Title: Hazard - something with the potential to cause harm
1Risk Assessment
Hazard - something with the
potential to cause harm
Risk - the likelihood that harm will occur
2Risk Assessment
Examples of hazards
3Risk Assessment
The Research Group Leader/Principal Investigator
of a given research group.. is required to
take ownership of the risk assessments for all
work activities carried out by themselves and
those persons under their supervision
University Health and Safety Policy Part 6 3.4
Risk Assessment
4Risk Assessment
1 - Identify the hazards
2 - Identify those at risk
3 - Evaluate the risks and implement
controls where necessary
4 - Record your findings
5 - Review the assessment
5Risk Assessment
Manual Handling
6Accident and Incident Reporting
- Individual remedial action
7To access the next part of the training course,
sources of guidance and further information,
please click the link below
Session 5 Sources of guidance and further
information Return to Index Page