EMS: The New Black - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EMS: The New Black


EMS: The New Black Dennis Sasseville PRIZIM Inc. and UNH Manchester * Using templates, you develop an Environmental Action Plan to serve as your guiding management ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: EMS: The New Black

EMS The New Black
  • Dennis Sasseville
  • PRIZIM Inc.
  • and UNH Manchester

Where Are We Headed on This Journey?
  • Answer Sustainability

Sustainability - Which Term? Which Concept? By
Any Other Name.
  • Sustainability
  • Sustainable Development
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Greening
  • Stewardship
  • Conservation
  • Carrying Capacity
  • Industrial Ecology
  • Deep Ecology
  • Natural Capitalism
  • Environmental Ethics
  • Others?

What Is Sustainability for the Business World?
  • Sustainability in practice can be seen as the art
    of doing business in an interdependent world.
  • Andrew W. Savitz
  • The Triple Bottom Line

Premise for Business
  • Financial profitability is no longer the sole
    measure of business success.
  • A sustainable business model recognizes the
    responsibility to operate in a social,
    environmentally and economically sound fashion.
  • The basis for the triple bottom line (TBL)

The Basis for the Triple Bottom Line
Triple Bottom Line
  • TBL concept started in the mid 1990s with Royal
    Dutch Shell and their desire to learn from the
    public relations disaster of Brent Spar, a
    obsolete floating oil platform that the company
    wanted to sink in deep water in the North Sea.

Triple Bottom Line
  • In searching for greater transparency with its
    stakeholders, Royal Dutch Shell decided to work
    toward a public reporting system where
    environmental and social information would be
    reported to the same standards as financial data.
  • The bottom line became the triple bottom line

Financial Environmental - Social
The Stakeholder Challenges Are Many
  • Three categories of stakeholders

Savitz Weber 2006
The Wisdom of a Management System Approach for
  • A Focus on Process
  • A process is a group of activities, not just one.
  • The activities that make up a process are not
    random or ad hoc they are related and organized.
  • A process also can be viewed as a value chain,
    in which each activity or step contributes to the
    end result.

In business, Management Systems are how we get
organized get things done
The Foundation of a Management System P-D-C-A
  • PDCA Cycle
  • Plan Identify an opportunity and plan for
  • Do Implement the change on a small scale.
  • Check Use data to analyze the results of the
    change and determine whether it made a
  • Act If the change was successful, implement it
    on a wider scale and continuously assess your
    results. If the change did not work, begin the
    cycle again.

Continual Improvement is a culture
An Environmental Management System (EMS)?
  • A system for addressing the environmental
    policies, objectives, procedures, principles,
    authority, responsibility, accountability and
    implementation of an organizations means for
    managing its environmental affairs.
  • Can be defined a number of ways but over the
    past 10 years ISO 14001 has become the
    international standard for EMS.

The EMS Model Five Basic Steps
Continual Improvement
Management Review (Lessons learned. Affect
Environmental Policy Statement (Your vision. What
you stand for.)
Checking and Corrective Action (What has been
achieved. What needs more work.)
Planning (Your roadmap. How you are going to get
Implementation Control (Make it happen. Get on
with it.)
An Environmental Management System Should Be
  • Adaptable to your business operations and your
  • Help break down stovepipes and barriers
  • Flexible change as your organization changes

How Do You Get an EMS Started?
  • Select Environmental/Sustainability Team (5 6
    individuals are optimal)
  • Convene 1st meeting. Determine
  • Timetable
  • Team roles responsibilities
  • Team rules
  • EMS standard to be followed
  • Draft environmental/sustainability policy
    statement and get approved and signed by top
  • Identify your activities, aspects and impacts
  • Determine significant for prioritization
  • Select a group of initial Objects Targets to

Objectives and Targets
  • The engine that drives EMS forward

Objectives and Targets
  • What is the difference between an objective and a
  • Objective a statement of desired intent
  • Target By how much, to what degree, and by when
    you want to achieve the objective

