Title: Uneven development - Dependency
1Uneven development - Dependency
2Post-war mainstream theories- MODERNIZATION
3Structure of the presentation
- 1) theories of growth
- 2) theories of international trade neoclassical
and its criticism - 3) structuralist perspective - Prebish
- 4) new school of dependency studies
- 5) world system theory - Wallerstein
4Production- possibility frontier
- PPF shows the maximum amount of alternative
combination of goods and services that a society
can produce at a given time when there is full
utilization of economics resources and technology - The PPF shifts outward over time as more resouces
become availabe or technology is improved
- Economic problem of limited production
explained by PPF - ECONOMIC GROWTH occurs when the economys
productive capabilites increase - - growth depicted as an outward shift of PPF
6PPF and growth
- When production is at its maximum, increased
output of A requires reduced production of other
goods, - there s opportunity cost to the increased
production of A - Increasing opportunity costs continous
expansion in the production of A is secured by
sacrificing increasing amount of other goods.
7(No Transcript)
8Opportunity cost
- the benefits forgone when a specific decision
is made - Of two options - the opportunity cost of the
option chosen is the opportunity forgone for the
other option - (accounting vs. economic theory OP)
9Increasing costs
- Recourses are not homogenous - not equally
efficient in the production of goods and services - Not equally productive when used to produce
alternative good - This imperfect substitutability of recourses
due to differences in the skillds of labour,
fertility of soil, specialized funcion of
machinery, buildings etc.
10(No Transcript)
11Post-war concepts of development
- BINNS, T. Dualistic and unilinear concepts of
development pp. 91-95, in companion_II.pdf. - Dualism or dichotomous nature of development
- Advanced and modern sector of the economy
coexisted alongside the traditional and backward
sectors (Binns, 200882).
12Trumans presidential address, 1949
- we must embark on a bold new program for making
the benefits of our scientific advances and
industrial progress available for the improvement
and growth
13Trumans presidential address
14Arthur Lewis
- 1954 Economic Development with unlimited labour
- Proponent of dualistic structure of
underdeveloped economies - Goal - absorption of underempoyed labour force
in susbsistence agriculture - Very influential in the 60s and 70s
15Arthur Lewis
- Criticism failed to appreciate the positive role
of small agriculture - Some successes of Green revolution raising
productivity in the rural substistence sector -
help development process rather then obstacle
16Dualism in geographical concepts
- Early spation development models
- Different qualities and potential of contrasting
regions - Initial regional inequalities as a prerequisite
for eventual overall development
17Unilinear models - WW Rostow
18Institutionalists - Gunnar Myrdal, Albert
- Cumulative causation
- Particular regions by virtue of some initial
advantages - moved ahead new increments of
activities and growth will be concentrated in
those regions already ahead.
19Criticism of Rostows model (and similar ones)
- 1) unilinear development - things can only get
better x cf sub-Saharan countries and LA - Sub-Saharan worse off then at the independence
- 2) eurocentic model developing countries will
imitate the development path in Europe and
America - 3) development occurs in stages
20Neoliberalism, SAPs
- Reading SIMON, D. Neoliberalism, stuctural
adjustment and poverty reduction strategies, in
companion_II.pdf, pp. 86 - Dramatic oil price increases 1973 and 1979
triggered a slowdown, severe recession and debt
crisis 1981-2
21Crisis of Keynesian model
- Profound disillusionment - record of the state
involvement in economic and social life - Keynesian state involvement - inefficient,
bureaucratic, unnecessary drain on public coffers
(Binns, 200887)
22Opportunity cost
- the benefits forgone when a specific decision
is made - Of two options - the opportunity cost of the
option chosen is the opportunity forgone for the
other option - (accounting vs. economic theory OP)
23Dependency - readings
- Conway, D. Heynen N. Dependency theories from
ECLA to André Gunder Frank and beyond, in.
Companion_II.pdf - International division of labour
- Based on Ricardos model of international trade
- Factor endowment theory
- Specialization on the production of good in which
partricular country has comparative advantage
- Different countries different factor endowments
- Cf china, South Africa
- Heckher Ohlin Hypothesis of international trade
- Specialization according to the prevailing factor
endowements - USA, UK focus on what kind of goods?
- Sierra Leone?
25Raul Prebish, Singer
- LA historical marginalization and resultant
underdevelopment perpetuated by such unequal
commercial arrangements - LA shoukd benefit from export strategies
- Evidence showed oterwise
- Structuralist economists argued that core
countries benefited at LA expense
26Frank development of underdevelopment
- Metropolis satellite relations occured not only
among states bust also on region and sub-regional
levels - Dependebcuy perpetuated through global
capitalims - Importance of historical significance and
transformative impact of capitalisms
penetrartion into continents structures
- Import substitution industrialization
- Prebish - insisted on major structural changes
in development policy - Favoured switching to more domestic production
under tariff protection - as a means of replacing industrial imports ISI
- Capital goods, intermediate product and energy
would be purchaised with national income revenue
from export of primary commodities (Conway,
Heynen, 200893)
28New forms of dependency
- Multinational corporate power and authority over
technology transfer anc capital investment
emerged as a new form of dependency (Conway,
Heynen, 200893).
