Hand in / Entrega: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hand in / Entrega:


Hand in / Entrega: Harappa Drawing Chapter 3-Section 1 Review Questions 1-8 Vocabulary LINCS Dibujo de Harappa Cap tulo 3-Secci n 1 Repaso Preguntas 1-8 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hand in / Entrega:

Hand in / Entrega
  • Harappa Drawing
  • Chapter 3-Section 1 Review
  • Questions 1-8
  • Vocabulary LINCS
  • Dibujo de Harappa
  • Capítulo 3-Sección 1 Repaso
  • Preguntas 1-8
  • Vocabulary-LINCS

  • October 24, 2008

New Empires in India
  • When did Asoka die?
  • Whose reign began in AD 75?
  • What is the earliest event shown in this timeline?
  • Cuándo Asoka murió?
  • De quién reinado comenzó en el AD 75?
  • Cuál es el evento más temprano demostrado en
    este timeline?

(No Transcript)
Section 2 / Sección 2
  • New empires in India
  • Imperios nuevos en la India
  • Pages 76-81

The Big Idea / La idea grande
  • New Indian empires grew rich through trade and
    left a lasting legacy of accomplishments.
  • Los imperios indios nuevos crecieron ricos a
    través de comercio y dejaron una herencia
    duradera de realizaciones.

Spotlight Video
  • New Empires in India

Three New EmpiresTres imperios nuevos
  • Pages 76-79

Main IdeaIdea principal
  • Warring kingdoms united to force out invaders,
    which led to three Indian empires
  • Los reinos que guerreaban unieron para derricar a
    los invasores que condujeron a tres imperios

Historia and You Poll Question
  • Is it better to be loved or feared?
  • Loved
  • Feared
  • Es mejor a estar amado o temido?
  • Amado
  • Temido

Mauryan EmpireImperio de Mauryan
  • founded by Candragupta Maurya
  • highly centralized
  • divided into provinces ruled by governors
  • fundado por Candragupta Maurya
  • muy centralizado
  • dividido en provincias gobernó por los

  • El nieto
  • considerado ser el gobernante más mejor en la
    historia de la India
  • convertió al Buddhism
  • utilizó los ideales budistas para dirigir su
  • the grandson
  • considered the greatest ruler in the history of
  • converted to Buddhism
  • used Buddhist ideals to guide his rule

Three Indian Empires Map Mapa indio de tres
imperios (77)
  • Which areas did the three empires have in common?
  • How did the location of these empires relate to
    trade routes shown on the map on page 78?
  • Name the three empires
  • Qué áreas tenían en común los tres imperios?
  • Cómo la localización de estos imperios se
    relacionó con las rutas comerciales demostradas
    en el mapa en la página 78?
  • Nombre los tres imperios

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Three Indian Empires Map Mapa indio de tres
imperios (77)
  • Northwest India, part of the Ganges, foothills of
    the Hindu Kush
  • The empires controlled the main east-west route
    south of the Himalaya and one or more of the
    north-south routes
  • Mauryan Empire
  • Kushan Empire
  • Gupta Empire
  • La India del noroeste, parte del Ganges, colinas
    del Hindu-Kuch
  • Los imperios controlaron la ruta principal de
    este al oest en el sur del Himalaya y de uno o
    más de las rutas norte-sur.
  • Imperio de Mauryan
  • Imperio de Kushan
  • Imperio de Gupta

Reading Check (77)
  • Why was Asoka considered a great ruler?
  • Por qué Asoka era considerado una gran regla?

Reading Check (77)
  • He built hospitals, was concerned for the welfare
    of his people, and expanded trade, which led to
  • Él construyó hospitales, fue preocupado para el
    bienestar de su gente, y expandió el comercio,
    que condujo a la prosperidad.

