Title: Diseases of Conjunctiva
1Diseases of Conjunctiva
- Classification
- I Based on onset
- a. Acute
- b. Sub-acute
- c. Chronic
- II Based on type of Exudates
- a. Serous (Viral, allergic, toxic)
3Classification of Conjunctivitis
- b. Catarrhal (allergic Ropy or thread like
thick mucoid discharge) - c. Mucopurulent
- d. Purulent
- c. Pseudo-membranous / Membranous
4Classification of Conjunctivitis
- III Based on Conjunctival Reaction
- a. Follicular
- b. Papillary
- c. Granulomatous
- IV Based on Etiology
- a. Infectious (Bacterial, Viral,
Chlamydial, Fungal and parasitic) - b. Non-infectious (Allergic, Irritants
5Classification of Conjunctivitis
- Endogenous or autoimmune, Dry Eye, Toxic
(chemical or drug induced, self inflicted) and
Idiopathic. -
6Risk Factors for the Development of Bacterial
- Disruption of host defense mechanism caused by
- 1. Dry Eye
- 2. Exposure due to lid retraction, exophthalmos,
lagophthalmos, inadequate blinking - 3. Nutritional deficiencies/ Avitaminosis A
7 Risk Factors for the Development of Bacterial
Conjunctivitis .. contd
- 4. Local or Systemic Immune Deficiency
- after topical and systemic immunosupressive
therapy - Nasolacrimal duct obstruction and infection
- Radiation damage
- Trauma
- Surgery
8Risk Factors for the Development of Bacterial
Conjunctivitis.. Contd
- Prior Conjunctival inflammation or infection
- Systemic Infection
- Exogenous inoculation
9Gonorrhoeal Conjunctivitis
- I. Epidemiological Aspect
- Rare in developed countries, still seen in
individuals and communities where Gonorrhoea is
still a problem and hygienic standards are poor. -
10Gonorrhoeal Conjunctivitis
- Etiology Caused by Neisseria Gonorrhoeae (a
bun- shaped Gram-negative intracellular
diplococcus). Neisseria Catarrhalis may be
seen/found in chronic forms. Condition is found
in cases suffering from Gonorrhoeal genital
infection. - Incubation period is few hours to three days.
11Clinical Features
- Symptoms
- Swelling of eyelids, Pain, redness, inability
to open eye(s), purulent discharge, grittiness,
Diminution of Vision
12 Clinical Features
- Signs
- Acute disease, occurring usually in adult males.
Often in RE to begin with. Lids are swollen.
Upper lids are tense, overhanging on lower lid.
Matting of lashes and pus on lids margins.
Eversion is difficult. Deep red velvety
conjunctiva sometimes with membrane - After two to three weeks discharge diminishes
but subacute form of conjunctivitis with presence
of Gonococci persists for several weeks.
13Signs Contd
- Pre-auricular lymphadenopathy, tenderness and
14 Clinical Features
- No immunity is conferred by an attack.
- Associated systemic signs Urethritis, rise of
temperature and depression. - Complications- Corneal involvement Gonococcus
is capable of invading the normal cornea through
intact cornea. - Location of Corneal Ulcer Central, Marginal
Ulcer , all round. Progressing rapidly depth-wise
leading to perforation and complications
associated with it.
15 Clinical Features
- Other complications of Gonorrhoeal Conjunctivitis
Iritis , Iridocyclitis - Non Ocular complications Arthritis,
Endocarditis and Septicaemia.
16 Treatment
- Of Gonococcal Conjunctivitis is started on
confirmation of intracellular Gram-negative
diplococci in conjunctival scrapings in
clinically suspected cases. - Aim of therapy is to prevent or limit the
corneal involvement and to eliminate systemic
- Systemic Treatment
- Ceftriaxone 1 Gm IM , single dose
- Local Treatment
- Cleanliness
- Ciprofloxacin / Ofloxacin/ Gentamicin/
Tobramycin Eye Drops 2 hrly. -
18 Treatment
- Bacitracin Eye Ointment 6 hrly
- Cycloplegic (Atropine) in cases of Corneal
involvement - Tetracycline In cases where co-existing
Chlamydial Trachomatis infection is suspected and
cases with history of allergy to Penicillin /
19Angular Conjunctivitis
- Specific type of Conjunctival inflammation
characterized by involvement of inter-marginal
Conjunctiva and neighboring bulbar conjunctiva,
caused by Morax axenfield diplobacilli called
Moraxella Lacunata.
