Title: To Err is Human:
1To Err is Human Top 10 Common Research Pitfalls
2What is Post Approval Monitoring?
3 1 Attempting to Cover Up a Mistake
- Why Would Someone Try to Cover Up?
- Not realizing something was a mistake
- Not realizing the potential risk
- Self identity management
Good Intentions
When in doubt, self report to the PAM officer
4 2 Not Seeking Approval
Picture this. It is two days before graduation .
. .
Source http//www.researchcompliance.vt.edu/depar
What are the consequences?
5 3 Failure to Provide and/or Receive Proper
Oversight on the Research Team
- Roles/Responsibilities
- Principle Investigator (PI) Vs Co-PI
- who
- forms
- implementing protocol
- questions
6 4 Protocol Drift
Obligation To seek and receive approval before
implementing any changes
The reasons stated why they didnt? Didnt
think it was a big deal Saw no possible
harm Didnt have time Thought someone else
had already done it
What is the purpose of a protocol, amendments and
continuing reviews (annual reviews)?
England February 2010
Why does this paperwork exist?
- - Lancet formally retracts 1998 paper linking
vaccine and autism - Unapproved invasive procedures at his son's
birthday party
What are the consequences?
7 5 Technology Errors - Data At Rest
Encryption Tools http//security.vt.edu/sensitivei
nfo.html Secure Delete Tools http//security.vt.e
du/securedelete.html Useful Information http//se
8 6 Technology Errors - Data at Transit
But I am just a researcher . . .
97 De-Identification of the Data
- What does identifiable mean in research?
- Case Study Townsfolk in Mass. Plays Clue
- Exempt (aka low risk research)
10 8 Issues in the Consent Process
Why is it important?
The Process
- Separate
- Minimum of 3 years after study is closed
- Controlled access
11 9 Failure to Properly Monitor Animals
Resource http//www.researchcompliance.vt.edu/pam
If you did not write it down, it did not happen!
12 10 Changing Euthanasia Procedures (Animal)
13Thank You For Listening!
Questions? Contact Information Andrea
Nash IRB-PAM Officer 231-0014 anash_at_vt.edu Louis
a Gay IACUC-PAM Officer 231-7678 lgay_at_vt.edu