- Source http//www.funtrivia.com/playquiz/quiz191
21. Since this quiz is all about phytochemicals,
perhaps we'd better get this question out of the
way first. What exactly ARE phytochemicals?
- Nutrition from the sea, such as plankton
- Energy-producing substances
- Vitamins
- Bioactive plant substances
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4- Phytochemicals are nonnutritive (in other words,
they have no calories and do not produce energy)
plant chemicals that contain disease-preventing
compounds. Hundreds of different phytochemicals
have been discovered, and a single serving of a
fruit or vegetable may contain dozens.
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52. Phytochemicals are important in preventing or
treating all of the following conditions. With
which disease is the role of phytochemicals in
prevention particularly strongly associated?
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
6Try Again!
7- Cancer is a disease of abnormal cellular
reproduction, so it stands to reason that
phytochemicals, which strengthen cell walls and
prevent cell damage from oxidation, play an
important part in its prevention. It is estimated
that two-thirds of current cancer cases are
preventable and that ONE-THIRD are preventable by
diet alone. - Click to continue
83. Eat your GREEN. Cruciferous vegetables are
particularly rich phytochemical sources. Which of
the vegetables below is not a member of this
- Celery
- Kohlrabi
- Brussels sprouts
- Broccoli
9 10- Cruciferous vegetables contain potent cancer
fighters called INDOLES and SULFORAPHANES, among
at least four others. Some people find that the
smell of these compounds in their veggies
(cauliflower is also a member of this group, as
are cabbage and bok choy) takes some getting used
to, but the health benefits are obviously worth
it. Celery, while not a cruciferious veggie,
contains the phytochemical BUTYL PHTALIDE, which
can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol
levels. - Click to continue
114. Eat your RED. LYCOPENE is one of the
hardest-working phytochemicals, protecting us
against cancer, heart disease, and many other
disorders.What seems to increase the absorption
of lycopene by the human body?
- Sunlight
- Avoiding added fats or oils
- Eating vegetable products with animal products
- Processing tomatoes by canning them or making
them into ketchup
12 13- Processing tomatoes increases lycopene's
bioavailability, as does adding a small amount of
fat, preferably a "good fat" like olive oil. In
addition to tomato products like sauce, paste,
juice, and ketchup, lycopene is also found in
other red foods like guava, rosehips, watermelon
and pink grapefruit. Make sure you buy the
reddest red fruits you can find for the most
lycopene. - Click to continue
145. Eat your ? Since this question is about the
phytochemicals from the Allium family, such as
ALLYL SULFIDES and AJOENE, what should this
question be titled?
- Eat your BLUE-PURPLE
- Eat your WHITE-GREEN
- Eat your ORANGE
- Eat your BROWN
15Try Again!
16- The wonderful Allium family contains members like
onions, garlic, leeks, chives, shallots, and
scallions. In addition to making food delicious,
the white-green group has health benefits such as
preventing heart disease (by thinning blood a
little, thus making clots less likely to form in
blood vessels), lowering cholesterol (especially
"bad" or LDL cholesterol), and preventing many
cancers. - Click to continue
176. Eat your RED-PURPLE. Although some antioxidant
phytochemicals may be found in food that people
don't particularly like (but should probably try
anyway), almost everyone likes strawberries,
cherries, blueberries and raspberries. Which of
the following phytochemicals are particularly
abundant in deeply pigmented fruits such as these?
- Anthocyanins
- Plant estrogens
- Limonoids
- Lignans
18Try Again!
19- ANTHOCYANINS (over 300 have been discovered!) are
abundant in dozens of fruits and are powerful
antioxidants. They are particularly useful in
reducing cholesterol. LIMONOIDS are also
phytochemicals. They are found in citrus and help
protect against cancer. Plant estrogens are found
in soy, and flax is a good source of lignans,
both of which are being studied as cancer
preventers. - Click to continue
207. You can obtain the phytochemical benefit of
red wine without the alcohol by drinking red or
purple grape juice.
21Try Again!
22- You've probably heard about the health benefits
of red wine, which contains the potent
antioxidant power of FLAVONOIDS, ANTHOCYANINS,
and RESVERATROL. If you don't want the alcohol,
grape juice confers the same benefits. Always
choose juice with as little added sugar as
possible. - Click to continue
238. Eat your YELLOW-ORANGE. CAROTENOIDS, of which
beta-carotene is the most famous, provide
protection against heart disease and cancer and
also stimulate immune function. Another important
carotenoid is LUTEIN, which has a particularly
important function in the prevention of what
- Prostatic hypertrophy
- Schizophrenia
- Macular degeneration
- Toxemia of pregnancy
24Try Again!
25- Lutein is found in the retina of the eye and its
antioxidant function there helps prevent macular
degeneration, which can lead to blindness.Lutein
occurs in mangoes, papayas, oranges, kiwi,
peaches, squash, peas, lima beans, green beans,
broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale,
lettuce, prunes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and
honeydew melon. (Many carotenoids, of which there
are more than 600 known, are found in green as
well as yellow/orange plant sources, and some are
even found in animals...a carotenoid is
responsible for the pink color of salmon and
shrimp.)(info from www.genox.com) - Click to continue
269. You can find phytochemicals in unlikely
places...the crunch of your pickle (CALCIUM
PECTATE), or the bite of your chili pepper
(CAPSAICIN). Which food is incorrectly matched
with its antioxidant?
- All are correct
- Turmeric (CURCUMIN)
- Root beer (SAPONIN)
27Try Again!
28- Antioxidant activity from root beer, licorice,
and Indian food? Absolutely. In fact, some foods
you might not have thought of as particularly
healthy, such as tea, parsley, ginger, and
caraway, are busily repairing cell damage and
preventing disease every time we enjoy them. - Click to continue
2910. What should all of us do to ensure we have
plenty of phytochemicals in our diets?
- Phytochemicals? We don't need no stinkin'
phytochemicals! - Take supplements
- Choose a variety of brightly colored fruits and
vegetables every day - Avoid sugar, fat, and carbohydrates
30Try Again!
31- Unfortunately, the typical Western diet is sadly
lacking in phytochemicals for the simple reason
that most of us don't eat enough fruit and
vegetables. The US Department of Agriculture
sponsors a "Five a Day for Good Health" program
to encourage this vital dietary change,
especially among children. In Okinawa, where a
traditional diet includes as many as TEN servings
of vegetables a day, people live to be
centenarians with great regularity. We can
too...if we eat our colors! - Click to continue
32The End