20 Angular Conjunctivitis
- Etiology Caused by Staphylococci and more
typically by Moraxella Lacunata.
21 Pathogenesis
- Moraxella Lacunata is a gram-negative
diplobacilli, pair of large ,thick rods placed
end to end which stain well with basic stains. - It produces proteolytic ferment, which acts by
macerating epithelium. The incubation period is
usually 4 days . The organisms are resistant to
drying . -
- Moraxella is also found in nasal tract of healthy
persons and often present in the nasal discharge
of patients of angular conjunctivitis.
- Redness, discomfort, frequent blinking, sharp
pricking pain and mucopurulent discharge. - Incubation period Symptoms develop after 4 days
of exposure.
24 Signs
- Congestion limited to intermarginal strip at
inner and outer canthi and neighboring bulbar
conjunctiva. Excoriation of skin at inner and
outer palpabral angles - Complications- Chronic conjunctivitis,
Blepheritis, corneal ulcer (marginal or central
associated with hypopyon) - Attack does not confer immunity, and relapses may
25 Treatment
- Tetracycline eye ointment
- Eye drops containing Zinc also beneficial, acts
by inhibiting proteolytic ferment.
26 Acute inclusion Chlamydial Conjunctivitis
- Its acute conjunctival inflammation caused by
Chlamydial infection (Serotype D-K) characterized
by inclusion bodies.
27 Acute inclusion Chlamydial Conjunctivitis
- Etiology Caused by Chlamydia Trachomatis
(serotype D-K) - Pathogenesis characterized by inclusion bodies
identical with those occurring in Trachoma.
- Spread by sexual transmission from genital
reservoir (urethritis/ cervicitis). Common mode
of infection is through swimming pool water
(swimming pool conjunctivitis) - May also be transmitted by mothers to newborn.
29 Clinically Features
- Incubation period- Usually 5- 10 days
- Symptoms- Acute onset , redness, foreign body
sensation, intolerance to light , discharge - Signs Conjunctival hyperaemia, Follicles, more
prominent in lower lid, papillary hyperplasia,
superficial punctate keratitis, peripheral
vascularization (pannus)
30 Clinical features
- Chlamydia Trachomatis is also responsible for
genital and oculogenital infections. Associations
have been reported with non-gonococcal and post
gonococcal urethirits, cervicitis and infections
of genital tract. - Arthiritis is also seen in these cases.
31 Diagnosis
- Direct immuno-fluorescent stain of smear using
monoclonal antibodies. Test has 100 sensitivity
and 94 specificity. Urethral and cervical
secretions should also be tested. - Other tests are immuno-sorbitant assay, Giemsa
staining of conjunctival scrapping and McCoy cell
32 Treatment
- Heals spontaneously in 3 -12 months if left
untreated. - Systemic Tetracycline 250 mgm qid for 2 weeks,
Doxycycline 100 mg twice for two weeks,
Erythromycin 250 mg twice for two weeks,
Azithromycin 1 Gm single dose and Ofloxacin 300
mg twice for 7 days. - Locally Tetracycline or Erythromycin eye
ointment twice daily for two weeks.
33Ophthalmia Neonatorum
- Conjunctival inflammation associated with mucoid,
mucopurulent or purulent discharge from one or
both eyes during first month of life. - Its a preventable disease in newborn babies
caused by maternal infection, acquired at the
time of birth.
- Although its incidence has declined due decrease
in incidence of Gonorrhoea and due effective
prophylaxis and treatment , disease is still
prevalent and remains a public health problem in
communities with poor hygiene and limited access
to proper health care.