29Fernando Cardoso
- Associated dependent development
- Triple alliance
- Domestic elite in cooperation wt transnational
corporation - ISI under authoritarian regimes, state policies
favoured multinational capital at the expense of
30Theory of international trade
- SAPSFORD, D. Smith, Ricardo, and the world
marketplace 1776-2007 back to the future?
31Smith on international trade
32Classical depencency school
- LA ECLA , Prebish head of ECLA
- Voices of the periphery
- Prebish criticized outdated international
division of labour - LA asked to produce raw materials for
industrial centers
33André Gundar Frank
- development of underdevelopment
- Concepts of modernization school distilled from
the categories derived from the Western world - Western categories are unable to guide an
understanding of the problems facing 3W
- Modernization school ignores the historical
experience of colonialism - Metropolis-satellite relationship explain how
underdevelopment works - Replicated within countries
- Calcuta
- Satellite flourishes when cut off from the centre
- Industrialization during WWI WWII
36Social destruction .
- Creation of client serving class
- Extension of the colonial power
- Corruption of local elites
- Disintegration of communities, social conflicts
- Educational system
- Did not enhance knowledge and technological
advances - Ubiquous knowledge
38Baran colonialism in India
- Politics of de-industrialization
- unfavorable terms of trade
- Appropriation of 10
- Plus asymetry of power -
39Raul Prebish
- Structuralist approaches
- Critique of Ricardian theory of international
trade - empirical evidence did not prove - LA growth during both wars
- Close links with centers not beneficial to the
growth of peripheries
40External indebtedness and
41The anatomy of structural adjustment programmes
- (Simon, 200886) Structural Adjustment Programmes
- designed to cut government expenditure, reduce
the extent of state intervention in the economy
and promote liberalization and international
trade - SAPs explicit about the necessity of export
promotion based on the Ricardian notion of
comparative advantage
42Nature of international trade
- International trade is unbalanced and unequitable
43initiatives connected with debt relief
- the structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) of
the 1980s, - the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiatives
(HIPCI) 1990s - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI)
announced after the summit of the G-8 states
in Gleneagles in 2005.
- debt crisis broke out in August 1982 when Mexico,
Brazil no longer able to service their debts
triggering panic - Developed countries advanced enormous commercial
loans to the debtor countries - during the 1970s - Pearson Report to warn
45The Reasons of the Debt Crisis
- The Reasons of the Debt Crisis
- Developing countries - substantial economic
growth in the 1960s (average of 6.6 between 1967
1973, see Todaro 1994459) - the OPEC countries decided to increase oil
prices. They rose four times (Pilbeam 1998290),
which started to cause problems in both
the developed and the developing world as oil was
needed everywhere.
46Debt crisis
- Walt Whitman Rostow that all countries have
potential to develop along the same trajectory, - the only obstacle being delay due to the lack
of resources to promote rise of economic
capacities of the backward states
47Debt crisis
- The loans, even though very large, did not seem
risky at first because of the relative strength
of primary commodity prices in the 1970s
(Mulhearn 1996170). I - in addition, surplus of money on the
international markets meant higher levels of
inflation interest rates were thus relatively
low, which made borrowing even more attractive.
48Loans from commercial banks
- Commercial lending boomed as countries were
reluctant to borrow from institutions such
as the IMF or the WB due to the required
conditions - AAA rating
49IMF policies - SAPs
- Geared to maximizing the propects for and amounts
of repayment by the debtor countries - SAPs explicit about the necessity of export
promotion based on the Ricardian model of
comparative advantage - International trade is often unbalanced and
50- Debt service payments tripled between 1975 and
1979 (Todaro 1994463) but debtor countries
managed to maintain the growth which made debt
servicing possible.
51Debt crisis
- Rapid countermeasures and strict penalties
imposed - Threat of domino effect among debt-ridden
countries bankrupcy - Undermine the whole systém
- IMF assimed leading role in addressing the crisis
- The problem of default diagnosed as entirely
the fault of the debtor countries.
