Title: Update on NML
1Update on NML
- Mike Church
- APD Meeting, 9/20/06
2NML Building
Over the past year the experimental floor has
been cleared of old equipment and necessary
infrastructure has started to be installed (cryo
lines, for example) NML New Muon Lab but
we are trying to change the name ..
- Electron beam test facility consisting of a
(photo)injector, acceleration section and
test/dump line gt 750 MeV - First use will be to fully test 1 ILC RF unit
consisting of 1 klystron/modulator powering 3
TTF/ILC cryomodules - Injector can be used for ongoing photoinjector
RD - Downstream test line will provide facility for
general accelerator RD (instrumentation, )
test and dump lines
74 meters
- 2E10 electrons/bunch
- 307 nsec/bunch
- 2820 bunches/pulse
- 5 pulses/second
- ? 34 KW _at_ 750 MeV
- RMS bunch length 300 microns (after bunch
compression) - RMS normalized transverse emittance lt 5 mm-mrad
6PITZ Egun
1 ½ cell RF cavity (1.3 GHz)
RF coaxial feed
laser mirror
7Injector Layout (P. Piot latest)
flat beam xform (skew quads)
low energy spectrometer
chicane (for bunch compression)
3.9 GHz Cavity (future)
1st cryomodule
2 Capture Cavities (1.3GHz)
22 meters
8Beam Envelope in 1st 8 meters (4 stacked gaussian
capture cavity 2
capture cavity 1
start of chicane (34 MeV)
9Downstream End (quads not shown)
spectrometer magnet (dE/E 1E-4)
high energy test area
low power dump
Dumps will be based on TTF design cylindrical
carbon core surrounded by Al
high power dump (34KW)
- Much of the A0 photoinjector equipment will be
moved to NML - A new egun identical to DESY PITZ egun
(PhotoInjector Test facility in Zeuthen) will be
built - 1st TTF III cryomodule kit delivered to TD
for assembly and test (Spring 07) - Install 1st cryomodule at NML (Summer 07)
- SLAC to provide RF distribution system to
cryomodules (Summer 07) - First beam (end of FY07)
- Install a 2nd TTF III cryomodule (??)
- Expand building to make room for 3rd cryomodule
(ILC type, built at FNAL) without compromising
injector capabilities - Install 3rd ILC type cryomodule