35 Etiology
- Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, Streptococcus Pneumoniae,
Staphylococcus etc. - Chlamydial Trachomatis, Chalmydial Oculogenitalis
- Chemical Conjunctivitis due to Silver Nitrate 1or
2 (used as Credes method)
36Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
- Manifest within 48Hrs of birth
- Discharge is Mucopurulent to begin with, soon
becomes purulent - Both eyes are affected, one more severe than
other. - Conjunctiva is intensely inflamed with severe
congestion, chemosis, thick yellow discharge,
cornea is seen at bottom of a crater like pit.
37Clinical Features contd
- Lids are swollen, tense, later becomes softer,
conjunctiva is puckered and velvety, stasis of
blood giving appearance of intense congestion.
Pseudomembrane formation. - Discharge is pus, serum and blood.
- Corneal complications- corneal ulcer with its
complications is common
- Corneal Ulcer Oval ulcer, just below the centre
of cornea, rarely oval marginal ulcer,
progressive ulcer resulting in perforation of
corneal ulcer, prolapse of uveal tissue, purulent
uveitis, prolapse of lens, prolapse of vitreous. - Scarring of cornea, adherent leucoma, anterior
staphyloma, anterior capsular cataract,
39Complications Contd
- Non development of fixation due to corneal
opacity during first 3 weeks. - Nystagmus due to non-development of macular
40 Chlamydia Trachomatis Inclusion Conjunctivitis
- Develop usually over one week after birth
- Its venereal infection derived from cervix or
urethra - Less severe than Gonococcal infection
41 Other Bacterial Infections
- Manifest usually 48-72 hrs after birth
- Herpes Simplex Infection
- presents 5-7 days after birth
42 Chemical Toxicity
- Seen within few hours after prophylactic
treatment with Silver Nitrate Solution 1 or 2
(Credes Method) applied for prophylaxis of
Gonococcal infection
43 Diagnosis
- Grams staining
- Giemsa staining of epithelial scraping
- Chlamydial Immunofluorescent antibody test
- Viral and Bacterial culture sensitivity test
44 Differential Diagnosis
- Differential Diagnosis of discharge in child
within the first month of life - Congenital blockade of nasolacrimal duct
- Acute Dacryocystitis
- Congenital Glaucoma.
45 Treatment
- Prophylaxis
- In cases of any suspicious vaginal discharge in
antenatal period should be treated meticulously - New born babies closed lids should be cleaned
properly - Prophylactic used of 1 Tetracycline eye
ointment in babies eyes
46Prophylaxis .. contd
- Close observation during first week
- Prophylactic use of Penicillin or other
antibiotic drops
47 Treatment
- Is on lines of Gonorrheoeal Conjunctivitis
- Child is hospitalized and treated with Gentamicin
eye drops 0.3 and Bacitracin eye ointment.
Atropine is added if corneal involvement is
48 Treatment . Contd.
- N. Gonorrhoeae is treated with single I.M. dose
of Ceftriaxone 125 mgm or Cefotaxime 50 mgm /kg,
IV or IM in three divided dosage. Or Kanamycin 25
mgm /kg body weight. - Local treatment consists of Gentamicin eye drops
0.3 in both eyes repeated in 15 min and then
after every feed (2hrly) for 3 days.
49 Treatment . Contd.
- Chlamydial Infection is treated with Erythromycin
ethylsuccinate 50mgm /kg daily in 4 divided
dosage before feed for 2-3 weeks or Azithromycin
10 mgm/kg body weight for 3 days - Local treatment Chlortetracycline 1 or
Erythromycin eye ointment after feeds. - Parents should be treated for genital infection.
- At one time known as Egyptian Ophthalmia, endemic
in middle east during prehistoric period, spread
far and wide in Europe by French Army during
Napoleonic wars. Trachoma is still a leading
cause of preventable blindness world wide, third
after Cataract and Glaucoma.
