Title: Road Inventory Data Collection Re-engineering
1Road Inventory Data Collection Re-engineering
- Collected Data Items (more than 50 items)
- Street Names.
- Pavement width, number of lanes, etc.
- Bike path, sidewalk, etc.
- Signs including Stop sign, Speed Limit, Milepost,
etc. - Traffic signals
- Intersection, interesting street names, etc.
- Features include
- Point features Linear features
- Technologies to be used
- Database management, GPS/GIS real-time navigation
and mapping, Real-time Distance Measuring
Instrument (DMI), Digital Camera, and image
A vehicle moving speed 30-40 miles per hour.
2Re-engineering Road Characteristics Data
Collection current operation
Goal of Project Improve Data Quality, Operation
Efficiency, and Safety
Carry hard-copy maps and pre-inventory for data
Choose the routes to collect data with maps
Collect RC data on Highway
More than 100 data items to be collected at one
milepoit (Number of lanes, pavement width,
overpass, sidewalk, bike path, signs such as stop
and speed limit signs, signalsetc.)
Manual Data Entry
Manual Quality Control
Record data manually in the field
3Re-engineering Road Characteristics Data
Collection future operation
1. Laptop Computer 2. Global Position System 3.
Distance Measurement Instrument 4. Other advanced
technologies (voice command system, digital
camcorder, wirelessetc.)
Hardware systems
Integrated System
Image processing feature recognition algorithms
1. GPS/GIS real-time mapping and navigation
capabilities 2. Real-time data quality control
for field data collection. 3. Database
Management system 4. Other advanced technologies
(real-time image processing and feature
recognition algorithms and functions and voice
Software systems
4Prototype - RC Data Collection System (Cont.)
Detailed RC Inventory at a milepoint
A Milepoint for RC Inventory
GIS/GPS Real-time Navigation and Mapping component
Database Management component