonic Schizophrenia
- Agitated
- Immobile
- Paranoid Schizophrenia
- Disorganized Schizophrenia
- Undifferentiated Schizophrenia
- Types of Schizophrenia
- Paranoid Schizophrenia
- Accounts for 40 of schizophrenics appears
late in life (25-30). Characterized by delusions
of persecutions grandeur. These are often
accompanied by hallucinations supporting the
- Types of Schizophrenia
- Paranoid Schizophrenia (continued)
- Paranoid Schizophrenics are more likely than
other schizophrenics to have a good outcome
because it tends to be acute. Under certain
circumstances, they may function relatively well
- Types of Schizophrenia
- Catatonic Schizophrenia
- Accounts for 8 of all schizophrenics. The
major symptoms is a disturbance in motor
activity. The person may remain stiffly immobile
and refuse to speak of be extremely agitated.
Catatonic Schizophrenia is rarely seen today.
However, it was common up to 30 to 40 years ago
- Types of Schizophrenia
- Disorganized Schizophrenia
- Accounts for 5 of all schizophrenics.
- Incoherence in expression
- Childish disregard for social conventions
- Resists wearing clothing
- Urinate and defecate at inappropriate times
- Disorganized Schizophrenia (continued)
- May eat with their fingers
- Show emotional responses that are inappropriate
to the situation - Giggling
- Silly mannerisms
- Inexplicable gestures
- Types of Schizophrenia
- Undifferentiated Schizophrenia
- This accounts for 40 of all schizophrenics.
They have symptoms of schizophrenics (disordered
thinking, etc) but the symptoms dont clearly fit
one of the other specific types
- Causes of Schizophrenia
- Biological Factors
- Brain Abnormalities Schizophrenics (this is
more true of schizophrenic with negative symptoms
rather then positive) - tend to have enlarged
- ventricles and less brain
- tissue than non-schizophrenics
- Causes of Schizophrenia
- Biological Factors
- Dopamine In general, those with schizophrenia
have an excess of receptors for dopamine. Drugs
that block dopamine receptors lessen positive
schizophrenia symptoms. Drugs that increase
dopamine levels (i.e. cocaine, and amphetamines)
increase positive schizophrenia symptoms.
- Causes of Schizophrenia
- Biological Factors
- Genetics The odds of any person being
schizophrenic are 1 in 100. The odds rise to 1
in 10 if one parent has schizophrenia. If a
person has an identical twin with schizophrenia,
the odds are 50 in 100.
- Causes of Schizophrenia
- Psychological Factors
- There are no psychological factors alone that
cause schizophrenia. However, a life of a lot of
stressors will increase the chances that a
predisposition of schizophrenia will result in
schizophrenic symptoms
116Personality Disorders
- Personality disorders are psychological disorders
characterized by inflexible and enduring
behavioral patterns that impair social
functioning. These disorders usually do not
involve anxiety, depression, or loss or contact
with reality. They may however, coexist with
other psychological disorders.
117Personality Disorders Lasting, rigid patterns of
behavior that seriously diminish functioning.
Dramatic or Impulsive Behaviors Borderline
personality disorder, Antisocial personality
Related to Anxiety Avoidant personality
disorder Dependent personality disorder
Odd or Eccentric Behaviors Paranoid personality
disorders, Schizoid personality disorders
118Mental Illness and the Law
- MENTALLY INCOMPETENT Being unable to understand
the proceedings and charges against you. If you
are declared mentally incompetent to stand trial
you are protected from prosecution. This is a
rare occurrence. - INSANITY If you are judged to be not guilty by
reason of insanity at the time of the crime it
means that the mental illness prevented the
person from - 1. understanding what he/she was doing
- 2. knowing that what they were doing was wrong
- 3. resisting the impulse to do wrong