People in World History Activityp 113
  • Chandragupta Maurya (ruled 324-301 B.C.)
  • The food at the center of the dish is hottest.
  • Chandragupta, explaining his strategy of
    conquering the outlying areas of kingdoms first
  • Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of the
    Mauryan Empire in northern India. Much of what is
    known about him is from a foreign diplomat who
    resided in Chandragupta's court. Although many
    details are lost to history, the man who wrote
    about Chandragupta left a picture of an
    intelligent and ambitious ruler.As a young army
    officer, Chandragupta developed a plan to unify
    and build an empire out of the many small
    kingdoms in northern India. He organized a revolt
    that ended Greek rule in the Punjab and then led
    his army in the capture of the Magada kingdom.
    From this base, he focused on expanding his
    empire. His method was straightforward and
    effective his armies would harass the outer
    areas of the kingdoms, drain their strength and
    resources, and, when the time was right, move in
    and take over. With each victory, Chandragupta's
    power spread and his armies grew. The diplomat
    who wrote of him tells of an army of 700,000
    soldiers, 10,000 chariots, and 9,000 elephantsan
    awesome sight to any would-be adversary. By about
    303 B.C., Chandragupta controlled the valuable
    Indus and Ganges River plains, as well as regions
    in northwestern India. Soon thereafter, he had
    also gained control of parts of
    Afghanistan.Chandragupta was an authoritarian
    ruler who strictly enforced harsh laws. He
    reigned over a complex bureaucracy of his own
    creation. Government officials directed economic
    activities of the empire. They also oversaw
    massive public works projects, which included
    irrigation projects and sophisticated roads. For
    example, the Great Royal Road stretched for 1,863
    miles (3,000 km). Workers traveled along this and
    ancillary roads in an efficient postal service.
    Chandragupta was apparently not confident in his
    rule, however. This great leader rarely left his
    huge, lavish palace for fear of assassination. He
    is said to have slept in a different room every
    night and to have had his food tasted for poison.
    He also established a vast "secret service" to
    protect himself and his position.In about 300
    B.C., Chandragupta abdicated his throne so that
    his son could take over. Tradition has it that he
    became a monk and fasted until he starved himself
    to death. Asoka, the enlightened king who was the
    last great ruler of the Mauryan Empire, was
    Chandragupta's grandson.
  • Directions Answer the following questions on a
    separate sheet of paper.
  • How did Chandragupta conquer neighboring
  • What became of Chandragupta?
  • Critical Thinking Drawing Conclusions. Why do you
    think a powerful emperor such as Chandragupta
    might fear assassination?

Kushan EmpireImperio de Kushan
  • established by nomadic warriors
  • establecido por los guerreros nómadas

Kushan EmpireImperio de Kushan
  • prospered on the
  • trade that passed through their empire
  • prosperado en el comercio que pasó a través de su

Kushan EmpireImperio de Kushan
  • The Silk Road was a trade route between the Roman
    Empire and China that ran through Indias Kushan
    Kingdom called because silk was Chinas most
    valuable product
  • El camino de seda era una ruta comercial entre el
    imperio romano y la China que pasaron por el
    reino de Kushan de la India llamado porque la
    seda era el producto más valioso de China

The Silk Road
Trade Routes of the Ancient WorldRutas del
comercio del mundo antiguo(78)
  • Which physical characteristics along the overland
    trade routes caused hardships for the caravans?
  • Why are there multiple parallel routes in some
  • List 5 commodities that were traded, including
    the most valuable.
  • Qué características físicas a lo largo del
    comercio por tierra encaminan causaron las
    dificultades para las caravanas?
  • Por qué hay rutas del paralelo del múltiplo en
    algunos lugares?
  • Enumere 5 productos que fueron negociadas,
    incluyendo el más valioso.

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Trade Routes of the Ancient WorldRutas del
comercio del mundo antiguo(78)
  • Gobi desert, Himalaya, Hindu Kush
  • They had different destination points.
  • Silk, cloth, coinage, glassware, incense, ivory,
    metal, precious stones, slaves, spices, timber,
    tortoise shell, wine
  • Desierto de Gobi, Himalaya, Hindu-Kuch
  • Tenían diversos puntos de la destinación.
  • Seda, paño, invención, cristalería, incienso,
    marfil, metal, piedras preciosas, esclavos,
    especias, madera, concha, vino

The Gupta EmpireEl imperio de Gupta
  • How large was the Gupta empire? (See page 77)
  • Qué grande era el imperio de Gupta? (Véase la
    página 77)

It covered the entire northern half of
India. Cubrió la mitad norteña entera de la India.
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The Gupta EmpireEl imperio de Gupta
  • established by a local prince, Candra Gupta, no
    relation to Candragupta Maurya
  • establecido por un príncipe local, Candra Gupta,
    ninguna relación a Candragupta Maurya

The Gupta EmpireEl imperio de Gupta
  • became a dominant political force
  • se convirtió una fuerza política dominante

The Gupta EmpireEl imperio de Gupta
  • golden age of Indian culture
  • edad de oro de la
  • cultura india

The Gupta EmpireEl imperio de Gupta
  • actively traded with China, SE Asia and the
  • negociado activamente con China, Asia
    Sur-Oriental y el mediterráneo

Reading Check (79)
  • What characteristics made the Gupta Empire great?
  • Qué características hicieron el imperio de Gupta

Reading Check (79)
  • Gupta rulers were fair and tolerant and the
    empire was prosperous
  • Los gobernantes de Gupta eran justas y tolerante
    y el imperio era próspero

Indian AccomplishmentsRealizaciones indias
  • Pages 80-81

Main IdeaIdea principal
  • India produced great works in almost all cultural
    fields, including literature, architecture, and
  • La India produjo grandes trabajos en casi todos
    los campos culturales, incluyendo la literatura,
    la arquitectura, y la ciencia.