52Interpretations of debt crisis
- Western countries interpreted the crisis as the
fault of developing countries - Government being corrupt, interventionist,
bloated by bureaucracy, loss-making state
enterprises - Dramatic increase in interest rate paid
(monetarist policies of expensive money) was not
considered as sufficient explanation
- Question of the legitimacy of debt
- Non-democratic regimes burden on the whole of
population when appropriated by administration? - Question whether loans in question were
contracted willingly not asked - CAMPAIGN Jubilee 2000
- After the second oil shock in 1979, oil prices
increased from 13 per barrel in mid-1978 to 32
billion in mid-1980 (Pilbeam 1998297). - The governments of the industrialized countries
imposed strict monetary policies in order to
stabilize the economy and to lower inflation
55Global recession
- Global recession at the beginning of the 1980s
- a new wave of protectionism in the developed
world - deteriorating terms of trade for developing
countries. - This coincided with falling primary commodities
prices -
56Global recession
- Compared to 1980 prices, the export earnings from
cotton fell by 47, coffee by 64, from cocoa and
sugar by 71, 77 respectively (Commission for
Africa 2005109).
- Terms of trade A proportion between money
earned from exports and money spent on imports.
58Development in the 1980s and the 1990s
- At first, the debt crisis was seen only as a
temporary shortage of liquidity problem not as
something which was supposed to cause
difficulties in the international system till the
new millennium. - The main concern was to ensure that there would
be no collapse of any important banks due to
default of a major debtor.
59Liquidity solvency problems
- A liquidity problem means that the government
does not have enough foreign currency to meet its
obligations but is able to repay them in the long
run, a solution may be just rescheduling. - On the other hand, if a solvency problem is the
case, the government is not and probably will not
be able to repay debts even if rescheduled,
the only solution is thus debt forgiveness
60Debt structures
- Latin American countries entered the 1980s as
much largely indebted than the sub-Saharan
states. - At the end of the decade Brazil owed about 120
billion, Mexico 100, Argentina 70 and Venezuela
50 billion (Wiarda 1990411).
61The creditors
- the largest amount of money in Latin America was
owed to commercial banks while in sub-Saharan
Africa to official creditors such as states and
multilateral institutions.
62- The World Bank could provide more funding for
different plans and programmes to deal with the
situation. The International Monetary Fund was
not entitled to do this as it could lend money
only to support reform policies not particular
- Pilbeam (1998419) argues that both of the
institutions were restricted in their actions by
the amount of possible capital to be lent because
the IMF did not have enough resources and the WB
had to keep its AAA rating.
64Programme for Sustained Growth
- In 1983 and 1984, 126.4 billon of private debts
of 25 developing countries had to be rescheduled,
118.1 billions owed by the Latin American
governments (Parkins 199660). - In 1985 the Programme for Sustained Growth was
announced by the US Secretary of Treasury James
- management of the debt crisis in developing
countries the IMF - Structural Adjustment Facility in 1986, renamed
to the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility
(ESAF) a year later.
- debtor countries were required to pursue a
number of reforms which are known as the
structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) - designed to improve the economic situation. The
usual requirements of the SAPs were
67Washington Consensus
- cuts in government expenditure on health,
education, employment or food subsidizes,
currency devaluation, export promotion, trade
liberalization, privatisation and deregulation. - These measures met with strong criticism in
developing countries as well as in academic
circles, and they became know as the Washington
68lost decade.
- The achievements of these programmes are
questionable because they were followed by
declining living standards, rising unemployment
and rising inequalities within the societies so
the 1980s are frequently referred to as a lost
decade of development. A
- the mid-1990s attention started to shift from
Latin American countries which seemed to be more
or less stabilised to sub-Saharan Africa where
the situation was not improving. - In 1996 total external debt of Africa was 320
billion which was equal to the regions GDP per
year, making it the most indebted part of the
world as Latin American proportion of debt to GDP
was only 60 (Ayittey 1999).
- In 1996, the IMF and the WB launched a joint
programme called the Heavily Indebted Poor
Countries Initiative (HIPCI). - to reduce the external debt of the world's
poorest states to sustainable levels - to ensure that the countries had enough resources
to make repayments and to finance economic growth
at the same time
- BWIs reaching first the decision point and then
the completion point. - At that moment debt relief was granted.
- the HIPC Trust Fund with basic capital of 500
million to pre-pay debts
- to help and cover debt service if a country could
not meet it and to purchase debts and then cancel
them. - The IMF established the ESAF Trust Fund to
provide the poor countries with grants which
were, as argued by Raffer and Singer (2001185),
then used to repay the IMF but it allowed the
institution to maintain reputation that it did
not reduce debts.
