Propaganda, Purges - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Propaganda, Purges


Stalin s Show Trials Propaganda, Purges & The Totalitarian State – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Propaganda, Purges

Stalins Show Trials
  • Propaganda, Purges The Totalitarian State

Stalins Route to Power
  • A marginal figure in the October Revolution
  • General Secretary of the Communist Party (1922),
    allowing him to control key appointments
    throughout the Party.
  • Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev Stalin were all
    possible successors to Lenin after his death in
  • He conspired with Kamenev Zinoviev to
    marginalise the favourite Trotsky before
    subsequently outmaneuvering both Kamenev
    Zinoviev to assume total power by the late 1920s.

Factors in Stalins Show Trials
  • Collectivisation An agricultural revolution with
    enormous human political costs
  • Economic Modernisation A miracle of
    modernisation over 10 years requiring rigorous
    planning, central authority absolute obedience.
  • Leon Trotsky the heir-apparent to Lenin a
    target of Stalins personal political paranoia.
    Trotskys alleged treachery would be used as a
    scapegoat for much of the Purges.
  • The Old Bolsheviks Participants of the October
    Revolution (1917) who could undermine Stalins
    revisionist role and oppose his dictatorial
  • Sergei Kirov Kirovs murder would be the pretext
    for a state-wide purge of opponents dissidents

The Old Bolsheviks
  • The original, surviving members of the October
    Revolution of 1917, including Lenin Stalin.
  • Would present an obstacle to Stalins revisionism
    of his minor role in the October Revolution of
  • Stalin targeted these Old Bolsheviks as traitors
    who sought to undermine the Communist Revolution.
  • Most of these, particularly Trotsky, advocated
    International Communism, while Stalin advocated
    Socialism in One Country.
  • Grigory Zinoviev
  • Lev Kamenev
  • Nikolai Bukharin
  • Genrikh Yagoda
  • Karl Radek
  • Sergey Kirov
  • Vyacheslav Molotov

Leon TrotskyShadow of the Revolutionary
  • Commander of Red Guards in October Revolution
  • Founder of the Red Army
  • Very capable organiser public orator
  • Considered the natural successor to Lenin

The end may justify the means as long as there
is something that justifies the end.
Collectivisationan Ideological Economic
  • Due to opposition to collectivisation, Stalin
    introduced forced collectivisation by 1929.
  • Kulaks slaughtered their animals in protest and
    in some cases burnt their grain. Famines resulted
    in 1932-33. Roughly five million people died.
  • In response, Stalin attempted to eradicate the
    Kulaks, sending out requisition squads who either
    killed the Kulaks or sent them to prison in the
  • Roughly five million Kulaks had been dispossessed
    and/ or imprisoned by 1935.
  • An attempt to end private ownership of land by
    peasants and introduce large, collectively-owned
    farms in which machinery, labour profits were
    shared. In some cases, collective farms were
    state-owned, where farmers were paid a wage
    similar to workers in a factory.
  • Opposed bitterly by the Kulaks peasant land
  • Kulaks were an inconsistency with Communism a
    wealthy, land-owning class in a Communist State.
    They were created by Lenins New Economic Policy
    of 1921. Many communists supported the forced
    eradication of these private land owners.

The Five - Year Plans GOSPLAN
  • GOSPLAN Central Planning Commission now planned
    all economic industrial activity
  • Set targets quotas for all industries
  • First Five-Year Plan concentrated on developing
    fuel production for heavy indiustries e.g. coal,
    iron, gas electricity-producing stations
  • Workers who exceeded their quotas were rewarded
    the Order of Lenin medal as an incentive

The Five - Year Plans GOSPLAN
  • The 1st Five-Year Plan 1928 - 1932
  • The 2nd Five-Year Plan1933 - 1938

3rd Five-Year Plan1938 - 1941
  • New metalworking industries
  • Transport, especially railways
  • Moscow Underground
  • Consumer goods
  • Some armament production
  • Machinery Production ( x 4)
  • Oil production ( x 2)
  • Electricity ( x 3)
  • New townsMagnitogorsk
  • Massively increased armament production
  • (interrupted by German invasion in 1941)

  • Leader of the Communist Party in Leningrad
  • Loyal supporter of Stalin
  • Supported Stalins policies of Collectivisation
    and even the readication of the Kulaks.
  • Very popular member of the Communist Party who
    was elected to the Central Committee in 1934.
  • Crucially, Kirov was in favour of a more relaxed
    style of Communism, even including certain
    dissidents in the Politburo.