History and You Poll
  • Do you like algebra or geography better?
  • Usted tienen gusto de la álgebra o de la
    geografía mejor?
  • Algebra
  • Geography

Literature /Literatura
  • Vedas-religious chants and stories
  • Vedas-religioso canta y las historias

Literature /Literatura
  • Mahabharata epic poem with 90,000 stanzas the
    longest poem in any written language describes
    war between cousins for control of the kingdom
  • Mahabharata - poema épico con 90.000 stanzas - el
    poema más
  • largo de cualquier lengua
  • escrita describe guerra
  • entre los primos para el
  • control del reino

Literature /Literatura
  • Ramayana epic poem account of fictional ruler
  • Ramayana - poema épico cuenta de la regla
    ficticia Rama.

Literature /Literatura
  • Kalidasa famous author of ancient India
  • Kalidasa - autor famoso de la India antigua

  • The three main types of Indian architectural
    structures which served religious purposes
  • Los tres tipos principales de estructuras
    arquitectónicas indias que respondieron a
    propósitos religiosos

  • The pillar marked sites of events in Buddhas
  • El pilar - sitios marcados de acontecimientos en
    la vida de Buddha

  • The stupa a burial mound to house a relic of
    the Buddha became a place for devotion
  • El stupa - un montón de entierro para contener
  • reliquia del Buddha
  • se convirtió un
  • lugar para la
  • dedicación

  • the rock chamber carved from rock cliffs,
    housed monks served for religious ceremonies
  • el compartimiento de la roca - tallado de los
  • acantilados de la
  • roca, monks
  • contenidos
  • servido para las
  • ceremonias
  • religiosas

Stupas Show Spread of Buddhism (80)
  • What is another name for a Buddha stupa?
  • Why did the shape and name for stupas change?
  • Cuál es otro nombre para un stupa de Buddha?
  • Por qué la forma y el nombre para los stupas

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Stupas Show Spread of Buddhism (80)
  • Pagoda, shrine or temple
  • As Buddhism spread to other countries, the stupa
    took on local names and architecture styles.
  • Pagoda, capilla o templo
  • Mientras que el Buddhism se separó a otros
    países, el stupa adquirió nombres locales y
    estilos de la arquitectura.

  • Rock-Cut stupas at Bhaje (Bhaja), a Buddhist cave
    site in India. ... www.youtube.com/watch?vKbJHRy1

Science and MathematicsCiencia y matemáticas
  • In Astronomy they charted the movements of the
    stars and recognized that the earth was a sphere
    that rotated on its axis and revolved around the
  • En astronomía planearon los movimientos de las
    estrellas y reconocieron que la tierra era una
    esfera que rotó en su eje y girado alrededor del

Science and MathematicsCiencia y matemáticas
  • The ancient Indians most important contribution
    was in mathematics
  • Los indios antiguos' la mayoría de la
    contribución importante estaban en matemáticas

Science and MathematicsCiencia y matemáticas
  • Aryabhata was one of the first scientists known
    to have used algebra
  • Aryabhata era uno de los primeros científicos
    conocidos para ha utilizado álgebra

Science and MathematicsCiencia y matemáticas
  • Indian mathematicians introduced the concept of 0
    along with a symbol.
  • Los matemáticos indios introdujeron el concepto
    de 0 junto con un símbolo.

Reading Check (81)
  • How have Indian advances in science and
    mathematics influenced our world today?
  • Cómo los avances indios en ciencia y matemáticas
    han influenciado nuestro mundo hoy?

Reading Check (81)
  • You study the rotation of Earth on its axis,
    learn algebra, and you use zero in mathematics.
  • Usted estudia la rotación de la tierra en su eje,
    aprende álgebra, y le utiliza cero en matemáticas.

  • Chapter 3 Section 2 Review (81)
  • Questions 1-8
  • Vocabulary - use LINCS
  • Capítulo 3 - Repaso de la sección 2 (81)
  • Preguntas 1-8
  • El vocabulario - utiliza LINCs
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