Objectives and Targets
  • Policy tells you in what direction you want to
  • Objective gives you a general destination
  • Target tells you how you will know when you

Objectives and Targets
  • SMART Targets
  • S Specific
  • M Measurable
  • A Attainable, Achievable
  • R Realistic
  • T Timely, Established Timeframe

Objectives and Targets - Example
  • Activity Hazardous waste storage
  • Aspect/concern Exposure by employees or
  • Potential Impact Health issues
  • Objective Reduce or eliminate exposures to
    hazardous wastes
  • Targets
  • By the end of 2009, reduce use of hazardous
    substance by 40
  • By mid 2010 find non-toxic substitutes for all
    hazardous chemicals so waste isnt generated and
    waste storage becomes unnecessary.

Objectives and Targets - Example
  • Activity Corporate Travel Air Vehicles
  • Aspect/concern Contribution of CO2 and GHGs
  • Potential Impact Climate Change/Air Quality
  • Objective Reduce our carbon footprint
  • Targets
  • Form internal working group by Sept 2009
  • Conduct a carbon footprint study by Dec 2009
  • Implement measures leading to a 30 reduction of
    CO2 in CY 2010
  • Management to conduct a progress review in mid

Objectives and Targets - Example
  • Activity Procurement Process
  • Aspect/concern Our environmental
  • Potential Impact Solid waste, climate change
  • Objective Green Procurement Program
  • Targets
  • Form internal working group by Dec 2009
  • Research and adopt environmentally-friendly
    procurement standards and procedures-March 2010
  • Train for procurement department-April 2010
  • Management to conduct a progress review in
    October 2010

Objectives and Targets
Objective/Target 1-1 Reduce Electricity Consumption by 10 by the End of 2009 Objective/Target 1-1 Reduce Electricity Consumption by 10 by the End of 2009 Objective/Target 1-1 Reduce Electricity Consumption by 10 by the End of 2009 Objective/Target 1-1 Reduce Electricity Consumption by 10 by the End of 2009 Objective/Target 1-1 Reduce Electricity Consumption by 10 by the End of 2009
Action Item Responsibilities Schedule Resources Comments
Establish a 5-person energy team (ET) Environmental Team (ET) oversees the implementation of this target Meet monthly November 2008 to January 2010 Team member time, travel expenses Bureau Administrator to select ET
Conduct energy audits ET January 2009 Seek audit assistance from PSNH Also contact Governors Energy Office for assistance
Review and assess results of energy audit ET February 2009 Team member time and travel expenses
Develop recommendations report for the Bureau Administrator ET March 15, 2009 Team member time and travel expenses administrative office support. Keep report brief ideally lt 15 pages
Work with Bureau Administrator to implement specific recommendations ET and other Bureau employees as appropriate April 1, 2009 to January 31, 2010 Team member time. Contractors? Others? This Environmental Action Plan will be updated to reflect the decisions resulting from the ET report
ET reviews progress of this target with Bureau Administrator ET At least monthly Team member time administrative office support. Additional action items may be required to meet Target 1-1.
Objectives and Targets
Environ. Policy
Environ. Aspects
Objectives Targets
Business Concerns
Legal Other Requirements
Views of Interested Parties
Green Products
Climate Change
EHS Compliance
The Management System is the structure it
provides the framework that allows Sustainability
initiatives to achieve lasting success.
EMS The New Black
  • Not new per se, but being rediscovered as the
    ideal framework for developing and maintaining
    sustainability programs.
  • The EMS driver of setting formal Objectives and
    Targets can assure that sustainability or CSR
    initiatives are not one off events that may or
    may not attain their stated goals.
  • EMS can sustain the organizational programs even
    if the champion moves on.

Dennis Sasseville PRIZIM Inc. Bedford,
NH 603-472-5684 dsasseville_at_prizim-inc.com
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