Title: Colruyt
Corporate Philosophy 1) All should contribute 2)
All should be active 3) All should make
decisions 4) All should think how his job could
be make easier by through information systems 5)
All should have wide access to information
6) all should be given the tools to contribute,
act, decide, ease the job, and use
information. 7) We are all in this together. 8)
Alienation should be reduced through job redesign
and rotation. 9) Companys right to exist is
linked with the customer. 10) Companys survival
depends on serving the customer.
11) No unnecessary luxuries. 12) Job rotation
especially for high personnel. 13) No one is any
better than any one else.
The Role of IT 1) EDI 2) Checkout 3) Sales
Function 4) Group Work 5) Training 6) Informing
Contd 7) Decision Making 8) Communicating
The Companys Vision -10 Cheaper than
competitor 10 higher salary than competitor 1
profit on sales
Company Responsibility 1) Customer 2) Worker 3)
Society 4) Government
Questions 1) Is this a good company to work
for? 2) How is the company using IT? 3) Do the
employees get along? 4) Are employees happy? 5)
Is the workplace relaxed? 6) Are the customers