Programu testavimo metodai - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Programu testavimo metodai


Program testavimo metodai – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Programu testavimo metodai

Programu testavimo metodai

  • Modulio paskirtis

  • Apibudinti SWEBOK projekta
  • Apibrežti modulio vieta mokymo plane
  • Aprašyti modulio žiniu struktura
  • Apibudinti praktines užduotis

  • Software Configuration Management
  • Software Construction (Version 0.5)
  • Software Design
  • Software Engineering Infrastructure
  • Software Engineering Management
  • Software Engineering Process
  • Software Evolution and Maintenance
  • Software Quality Analysis
  • Software Requirements Analysis
  • Software Testing

Mokymo programa (Curricula ) Programu sistemu
inžinerijos magistras (Master in Software
  2000 09 12  
Bendros knygos
  • Pressmann Software Engineering Theory and
    Practice, 6 laida
  • J. Sommerville, I. Software Engineering 8 laida
  • http//

Testavimo knygos
  • http//

Programavimo krize
  • Programines irangos klaidos yra geriau žinomos
    negu sekmes atvejai
  • Programavimo krize prognozuota prieš 30 metu taip
    niekada ir neivyko ir programuotojams pavyko
    sumažinti nesekmiu kieki bei darbuotoju poreiki
  • Problemos, kurios kamuoja programuotojus
    pagrindinai susietos su tinkamu programines
    irangos kurimu ir jos palaikymu negu kad su
    gavimu programines irangos, kuri funkcionuoja

  • Matematikui, fizikui ir inžinieriui buvo pasakyta
    Visi nelyginiai skaiciai yra pirminiai
  • Matematikas pasakys nesamone, 9 yra nelyginis
    skaicius bet ne pirminis
  • Fizikas pasakys pažiurekim, trys yra pirminis,
    penki yra pirminis, septyni yra pirminis, atrodo,
    kad teisybe
  • Inžinierius pasakys pažiurekim, trys yra
    pirminis, penki yra pirminis, septyni yra
    pirminis, devyni yra pirminis, vienuolika yra
    pirminis, atrodo, kad teisybe

Programu testavimas
  • Istoriškai nepopuliarus tarp
  • vadybininku
  • programuotoju
  • studentu
  • Testavimas ir daugelis programavimo inovaciju
    išaugo iš programavimo krizes

Testavimas Musu patyrimas
Kada sustoti?
Test Case Generation
Test Coverage
Testavimo pavyzdys
Automatinis testavimas
Test Case Generation
Test Coverage
Automatinis testavimas
Kas tai yra programu testavimas?
  • The process of executing computer software in
    order to determine whether the results it
    produces are correct, Glass 79
  • The process of executing a program with the
    intent of finding errors, Myers 79
  • Program testing can be used to show the presence
    of bugs, but never their absence, Dijkstra 72

Kas tai yra programu testavimas?
  • The aim is not to discover errors but to provide
    convincing evidence that there are none, or to
    show that particular classes of faults are not
    present, Hennell 84
  • Testing is the measure of software quality,
    Hetzel 85

Kas vadinama programu testavimu?
Kas tai yra programu testavimas?
  • The process of operating a system or component
    under specified conditions, observing or
    recording the results, and making an evaluation
    of some aspect of the system or component.
  • IEEE/ANSI, 1990

Testavimas priklauso nuo požiurio
  • If our goal is to show the absence of errors, we
    will find very few of them
  • If our goal is to show the presence of errors,
    we will discover a large number of them

Myers, 1979
Testavimo laikas
  • 50 Brooks/Myers, 1970s
  • 80 Arthur Andersons Director of testing in
    North America, 1990s

Testuotoju ir programuotoju santykis
  • 15-10 Mainframes
  • i.e.,1 tester for every 5 to 10 developers
  • 23 Microsoft, 1992
  • 21 Lotus (for 1-2-3 Windows)
  • 12 Average of 4 major companies,1992 Microsoft,
    Borland, WordPerfect, Novell

Koks testuotoju ir programuotoju santykis?
Programu testavimo problemos
  • poorly expressed requirements
  • informal design techniques
  • nothing executable until coding stage
  • Huge input set consider testing software that
    categorises an exam grade 101 inputs
  • consider testing software that categorises two
    exam grades 101101 inputs!

Kokios programu testavimo problemos?
Kas tai yra programu testavimas?
  • Exhaustive software testing is intractable
    (sunkiai suvaldomas)
  • Even if all possible inputs could be identified,
    the problem of identifying expected results is
    undecidable (neišsprendžiama)
  • Weyuker (1979) has shown that there is no
    algorithm that can determine if a given
    statement, branch or path will be exercised!

Programu testavimo apibrežimas
  • Software testing consists of the dynamic
    verification of the behavior of a program on a
    finite set of test cases, suitably selected from
    the usually infinite executions domain, against
    the specified expected behavior.

