Occurrence and timing of events depend on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Occurrence and timing of events depend on


Title: Log-linear modeling and missing data Author: Frans Last modified by: Frans Created Date: 6/21/1999 7:22:11 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Occurrence and timing of events depend on

Occurrence and timingofeventsdependon
Risk depends on exposure
Exposure to the risk of an event
Age at first marriage and age at change in
education Person-years file
Educ 0 not in school full-time 1
secondary eduction 2 postsecondary
education Marriage MS 0 not married
1 married
All age periods prior to marriage and age at
marriage are included.
Source Yamaguchi, 1991, p. 22
Exposure examples
  • To risk of conception
  • To risk of infection (e.g. malaria, HIV)
  • To marriage
  • To risk of divorce
  • To risk of dying
  • Health risk

Exposure to risk
  • Whenever an event or act gives rise to gain or
    loss that cannot be predicted
  • Risk of the unexpected

Williams et al., 1995, Risk management and
insurance, McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 16
Exposure analysis
  • Being exposed or not
  • If exposed, level of exposure (intensity)
  • Factors affecting level of exposure
  • (e.g. age, contacts, etc.)
  • Interventions may affect level of exposure
  • Contraceptives and sterilisation are used to
    prevent unwanted pregnancies
  • Breastfeeding prolongs postpartum amenorrhoea
  • Immunisation prevents (reduces) risk of
    infectious disease
  • Lifestyle reduces/increases risk of lung cancer
  • Which mechanism(s) determines level of exposure
  • e.g. Breastfeeding stimulates production of
    prolactin hormone, which inhibits ovulation

Hobcraft and Little, ??
Risk levels and differentialsRisk
measuresPrediction of risk levelsDeterminants
of differential risk levels
Risk potential variation in outcome
(Objective) risk measures
  • Count Number of events during given period
    (observation window)
  • Count data
  • Probability probability of an outcome
    proportion of risk set experiencing a given
    outcome (event) at least once
  • Basis Risk set
  • Risk set all persons at risk at given point in
  • Rate number of events per time unit of exposure
  • Basis duration of exposure (duration at risk)
  • Rate (general) change in one quantity per unit
    change in another quantity (usually time other
    possible measures include space, miles travelled)

Risk measures
  • Difference of probabilities p1 - p2 (risk
  • Relative risk ratio of probabilities (focus
    risk factor)
  • prob. of event in presence of risk factor/ prob.
    of event in absence of risk factor (control
    group reference category) p1 / p2
  • Odds odds on an outcome ratio of favourable
    outcomes to unfavourable outcomes. Chance of one
    outcome rather than another p1 / (1-p1)
  • The odds are what matter when placing a bet on a
    given outcome, i.e. when something is at stake.
    Odds reflect the degree of belief in a given

Relation odds and relative risk Agresti, 1996,
p. 25
Risk measures
  • Odds two categories (binary data)

In regression analysis, ? is linear predictor ?
?0 ?1 x1 ?2 x2
Parameters of logistic regression ln(odds) and
ln(odds ratio)
Risk measures
  • Odds multiple categories (polytomous data)

Select category 3 as reference category
Parameters of logistic regression ln(odds) and
ln(odds ratio)
Risk measures
  • Odds ratio ratio of odds (focus risk
    indicator, covariate)
  • odds in target group / odds in control group
    reference category ratio of favourable
    outcomes in target group over ratio in control
    group. The odds ratio measures the belief in a
    given outcome in two different populations or
    under two different conditions. If the odds ratio
    is one, the two populations or conditions are
  • Target group k1 Control group k2

Parameters of logistic regression ln(odds) and
ln(odds ratio)
Risk measures in epidemiology
  • Prevalence proportion (refers to status)
  • Incidence rate rate at which events (new cases)
    occur over a defined time period events per
    person-time. Incidence rate is also referred to
    as incidence density (e.g. Young, 1998, p. 25
    Goldhaber and Fireman, 1991).
  • Case-fatality ratio proportion of sick people
    who die of a disease (measure of severity of
    disease). Is not a rate!! (Young, 1998, p. 27)

Confusion Birth defect prevalence proportion of
live births having defects Birth defect
incidence rate of development of defects among
all embryos over the period of gestation (Young,
1998, p. 48)
Risk measures in epidemiology
  • Attributable risk (among the exposed) proportion
    of events (diseases) attributable to being
    exposed p1-p2/p1 (since non-exposed can also
    develop disease)

(Subjective) risk measures
  • Subjective probability degree of belief about
    the outcome of a trial or process, or about the
    future. It is the perception of the probability
    of an outcome or event. It is highly dependent
    on judgment (Keynes, 1912, A treatise on
    probability, Macmillan, London). Keynes regarded
    probability as a subjective concept our judgment
    (intuition, gut feeling) about the likelihood of
    the outcome.
  • See also Value-expectancy theory attractiveness
    of an alternative (option) depends on the
    subjective probability of an outcome and the
    value or utility of the outcome (Fishbein and
    Ajzen, 1975).

In case of multiple categories,select a
reference category
Reference category is coded 0 Various coding
Coding schemes
  • Contrast coding one category is reference
    category (simple contrast coding dummy coding).
    Model parameters are deviations from reference
  • Indicator variable coding indicator (0,1)
  • Cornered effect coding (Wrigley, 1985, pp.
    132-136) 0,1)
  • Effect coding the mean is the reference. Model
    parameters are deviations from the mean.
  • Centred effect coding (Wrigley, 1985, pp.
    132-136) -1,1
  • Other types of coding see e.g. SPSS Advanced
    Statistics, Appendix A

Vermunt, 1997, p. 10
Coding schemes
  • Categories are coded
  • Binary 0,1, -1,1, 1,2
  • Multiple 0,1,2,3,.., set of binary
  • e.g. 3 categories

Coding schemes
Selection of reference category depends on
research question
Descriptive statistics
Reference categories Late ?20, Males Odds on
leaving home early (rather than late)
Logit - Males 74/178 0.416
-0.877 - Females
135/143 0.944
-0.058 Odds ratio (?) 0.944/0.416 2.27
0.820 (if we bet
that a person leaves home early, we should bet on
females they are the winners - leave home
early) Var(?) ?2 1/1351/1431/741/178
0.1725 ln ? 0.819 Var(ln ? )
1/1351/1431/741/178 0.0335
Selvin, 1991, p. 345
Leaving home
Relation probabilities, odds and logit
Risk analysis modelsPrediction of risk levels
and differentials risk levelsProbability models
and regression models
  • Counts ? Poisson r.v. ? Poisson distribution ?
    Poisson regression / log-linear model
  • Probabilities ? binomial and multinomial r.v. ?
    binomial and multinomial distribution ? logistic
    regression / logit model
  • (parameter p, probability of occurrence, is also
    called risk e.g. Clayton and Hills, 1993, p. 7)
  • Rates ? Occurrences/exposure ? Poisson r.v. ?
    log-rate model
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