51- Approximately 1/5th population of world is
affected by Trachoma, amounting to 150 million
people across the 48 countries . It is estimated
that 6 million people are blind in both eyes. It
still remains a significant problem in areas of
Africa, South East Asia, the Middle East and
52- Trachoma is caused by Chlamydia Trachomatis
immunotypes / serotypes A,B and C. Chlamydia
organisms shares properties of both, bacteria and
virus. It is an obligatory intracellular
53 Predisposing Factors
- Unhygienic and crowded surroundings
- Low socio-economic status
- Lack of water
- No race is exempted
54 Transmission
- Direct transmission from eye to eye through
discharge - Through fomites, flies and eye cosmetics
- Disease is contagious in acute phase
- Incubation period is 5 -12 days
55 Clinical Features
56 Symptoms
- Pure Trachoma is usually asymptomatic condition
or there may be minimum symptoms - There may be redness, irritation, discharge,
foreign body sensation, lacrimation and
photophobia - Systemic symptoms like Rhinitis, pre auricular
lymphadenopathy and upper respiratory infection
may be present
57Symptoms contd
- Onset is usually sub-acute, but may occur as
acute when infection is massive as occurs in
experimental or accidental or clinical infection
- Primary infection is Epithelial, involving
conjunctiva and cornea characterized by - Conjunctival congestion, upper tarsal
Conjunctiva appears red and velvety, later may
become uniformly thick like jelly. - Follicles (in lower fornix, upper fornix, upper
margin of Tarsus, Caruncle, Plica, Palpabral
Conjunctiva, Bulbar Conjunctiva near limbus)
59 Signs contd.
- Follicles are small (0.5 mm in diameter) but may
measure upto 5 mm in diameter. - Invasion of lacrimal passages may also be there.
- Papillary enlargement.
60 Corneal Signs
- Superficial Keratitis in upper part
- Epithelial erosion, extending deep into stroma
- Pannus and Lymphoid infiltration with
vascularization seen in upper half, tending to
spread towards the centre . Whole cornea may be
covered with pannus . Vassels are superficial
between epithelium and Bowmans membrane.
61Corneal Signs.. Contd
- Stages of Pannus
- Progressive (infiltration is beyond
vascularization) - Regressive (infiltration has receded and vessels
are ahead of infiltration) - Corneal ulcer , Chronic, occurs anywhere but
commonest at the advancing edge of pannus, are
shallow ulcer with little infiltration.
- Chlamydia Trachomatis is seen in conjunctival
scarping in the form of colonies in the
epithelial cells as Halberstaedter Prowazek
inclusion bodies. - Inclusion bodies are composed of innumerable
elementary bodies embedded in carbohydrate matrix.
63Pathology Contd
- Elementary bodies, attacking epithelial cells,
enlarge to become initial bodies in the cytoplasm
of the cells. Numerous initial bodies, in cells
divide to form innumerable elementary bodies
embedded in carbohydrate matrix. The nucleus of
cell is displaced , degenerates and cell burst to
release elementary bodies, to attack new cells.
64Pathology contd.
- In TF and TI stages, polymorphonuclear cell
infiltration is noticed and later on lymphocytes
are dominant. - Lymphocytic infiltration in Adenoid layer.
- Aggregation of lymphocyte without capsule forms
follicles - Follicles shows necrosis and contains large
multinucleated Laber cells. - An attack confers little immunity
65Pathology . Contd.
- Trachomatous infiltration may spread deep into
subepithelial tissues of the palpabral
conjunctiva and even invade the tarsal plate - Fibrosis around follicles giving rise to
cicatricial bands (Arlt line in superior tarsus)
- Culture of Chlamydia Trachomatis in irradiated
McCoy cells - Micro-Immunofluorescence (Micro-IF) test
- Monoclonal Direct Antibody test
- Demonstration of inclusion bodies in conjunctival
epithelial scrapping -
67Clinical Diagnosis
- Is based on identification of at least two of the
following signs - 1. Follicles
- 2. Epithelial Keratitis
- 3. Pannus
- 4. Limbal Follicles/ Herbert Pits
- 5. Typical Trachomatous Scarring (Stellate or
Linear Scarring of upper tarsus) - Diagnosis is confirmed by demonstration of
inclusion bodies
68Trachoma Classification
