Title: Apresenta
10 PROTELF Capture Principle Scheme PROTELF
Proton Electron Fusion
State 0 First orbit al electron and the nucleus
show the dielectric with aleatory fields out of
alignment and that does not permit the nucleus
to be together with the electron.
21 PROTELF Capture Fields alignment
State 1 Applying an external electric and
magnetic field with colinearity, the particles
are aligned and that permits the electron to be
together with the nucleus but kinetic energy
maintains the electron in its orbit.
32 PROTELF Capture Electron Stopped
State 2 With a photon collision of the same
energy as electron kinetic energy, this eletron
is stopped.
43 PROTELF Capture Fusion of the electron with
State 3 Simple eletrostatic attraction causes
the electron to fall inside the nucleus. The
disruptive covering offers no opposition.
54 PROTELF Capture Atomic State Changed
State 4 The nucleus changes by one atomic
number to the next lower atomic number. The
nucleus is now in an unstable state.
65 PROTELF Capture Energy Contribution
State 5 Space surrounding the nucleus acts
like an anti-neutrino in stabilizing the matter.
This leads to the ejection of one electron of
high MeV and the transmutation of the unstable
element back to its original identity by
increasing the number of protons by one.