Kaip apibrežiamas programu testavimas?
  • This term means testing always implies executing
    the program on valued inputs. Static analysis
    techniques, such as peer review and inspection
    (that sometimes are improperly referred to as
    "static testing"), are not considered as part of
    this KA nor is program execution on symbolic
    inputs, or symbolic evaluation

  • Clearly the tests are not selected literally from
    an infinite set of possible tests, but a very
    large finite one (the set of all bit strings
    shorter than some length). Nonetheless, for even
    simple programs, so many test cases are
    theoretically possible that exhaustive testing
    could require even years to execute. This is why
    in practice the number of tests can generally be
    considered infinite. However, the number of
    executions which can realistically be observed in
    testing must obviously be finite, and -more than
    this- it must be manageable. Indeed, testing
    always implies a trade-off between limited
    resources and schedules, and inherently unlimited
    test requirements this conflict points to well
    known problems of testing, both technical in
    nature (criteria for deciding test adequacy) and
    managerial in nature (estimating the effort to
    put in testing)

Kokia itaka turi testo ilgis?
  • The many proposed test techniques essentially
    differ in how they select the (finite) test set,
    and testers must be aware that different
    selection criteria may yield largely different
    effectiveness. The problem of identifying the
    most suitable selection criterion under given
    conditions is still under research.

Laukiami rezultatai
  • It must be possible to decide whether the
    observed outcomes of program execution are
    acceptable or not, otherwise the testing effort
    would be useless. The observed behavior may be
    checked against user's expectations (commonly
    referred to as testing for validation) or against
    a functional specification (testing for
    verification). The test pass/fail decision is
    referred to as the oracle problem, which can be
    addressed with different approaches.

Kas tai yra orakulo problema?
Statiniai metodai
  • Software testing is a means for quality
    evaluation. In the SQA chapter of the SWEBOK,
    activities and techniques for quality analysis
    are categorized into static techniques (no code
    execution), and dynamic techniques (code
    execution). Both categories are useful. Although
    this chapter focuses on testing, that is dynamic,
    we would like to emphasize that static techniques
    are equally important for the purpose of building
    quality in a software product. Static techniques
    are covered into the SQA KA description

Kas tai yra statiniai testavimo metodai?
Testavimo veikla
  • In the years, the view of software testing has
    evolved towards a more constructive attitude.
    Testing is no longer seen as an activity that
    starts only after the coding phase is complete,
    with the limited purpose of finding mistakes.
    Software testing is nowadays seen as an activity
    that encompasses the whole development process,
    and is an important part itself of the actual
    construction. Indeed, planning for testing starts
    since the early stages of requirement analysis,
    and test plans and procedures are systematically
    and continuously refined as the development
    proceeds. These activities of planning and
    designing tests constitute themselves a useful
    input to designers for highlighting potential

Ka apima testavimo veikla?
Klaidu vengimas
  • As more extensively discussed in the SQA chapter,
    the right attitude towards quality is one of
    prevention it is better to avoid problems,
    rather than repairing them. Testing must be seen
    as a means primarily for demonstrating that the
    prevention has been effective, but also for
    identifying anomalies in those cases in which,
    for some reason, it has been not. Finally, it is
    worth recognizing that even after a good testing,
    the system could still contain mistakes. The
    remedy to system failures after delivery is
    provided by (corrective) maintenance actions. The
    maintenance issues of software engineering are
    covered into the Software Evolution and
    Maintenance chapter of the SWEBOK

Kuo remiasi klaidu vengimo strategija?
  • A.Testing Basic Concepts and Definitions
  • B.Test Levels
  • C.Test Techniques
  • D.Test-related Measures
  • E.Managing the Test Process
  • F.Test Tools.

A.Bazines testavimo koncepcijos ir apibrežimai
  • When the outcome of a test execution diverges
    from the expected, a failure is observed, whose
    cause is a fault. These and other basic
    definitions within software testing area, as well
    as an introduction to the terminology, will be
    provided in Part A Testing Basic Concepts and
    Definitions. In the same section, the scope of
    the KA will be laid down, also in relation with
    other activities.

B.Testavimo lygiai
  • Software testing is usually performed at
    different levels along the development process.
    That is to say, the object of the test can vary
    a whole program, part of it (functionally or
    structurally related), a single module. The
    latter subject is expanded in Part B Test Levels.
    This consists of two (orthogonal) subsections
    B.1 lists the phases in which the testing of
    large software systems is traditionally
    subdivided. In B.2 testing for specific
    conditions or properties is instead considered,
    and is referred to as "Objectives of testing".
    Clearly not all listed types of testing apply to
    every system, nor has every possible type been
    listed, but those most generally applied.

Testavimo paskirtis
  • Testing is conducted in view of a specific
    purpose (test objective), which is stated more or
    less explicitly, and with varying degrees of
    precision. Stating the objective in precise,
    quantitative terms allows for establishing
    control over the test process.

Kokia testavimo paskirtis?
Testavimo tikslas
  • One of testing aims is to expose failures (as
    many as possible), and many popular test
    techniques have been developed for this
    objective. These techniques variously attempt to
    "break" the program, by running identified
    classes of (deemed equivalent) executions the
    leading principle underlying such techniques is
    being as much systematic as possible in
    identifying a representative set of program
    behaviors (generally in the form of subclasses of
    the input domain). However, a comprehensive view
    of the KA of testing as a means for quality must
    include other as important objectives for
    testing, e.g., reliability measurement, usability
    evaluation, contractors acceptance, for which
    different approaches would be taken. Note that
    the test objective varies with the test object,
    i.e., in general different purposes are addressed
    at the different levels of testing.