- MacCallans Classification
- Stage I Immature follicles on tarsus , SPK and
Pannus - Stage II Florid Superior Tarsal follicular
reaction with mature follicles or marked
papillary hyperplasia , pannus, Limbal follicles,
superior corneal epithelial infiltrates
69MacCallan Classification
- Stage III Signs of stage II with
Cicatrization - Stage IV Cicatrization and its sequelae
70WHO Classification
- Stage I Trachomatous Infiltration Follicular
(TF) 5 or more follicles of at least 0.5 mm in
diameter. If treated properly, patient recovers
with no or minimal scarring - Stage -II Trachomatous Infiltartion Intense
(TI) Follicles, papillae, thickening of
Conjunctiva obscuring gt50 conjunctival blood
vessels. Severe infection with high risk of
71 WHO Classification Contd
- Stage III Trachomatous scarring (TS)
- Stage IV Trachomatous Trichiasis (TT)
- Stage - V Corneal Opacity (CO) corneal opacity
occupying pupillary area
72Sequelae of Trachoma
- Distortion of lids
- Trachomatous Ptosis
- Entropion
- Trichiasis
- Tylosis
73 Late Complications
- Sever dry eye
- Keratitis
- Corneal scarring
- Fibrovascular pannus
- Corneal Bacterial Superinfection
- Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Rifampicin and
Sulphonamides are effective orally - Topical Erythromycin and Tetracycline ointment
75Treatment contd
- Treatment of TF Stage Topical Erythromycin
twice for 6 weeks - Oral Azithromycin 1 Gm single dose
- Tetracycline 250 mgm qid for 2 weeks
- Doxycycline 100 mgm twice for 2 weeks
76Treatment contd
- Treatment of TI Stage same as TF stage
- Treatment of TS stage Ocular lubricants
- Treatment of TT Stage Epilation , tarsal
rotation , Radiofrequency/ diathermy or
electrolysis epilation . Or Cryotherapy
77 Treatment contd
- Treatment of CO Stage After treatment of lid
deformities LKP or PKP, depending on depth of
corneal opacity
78 WHOs GET 2020
- WHO in 1997 started Global Elimination of
Trachoma by 2020 programme called WHO GET 2020
programme, under which SAFE strategy has been
adopted. - S Surgery for entropion/ trichiasis
- A Antibiotics for infectious trachoma
- F Facial cleanliness to reduce transmission
- E Environmental improvement
79 Trachoma Control Programme
- Tetracycline eye ointment 1 twice daily on 5
consecutive days every month for 12 months - Mass treatment should be annually in endemic
zones ( lt35 children are affected) and
Biannually in hyperendemic zones (gt50 children
are affected)
80 Ophthalmia Nodosa
- Nodular conjunctivitis, resembling tuberculosis,
due to irritation caused by caterpillar hairs. - Small semitranslucent pinkish, reddish or pale
gray nodules formed in bulbar, palpabral
conjunctiva, cornea and rarely in iris tissue.
81Ophthalmia Nodosa .. Contd
- Hairs are surrounded by giant cells and
lymphocytes. - Treatment Symptomatic, Local Steroids in
selected cases, under supervision and excision of
conjunctival nodules.
82 Chronic Non-specific Conjunctivitis
- Is a clinical condition resulting from
continuation of acute conjunctivitis or due to
variety of etiological factors, characterized by
chronic redness in one or both eyes with
persistence of annoying symptoms.
83 Etiology
- 1. Exposure to Chronic irritants like, smoke,
dust, heat, poor quality air, late hours, alcohol
abuse. - 2. Hypersensitivity to allergen.
- 3. Concretions, misdirected eyelash(es),
Dacryocystitis , Chronic Rhinitis, sinusitis,
blepharitis, seborrhoea , dandruff etc - 4. Unilateral Conjunctivitis foreign body
retained in conjunctiva or Dacryocystitis
- Discomfort, burning, grittyness, especially in
the evening when eyes becomes red and eyelid
margins feel hot and dry. - Difficulty in keeping eyes open.
- Increased secretions, mucoid or mucopurulent
discharge, lids may stick together in the morning
on waking up. together
85 Signs
- Hyperaemic lid margins
- Conjunctival Congestion particularly in lower
fornix - Papillary hyperplasia
86 Treatment
- Elimination of cause
- Treatment of infection foci in nose and upper
respiratory passage - Treatment of conjunctival infection with
appropriate antibiotic - Treatment of meibomian gland abnormality by
mechanical expression and warm compression.
