The Cold War - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Cold War


The Cold War USA vs. Soviet Union – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: cold | macarthur | nations | plan | united | war


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Cold War

The Cold War
  • USA vs. Soviet Union

YALTA Conference
  • February 1945 (Crimean Peninsula on Black Sea)
  • FDR, Churchill, Stalin
  • Final plans for defeat of Germany Japan
  • Formation of a World organization (UN) w/
    security council (veto power) of 5 along w/ the
    IMF World Bank
  • Declaration of a liberated Europe (sovereign
    rights free will)
  • Dismemberment of Germany Berlin (split into 4
    pieces each)-- Iron Curtain develops in East
  • Zone of occupation for the French
  • Reparations (Britain received 3.75bn while
    Soviets got 0)
  • War Criminals (Nazis others tried at Nuremberg
  • Poland (broad-based provisional govt, free
    election universal manhood suffrage)--elections
    broken by Stalin
  • Yugoslavia (had to sign anti-fascist documents)

Big Three Churchill, FDR, Stalin
Nuremberg Trials
Herman Goering on the stand--mastermind of the
Nuremberg defendants on trial
Potsdam Conference
  • Truman Stalins first meeting following FDRs
    death (w/ Churchill)
  • Suburb of Berlin
  • Truman uses A-bomb to intimidate
  • Conclude discussions on postwar Europe
  • Soviets aggressively start research on A-bombs
  • Leads to competition (USSR gets within 1 year)

Iron Curtain
Top 10 Cold War factors
  • Reasons why the USA Soviets were suspicious of
    each other in the 1940s-1960s

  • 10. Soviet aggression
  • The Soviets invaded its neighbors in Europe to
  • new communist lands.
  • The Second Front
  • The promised invasion of Western Europe was
    postponed for 2 years--led to millions of
    Russians killed/dead.
  • Poland
  • The Soviets set up a puppet government
    executed thousands.
  • Policies Philosophy
  • Capitalism v. Communism
  • Financial Aid
  • The USA refused to help rebuild Russia after the

  • Post War Germany
  • The Soviets refused to give Germany back to the
  • The War Against Japan
  • The Soviets didnt willingly help us fight
    Japan after Germany quit the war.
  • The United Nations
  • The Soviets feared the organization would be
    controlled by capitalists.
  • President Truman
  • Truman was viewed as passionately
    anti-communists by the Soviets.
  • The Atomic Bomb
  • The Soviets were kept in the dark by the USA
    about bomb developments. US will later have
    20,000 the Soviets will have 50,000!!!

Containment Policy
  • Created by George Kennan (Harvard)
  • US should do anything possible to prevent the
    future spread of communism
  • Truman likes idea
  • Official policy of containment dubbed Truman

Truman Doctrine
  • Greece--poor country w/ very limited resources
    communist forces already in the country
    fighting vital to Eastern Mediterranean
  • Turkey--neutral until end of WW1 strongly
    anti-communist (Russia) underdeveloped needed
    to modernize the military
  • 1st case of Truman Doctrine in action
  • Congress grants 400m in aid combined
  • Succeeds in resisting the communist threat

Greece Turkey
Marshall Plan
  • Threat of communists advanced to Western Europe
  • Secretary of State George Marshall works out
    joint plan
  • US pledges financial help (13bn over 4 years)
  • Countries had to be democratic capitalistic

More Marshall Plan stuff.
Berlin Airlift
  • Followed WW2 (June 48 to Sept. 49)
  • Stalin wouldnt allow reunification wanted a
    communist Germany
  • Germany Berlin divided into East/West
  • US, GB, France controlled the West
  • Soviets the East
  • West Berlin became isolated except for 1 road 1
  • Germans flee East Germany thru West Berlin
  • 100,000 more!!
  • Stalin cuts off escape routes West Berlin is
  • Banned shipments from everywhere
  • US does NOT want to risk war by running blockade
  • Decided to use Marshall to run an airlift
  • 15 months long, 200,000 flights, 13,000 tons of
    supplies dropped daily it works again!!
  • Berlin remains a sore spot for conflict (wall)

Berlin Airlift images
NATO vs. Warsaw Pact
  • Created in 1949--aimed to protect against UN
  • Louis St. Laurent
  • Designed to protect Western Europe
  • Principle of collective security against USSRs
    veto power in UN
  • armed attack on one is an attack on all
  • 15 nations joined by 1955
  • Dramatic departure from US isolationism
  • Soviets counter in 1955
  • Pact is with all Soviet satellite nations
  • Make same philosophical points
  • Balance of powers
  • Stalemate situation
  • Proxy wars will be fought around the world

Cold War in Asia
  • China, Korea, Japan following WW2

China becomes communist
  • Before WW2--China was in competition between
    Nationalists Communists
  • Nationalists led by Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kaishek)
  • Communists led by Mao Zedong
  • Fought together against the Japanese
  • Resume fighting after Japan is out
  • US supported Nationalists but run out of
  • Soviets support Mao
  • Communists win Nationalists flee to Taiwan
  • Americans are upset that China falls to commies
    question foreign policy of

Nationalists v. Communists
Jiang Jieshi (aka Chiang Kaishek)
Jieshi Zedong
Japan occupation
  • Forced occupation led by MacArthur
  • Tried Japanese war criminals
  • Made very good impression on Japanese during
  • Adopted democracy fueled economic recovery
    trade ties with USA
  • Specialized in electronics manufacturing

MacArthur with Emperor Hirohito
North Korea advances communism
  • Japan collapses in 1945
  • Soviets retake North Korea/Manchuria US/USSR
    cant agree on reuniting Korea so they split it
    at 38th Parallel
  • North Korean becomes communist under Kim Il-Sung
    armed w/ military equipment
  • Invaded South Korea forces South to Pusan
  • Truman reacts quadruples spending, 3.5 million
    drafted to armed forces, 50 bn/year on defense
  • UN Security Council meets to discuss Korea
  • Soviets boycott the meeting--China issue

Korean War
  • USSR doesnt show up to UN meeting (protesting
    exclusion of China) so no veto power
  • Truman gets unanimous condemnation of North Korea
    (16 countries pledge support)
  • Force led by USA (main) MacArthur
  • Attacks behind lines at Inchon
  • Within 2 weeks forced North back to 38th
  • UN authorized push across border to reunite Korea
  • China becomes fearful defends at Yalu River
  • Chinese pour across force UN back to 38th
  • War becomes stalemate limited (3 years)
  • 55,000 Americans are killed
  • MacArthur wants to use nukes calls Truman a
    pig, imbecile, Judas and gets fired (Eisenhower

Kim Il-Sung
Korean War lines
Artillery barrage
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