Using Concepts from the Gill Lectures: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Using Concepts from the Gill Lectures:


MGMT/BIOE 633 The Entrepreneur s Self-Help Kit Using Concepts from the Gill Lectures: Intelligence, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship High-tech Career Planning – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Using Concepts from the Gill Lectures:

Using Concepts from the Gill Lectures
April 2011
  • The Entrepreneurs Self-Help Kit
  • Intelligence, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship
  • High-tech Career Planning

Jack M. Gill, Ph.D.
Rate Your Four Quadrant Intelligences
Ned Herman
____ of the time
I live in this Quadrant
American Association for the Advancement of
Give yourself a Score for each quadrant based on
1poor 3ok 5good 7strong 10highest
Are You an Entrepreneur? Jack
Gills 16 Characteristic TEST
Rate yourself on each criterion and find the sum.
10extreme 7.5moderate 5.0somewhat 3little 0none
140-180 BIGE 110-139 WANA 90-109 BIBO lt89 CNAE
TOTAL ______
Active doer Hates bureaucracy
Highly self-confident Has a better solution
Natural risk-taker Unafraid of failure
Restless, unsatisfied Sense of priorities
Driven, determined Super sales person
Unconventional thinker Sense of urgency
Spirited individual Motivates and inspires
Gets more done with less Comes from another planet
Gartners Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
Rate yourself on each characteristic
10 off the chart 9 very much 7 lots
5 moderate 3 some 1 low
  • Overspends in both his business and personal
  • Acts out sexually
  • Sometimes acts impulsively with poor judgment in
    ways that can have painful consequences
  • Is fast talking
  • Is witty and gregarious
  • His confidence can make him charismatic and
  • Prone to making enemies feels he is persecuted
    by those who do not accept his vision and mission
  • Filled with energy
  • Flooded with ideas
  • Driven, restless unable to keep still
  • Channels his energy into the achievement of
    wildly grand ambitions
  • Often works on little sleep
  • Feels brilliant, special, chosen and perhaps even
    destined to change the world
  • Can be euphoric
  • Becomes easily irritated by minor obstacles
  • Is a risk taker
  • Then Study the mix resulting
  • Are you happy with your top 5? Which Would
    you like to change? How?

John D. Gartner, PhD Psychologist, Johns
Hopkins Medical School
Rate Your Own Intelligence Profile-Fill in the
bar to best characterize your seven natural
intelligences-What is your weakest intelligence?
How will you improve?

Low Medium High
Verbal Analytics Spatial Kinetics Music Interpers
onal Intrapersonal
  • Gardners 7 Intelligences

Concepts of Howard Gardner, PhD Harvard
My Own Psychological Profile Personality Traits
and Mental Set
Personality Traits
One check on each line that best describes you
Sam Waltons 10 Criteria
Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 (as you know
yourself) on how you would be in an
entrepreneurial startup using Sam Waltons
criteria regarding the building of a successful
10outstanding 9excellent 7good 5average
3some skills 1not much
  • Commit to your business
    and believe in it more than
    anyone else
  • Share your profits with all
    your associates, and treat
    them as partners
  • Motivate and challenge
    your partners
  • Communicate everything
    possible to partners
  • Appreciate everything
    employees do for you
  • Celebrate successes
    and find humor in failures
  • Listen to everyone in
    your company and figure out
    ways to get them talking
  • Exceed your customers
  • Control expenses better
    than your competition
  • Swim upstream,
    ignore conventional wisdom

Secrets of Success, Sam Walton Wal Mart,
Founder and CEO
Despite Cultural Education Differences Most
big achievers have these attributes
  • Lean, mean, hungry pursuit
  • Burning ambition
  • Hard work and determination
  • Control and use of emotions
  • Charm, enthusiasm, communications skills
  • Big picture awareness street savvy
  • Clairvoyance and intuition
  • Decisiveness Gut-feel is Gods way
  • Sometimes driven by desperate need
  • Enlightenment and spiritual intelligence

Rate Yourself On These!
Study your mix! How Can You Improve Your profile
Self Evaluation Rate Yourself from 1 to 10 3
some 5 average 7 strong 9 exceptional
The Jack Gill ABC Model for High-tech Business
Summarize Your Academic Achievements Top 5 Highlights Have you paid your Dues in the A Environment? Bedded down basics, developed maturity, etc. Summarize What the B Environment Can Do to Accelerate Your Career Diverse roles, mentors? What is Appealing to You About Start-ups? Top 5 Reasons

Action Steps Action Steps Action Steps Action Steps
Personal Action Plan
From the self assessment exercises, list three
attributes under (characteristics, strengths)
that best describe yourself

Importance to Entrepreneurship

Knowing the above, pick the characteristics of
the ideal partner who would best compliment you
to make a strong business team?
Why I Need This


My Own Personal Follow-up, Action Plan cont.
Name __________________, E-mail_________________
___, Cell__________
Summary of Goals
1. Immediate_________________________________
2. Near Term_________________________________
3. Long Term_________________________________
Most Important Steps for Me to Take
1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
People (Mentors) that I Need to Talk to People (Mentors) that I Need to Talk to
1. ______________________ Reason _________________
2. ______________________ Reason _________________
3. ______________________ Reason _________________
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