Title: Continue in Brotherly Love
1Continue in Brotherly Love
2Ephesians 4
- Apostles
- Prophets
- Evangelists
- Pastors
- Teachers
Ephesians 319-33 II Corinthians 1212 signs of
an Apostle - confirmation Acts 2 Joel 228
prophets by poured out spirit I Corinthians 13
prophecy would be a part the ends message of
love John 1416, 1613 Apostles guided into all
truth Jude 3 Once for all delivered The
Faith Hebrews 2 God has spoken to us by His son
4Ephesians 4
- Universal
- Universal
- Local
- Local
- Local
- Apostles
- Prophets
- Evangelists
- Pastors
- Teachers
5Ephesians 4
- Equipping SAINTS
- Work of Ministry
- Edifying the Body of CHRIST
- Apostles
- Prophets
- Evangelists
- Pastors
- Teachers
6Edifying the Body of CHRIST
- Scriptures
- Equipping SAINTS
- Work of Ministry
- Edifying the Body of CHRIST
- Plans
- Workers
- Tools
- Build
8Edify to build a building
9Church of Christs
10How Long?
- Until we all come to
- The unity of the Faith
- Knowledge of the Son of God
- To maturity
- Measure of the fullness of Christ
- No longer children
- Grow up
- Every joint supplies
11Edifying the Body of CHRIST
- Plans
- Workers
- Tools
- Build - A Building of Living Stones
12Living Stones - I Peter 25
- Heart kardia
- Thoughts, feelings from latin cor - core
- Mind dianoia
- Deep thought channelintelect, understanding
- Soul psuche
- From breath, voluntary but gently
- Strength ishus
- Forcefulness, ability, might, power
- Needs to be Pure
- Heart is a place of growing
- Heart is a treasure house
- Heart fills and overflows
- Heart can be deceived
- Heart can grow dull, hard, blind, far away
- Belief is from the heart
- Obedience is from the heart
14A Healthy Heart
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)