Koks testavimo tikslas?
Testavimo kriterijai
  • The test objective determines how the test set is
    identified, both with regard to its consistency
    -how much testing is enough for achieving the
    stated objective?- and its composition -which
    test cases should be selected for achieving the
    stated objective?-, although usually the "for
    achieving the stated objective" part is left
    implicit and only the first part of the two
    italicized questions above is posed. Criteria for
    addressing the first question are referred to as
    test adequacy criteria, while for the second as
    test selection criteria

Kas tai yra testavimo kriterijai?
C.Testavimo metodai
  • As already said, several Test Techniques have
    been developed in the last two decades according
    to various criteria, and new ones are still
    proposed. "Generally accepted" techniques will be
    described in Part C.

Kas tai yra testavimo metodai?
D.Testavimo matavimai
  • Sometimes, it can happen that confusion is made
    between test objectives and techniques. For
    instance, branch coverage is a popular test
    technique. Achieving a specified branch coverage
    measure should not be considered per se as the
    objective of testing it is a means to improve
    the chances of finding failures (by
    systematically exercising every program branch
    out of a decision point). To avoid such
    misunderstandings, a clear distinction should be
    made between test measures which evaluate the
    test set, like measures of coverage, and those
    which instead provide an evaluation of the
    program under test, based on the observed test
    outputs, like reliability

Kam reiklaingi testavimo matavimai?
E. Testavimo proceso valdymas
  • Testing concepts, strategies, techniques and
    metrics need to be integrated into a defined and
    controlled process, which is run by people. The
    test process should support testing activities
    and testing teams, from test planning to test
    outputs evaluation, in such a way as to provide
    justified assurance that the test objectives are
    met cost-effectively. Issues relative to Managing
    the Test Process are expanded in Part E.

Kokia testavimo proceso paskirtis?
F. Testavimo priemones
  • Software testing is a very expensive and
    labor-intensive part of development. For this
    reason, tools are instrumental to support test
    activities. Moreover, in order to enhance
    cost-effectiveness ratio, a key issue has always
    been pushing test automation as much as possible.
    Existing tools and concepts related to automating
    the constituent parts of test process are
    addressed in Part F Test Tools

Kam skirtos testavimo priemones?
Bendra Užduotis
  • 1.     Suformuoti darbo grupe iš 4 asmenu
  • 2.     Parinkti darbo grupes pavadinima
  • 3 Nusiusti laiška destytojui adresu
  • Susirašineti su destytoju tik šiuo adresu. Laiške
    kaip subject nurodyti darbo grupes varda ir per
    brukšneli laiško numeri. Grupei, kurios vardas
    Namas pirmam laiške nurodyti subject Namas-1.
    Pirmam laiške nurodyti grupes varda, grupes
    studentu varda, pavarde, grupe ir paprašyti
    atsiusti projekto užduoti. Atsakymas bus
    siunciamas su Reply.

Bendra Užduotis
  • 4. Duotam algoritmui sudaryti programa
    nurodytomis priemonemis. Detaliai aprašyti
    užduoti ir algoritma, pateikti strukturograma.
    Programa turi tureti ne mažiau kaip penkis
    atskirai testuojamus vienetus. Sudaryti programos
    testavimo plana. Bent vienas vienetas turi buti
    automatiškai ištestuotas ivairiais kriterijais.
    Parengti testavimo dokumentacija. Programa
    pateikiama kompaktiniam diske ir pristatymo metu
    suinstaliuojama i nurodyta kompiuteri, o po
    pristatymo išinstaliuojama arba pateikiama
    serveryje. Pristatymo metu pateikti viena lapa,
    kuriame nurodoma grupes vardas, sudetis,
    pagrindiniai atliktos užduoties privalumai

Programavimo budas
  • 5. Gali buti trys programavimo budai
  • A Programuojama Java kalba, programa
    paleidžiama su naršykle ir ja vykdo vartotojo
  • B - Programuojama C arba C ir php, programa
    paleidžiama su naršykle ir vykdoma serveryje
  • C- Programuojama C arba C, instaliacine
    programa nuskaitoma iš serverio i vartotojo
    kompiuteri, programa suinstaliuojama ir vykdoma
    vartotojo kompiuteryje

Funkciju sasaja
  • 1.   Funkcijos sasaja ( char iejimo-vektorius,
    char išejimo-vektorius, int iejimu-skaicius,
    int išejimu-skaicius, int sekmes-požymis)
  • Sekmes-požymis 1 sekmingai paskaiciuota, 0 -

Vertinimo Taisykles
  • Galutinis pažymys G skaiciuojamas pagal formule
  • G ((A E)/2)0,5 S0,2 P 0,3
  • A Apklausa iš pakartojimo
  • E- Egzaminas
  • S- pasisakymas paskirta tema
  • P- projektine užduotis
  • ir apvalinamas pagal matematines taisykles iki
    sveikaskaitinio skaiciaus.
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