Assassinated in 1934, probably by order of
Stalin, who feared his growing popularity
influence throughout the Communist movement.
N.k.v.d.Peoples Commissariat for internal
  • Origin The Cheka (1917 Revolution)
  • State police founded in 1934 from reorganisation
    by Stalin to be both regular police force and
    state security apparatus
  • The NKVD, from 1934 onwards, were given a wide
    mandate enormous power, including control of
    fire services, security of borders, civil acts
    responsibily for the operation of Gulags
  • Chief state instrument of Stalins purges and the
    Show Trials
  • Prominent leaders of the NKVD Yagoda, Yezhov

Genrikh YagodaDirector of NKVD (1934-1936)
  • Director of the NKVD, 1934 1936
  • Responsible for the deaths of 7 10 million
    Ukranians during forced seizures of grain
    supplies under the regulations of
  • Organised the Trial of the Sixteen (1936),
    including the arrest, detention and interrogation
    of the Old Bolsheviks e.g. Kamenev, Zinoviev.
  • Replaced by Yezhov in September 1936 when Stalin
    accused him of being unable to expose the
    true extent of the Trotskyite conspiracy.
  • Was put on Trial in 1938 (Trial of the
    Twenty-One), found guilty and shot.

ANDREI VYSHINSKYProsecutor-General
The Show Trials1936 - 1938
  • The 1st Show Trial(1936)
  • The 2nd Show Trial (1937)

The 3rd Show Trial(1938)
  • Trial of
  • The
  • Anti-Soviet
  • Trotskyite Centre
  • Trial of
  • The
  • Trotskyite-Zinovievite
  • Terrorist Centre

Trial of The Anti-Soviet Bloc of Rightists
The 1st Show TrialThe Trial of the
  • Trial of the
  • Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre

Trial of the Sixteen(1936)
  • Charges
  • The Accused
  • Zinoviev
  • Kamenev
  • 14 other leading Old Bolsheviks
  • Accused of murdering Sergei Kirov
  • Accused of plotting to murder Stalin
  • Accused of working with Trotskyites in an effort
    to undermine Communism in USSR

Verdict All guilty sentenced to be shot
Trial of the SixteenThe Influence of Trotsky
  • Each of the Sixteen defendants took turns to
    denounce themselves, pleading guilty,
    incriminating themselves under the false pretense
    that their lives would be spared once they had
    publicised Trotskys anti-Soviet conspiracy.
  • I am guilty of this that after Trotsky, I was
    the second organizer of the Trotsky-Zinoviev bloc
    which set itself the aim of murdering Stalin,
    Voroshilov and a number of other leaders of the
    party and the government.
  • - Grigory Zinoviev (1936)

The 2nd Show TrialThe Trial of the
  • Trial of
  • Anti-Soviet Trotskyite Centre

Trial of the Seventeen(1937)
  • Charges
  • The Accused
  • Radek
  • Pyatakov
  • 15 others
  • Accused of conspiring with Germany Japan
  • Accused of plotting with Trotsky
  • Accused of wrecking sabotage of the economy

Verdict All guilty sentenced to be shot
The 3rd Show TrialThe Trial of the
  • Trial of
  • Anti-Soviet Bloc of Rightists Trotskyites

Trial of the Twenty-one(1938)
  • Charges
  • The Accused
  • Bukharin
  • Rykov
  • Yagoda
  • 18 others
  • Accused of plotting to murder Stalin
  • Accused of wrecking sabotage of the economy

Verdict All guilty sentenced to be shot
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