87Allergic Conjunctivitis
- Allergy or Hypersensitivity is a state which is
commonly regarded as an unfortunate by product of
the process of immunity whereby the tissues react
by an abnormal and injurious response to foreign
substance (allergens)
88 Allergy
- Two types of reactions
- a. Immediate and
- b. Delayed Hypersensitivity
89 Immediate Hypersensitivity
- Ten days after initial exposure to foreign
protein, anaphylactic reaction follows after
second exposure to same protein. Characterized by
circulating antibodies.
90 Delayed Hypersensitivity
- There are no circulating humoral antibodies of
anykind. The sensitization is the property of the
cells themselves. The hypersensitivity is caused
by prior contact of the tissue with a protein and
seems to be due to the development of sessile
antibodies on or within the cells so that when
they are re-exposed to the same antigen a
reaction causing cellular damage develops which
may even involve necrosis.
91Delayed Hypersensitivity
- This reaction does not occur immediately and
reach its maximum only after 24 to 72 hours. - Typical example is tuberculin reaction.
92 Autosensitization
- In this case individuals own tissue protein are
altered and thus rendered foreign by a
pathogenic agent, either bacterial or a chemical
acting as a haptene, repeated contacts may result
in hypersensitivity reaction eg Sulphonamide
allergy and autosensitization induced by the
haemolytic Streptococcus.
93 Physical Allergy
- Certain individuals react to physical agents such
as heat,cold, light or mechnical irritation by a
typical hypersensitive response often of
urticarial type. Some individuals are
hypersensitive to light of a certain wave-band.
94Physical Allergy
- The reaction is due to auto-antigen liberated in
the tissues either due to alteration of their
specificity or due to their capability of
reacting with antibody only under the physical
condition created by the stimulus.
95 Types of Allergic Conjunctivitis
- Simple Allergic Conjunctivitis
- A. Immediate Anaphylactic (Hay fever) type
mediated by circulating antibody - B. Delayed Type
- (i) Contact Dermatoconjunctivitis due to local
chemicals - (ii) Microbial Allergic Conjunctivitis
- (iii) Keratoconjunctivitis Medicamentosa due to
ingestion of drugs like arsenic and gold.
96 Types of Allergic Conjunctivitis
- 2. Interstitial Allergic Conjunctivitis
- A. Phlyctenular Keratoconjunctivitis Delayed
reaction- Endogenous microbial allergy. - B. Vernal Catarrh Allergic disease of
immediate type an exogenous allergy.
97 Acute or Sub-acute Allergic Catarrhal
- Is an allergic condition characterized by
hyperaemia which not as intense as found in
bacterial conjunctivitis, accompanied by watery
secretion containing eosinophils. Itching is a
prominent symptom. - Etiology Exogenous allergen (contact with
animals, pollens, flower, chemicals, cosmetics,
dye, medications etc. and sometimes bacterial
protein of endogenous nature, the most common
being Staphylococcal infection.
98- Symptoms Itching, watering, redness, swelling of
lids and there may symptoms of hay fever - Signs Conjunctival Congestion, edema of lids may
be there, watery discharge, presence of
eosinophils and elevated IgE level.
- Removal of allergen from environment
- Astringent lotion, adrenalin 110000,
antihistaminic drops (chlorpheniramine), mast
cell stabilizers (sodium cromoglycate,
olopatadine, ketotifen etc) - Short course corticosteroid drops
- Topical 2 sodium cromoglycate drops.
100 Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis (VKC)
- It is a chronic , bilateral conjunctival
inflammatory condition found in individuals
predisposed by their atopic background. It is
recurrent, interstitial inflammation of the
conjunctiva of periodic seasonal incidence, self
limiting disease/ condition usually due to
exogenous allergens.
101- Characterized by flat topped papillae usually on
the tarsal conjunctiva resembling cobble stones
in appearance , a gelatenous hypertrophy of the
limbal conjunctiva, either discrete or confluent,
and a distinctive type of keratitis , associated
with itching , redness of the eyes lacrimation
and mucinous or lardaceous discharge usually
containing eosinophils
- Sporadically occuring with a wide geographical
incidence. Its more common in India and the
tropics than in U.K. Colored races are
particularly prone to limbal form of disease. - It is essentially a disease of yoth occuring most
frequently between ages of 6 and 20 years.