73Washington Consensus
- The term Washington Consensus was initially
coined in 1989 by John Williamson - to describe a set of ten specific economic policy
prescriptions - considered to constitute a "standard" reform
package promoted for crisis-wracked developing
countries - by Washington D.C based institutions such as the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and
the U.S. Treasury Department.1
74- The consensus included ten broad sets of
recommendations12 - Fiscal policy discipline
- Redirection of public spending from subsidies
("especially indiscriminate subsidies") toward
broad-based provision of key pro-growth, pro-poor
services like primary education, primary health
care and infrastructure investment
75- Tax reform broadening the tax base and adopting
moderate marginal tax rates - Interest rates that are market determined and
positive (but moderate) in real terms - Competitive exchange rates
- Trade liberalization liberalization of imports,
with particular emphasis on elimination of
quantitative restrictions (licensing, etc.) any
trade protection to be provided by low and
relatively uniform tariffs
76- Liberalization of inward foreign direct
investment - Privatization of state enterprises
- Deregulation abolition of regulations that
impede market entry or restrict competition,
except for those justified on safety,
environmental and consumer protection grounds,
and prudent oversight of financial institutions
and, - Legal security for property rights.
77Washington consensus
- the term has come to be used in a different and
broader sense, as a synonym for market
fundamentalism - in this broader sense, Williamson states, it has
been criticized George Soros and Nobel Laureate
Joseph E. Stiglitz - The Washington Consensus is also criticized by
others such as some Latin American politicians
and heterodox economists.
78Washington Consensus
- The term has become associated with neoliberal
policies in general - drawn into the broader debate over the expanding
role of the free market, constraints upon the
state, and US influence on other countries'
national sovereignty.
79Anti-globalization movement
- Many critics of trade liberalization, such as
Noam Chomsky, Tariq Ali, Susan George, and Naomi
Klein, see the Washington Consensus as a way to
open the labor market of underdeveloped economies
to exploitation by companies from more developed
80Anti-globalization movement
- The prescribed reductions in tariffs and other
trade barriers allow the free movement of goods
across borders according to market forces, but
labor is not permitted to move freely due to the
requirements of a visa or a work permit.
81- The criticism is that workers in the Third World
economy nevertheless remain poor, - any pay raises they may have received over what
they made before trade liberalization are said to
be offset by inflation, - whereas workers in the First World country become
unemployed, while the wealthy owners of the
multinational grow even more wealthy
- critics further claim that First World countries
impose what the critics describe as the
consensus's neoliberal policies on economically
vulnerable countries through organizations such
as the World Bank and the International Monetary
Fund and by political pressure and bribery.
83- They argue that the Washington Consensus has not,
in fact, led to any great economic boom in Latin
America, - but rather to severe economic crises and the
accumulation of crippling external debts that
render the target country beholden to the First
84Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
- Reduction of poverty became the main target which
went in line with the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs) discussed by the United Nations and
agreed on a year later. - The IMFs Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility
(ESAF) introduced in 1987 was changed into the
Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility.
85- The requirements to qualify for the HIPCI II were
lowered and debt relief is now provided from the
decision point, not the completion one. - Countries need to create a Poverty Reduction
Strategy Paper (PRSP) where the freed resources
are used effectively to alleviate poverty. The
other two key elements emphasised are
country-ownership and civil society
participation. - Countries can achieve the decision point after
three years of economic stability and an interim
- In March 2008 thirty-three countries were
receiving debt relief under HIPCI II - twenty-three of them reached the completion point
- ten were benefiting from some debt reductions as
they were in the interim period between
the decision and completion points (IMF 2008).
87The total external debt
- The total external debt of all developing
countries at the end of 2005 was 2,800 billion
and debt service payments over the year reached
511 billion (Jubilee 2000 The Basics about
Debt). - For sub-Saharan Africa, which is the most
problematic region now, the external debt
increased by 175 from 84.1 billion in 1980 to
231.4 billion in 2003 (African Development
Report 200613) while its share of world exports
between 1980 and 2001 fell from 4.6 to 1.9
(Randriamaro 2003121).
- Despite this, a new debt relief initiative which
was named the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative
(MDRI) was agreed on in 2005 at the G-8 summit
in Scottish Gleneagles. - it emphasises debt forgiveness not just relief
and focuses on multilateral creditors.
89- Most of the private banks loans have already
been repaid with money from the BWIs, and
bilateral relief is granted by the Paris Club so
the multilateral institutions were the last ones
to lend. - Paris Club a group of major creditors set up in
1956 when Argentinas debt had to be restructured
for the first time.
- The qualification criteria for the MDRI are the
same as for the HIPCI II, and after reaching the
completion point debts of the countries which are
owed to the IMF, the International Development
Association (IDA)1 and the African Development
Bank (AfDB) are cancelled. -
- On 6 January 2006, the IMF was the first
multilateral institution to cancel the debts owed
to it by 19 of the worlds poorest countries. - IDA - an agency which belongs to the World Bank
group and provides concessional lending for the
low-income countries i.e. loans with long
maturities (10Â years) and low fixed interest
rates of 0.5 per year.