Title: License Reset
1License Reset
- Stand Alone Instructions
- 32-bit Contract Management
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2Unzipping file
- Double click on file to run WinZip.
- Click on Use Evaluation Version (If you
havent already purchased WinZip)
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3Using WinZip
- Click on the Extract button to unzip the file
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4Extracting File
- Select the C\Soule folder to extract the files.
- Click on the Extract button
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5Opening Window Explorer
- Right click on desktop Start button
- Select Explore from the menu
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6Finding Extracted File
- Click on the C\Soule folder
- Search the Soule folder to find the extracted
file (Check the Date Modified column to
verify that the file is the current reset)
- Double click on the License Key reset file.
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Use arrow keys to continue
7License Reset Utility
- Click on the Reset button
- Program reset should appear in the Status
window (If anything else appears the reset was
not successful, please contact Soule Software)
- Select Exit to complete the License Reset
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Use arrow keys to continue
For Additional Assistance Please Contact Mike
Schmaltz Tel 818 206-2144 Email
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