103- Sex incidence Very high percentage of cases are
seen in males. - Family History of allergy is found in 40 60
104 Etiology
- Three theories
- 1. Due to action of physical factors (as heat,
humidity and light) - 2. Disorder of the endocrine glands associated
with vagotonic state - 3. manifestation of an allergic condition. Most
affected people show a marked hypersensitivity to
a variety of antigens (pollen, animal inhalants,
ingestants etc)
- Severe itching and photophobia, foreign body
sensation, ptosis, thick mucous discharge,
blepharospasm, burning, typical stringy discharge
. - Discharge is scanty, thick, ropy and lardaceous,
dirt white or cream colored.
106 Signs
- The signs are confined to conjunctiva and cornea
the skin of the lids are not involved. - Types
- Palpabral form
- Limbal/ Bulbar form
- Mixed type
107 - Palpabral VKC
- Conjunctiva develops a papillary response in the
upper tarsal conjunctiva and at the limbus.
Conjunctiva is congested later on becomes milky. - Tarsal papillae are discrete larger than 1 mm in
diameter, flat tops , they are cobblestone in
108Limbal / Bulbar Form
- In limbal or bulbar form the first change is
usually a thickening, broadening and
opacification of the limbus which overrides the
corneal periphery as a semitranslucent hood. This
develop mostly at the upper margin of the cornea - Limbal Papillae tend to be gelatinous and
109- Limbal Nodules Their most common site is in the
palpabral aperture, nasally and temporally. In
the raised mass, whitish Horner- Trantass spots
may occur at any stage. Horner Trantas dots are
collection of epithelial cells and eosinophils. - These changes may lead to superficial corneal
110 Corneal Findings
- Punctate Epithelial Keratitis
- Horizontally oval ulcer in upper part of cornea
called Shield Ulcer - Peripheral superficial gray white deposition
termed Pseudogeronton.
111 Pathogenesis
- Biopsy of tarsal papilla in VKC reveals that
epithelium contain large number of mast cells and
eosinophils. Substantia properia contains
elevated number of mast cells, also contains CD4
T cells. Mast cells contains basic fibroblast
growth factor - Cytology shows more eosinophils and neutrophils,
IgE and IgG have been isolated from tears.
Histamins and trytase are elevated in tears - Protein deposition diffusely in conjunctiva
112- The flat-topped nodules are hard , and consist
chiefly of dense fibrous tissue , but the
epithelium over them is thickened , giving rise
to the milky hue. Histologically they are
hypertrophied papillae, not follicle. Eosinophils
are present in them in great numbers. In addition
, infiltration with lymphocytes, plasma cells ,
macrophages, basophils and eosinophils may also
be seen.
113 Diagnosis
- History
- Clinical findings (young boys living in warm
climates presenting with intense photophobia,
ptosis and gaint papillae)
- Avoidance of allergen
- Local Treatment
- a. Steroids Patients with significant seasonal
exacerbation , a short term high dose pulse
regimen of topical steroid is necessary.
Dexamethasone 0.1 or Prednisolon Phosphate 1 ,
8 times for one week brings excellent result,
tapered rapidly.
115- b. Mast Cell stabilizer Cromolyn sodium, a
mast cell stabilizer or a dualo acting drug such
as Olopatidine, Ketotifen or Azelastine (mast
cell stabilization and antihistamine) - c. Topical Cyclosporin-A (0.05) twice daily,
it decreases the release of interlukin-2, reduces
expansion of T cell clones.
116- Treatment of Corneal Shield Ulcer
- Antibiotic- steroid ointment and occlusion. If
plaque forms superficial keratectomy - Phototherapeutic Keratectomy and Keratectomy with
amniotic membrane graft placement.
117- Surgical Treatment
- Cryablation of upper tarsal cobble stones but
may lead to lid and tear film abnormalities. - Injection of short term or long term acting
steroids into tarsal papilla has been shown
effective in reducing their size.
118 - 3. Systemic Treatment
- 1. Non sedating antihistaminic
- 2. Oral Aspirin (high dose of 2400 mgm daily)
- 4. Climatotherapy