Title: JavaScript: Control Structures
1JavaScript Control Structures
- September 27, 2005
- Slides modified fromInternet World Wide Web
How to Program. 2004 (3rd) edition. By Deitel,
Deitel, and Goldberg. Published by Prentice Hall.
ISBN 0-13-145091-3
2Chapter 7 - JavaScript Introduction to Scripting
Outline 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Simple Program
Printing a Line of Text in a Web Page 7.3
Obtaining User Input with prompt
Dialogs 7.3.1 Dynamic Welcome Page 7.3.2 Adding
Integers 7.4 Memory Concepts 7.5 Arithmetic 7.6
Decision Making Equality and Relational
Operators 7.7 Web Resources
- In this lesson, you will learn
- To be able to write simple JavaScript programs.
- To be able to use input and output statements.
- To understand basic memory concepts.
- To be able to use arithmetic operators.
- To understand the precedence of arithmetic
operators. - To be able to write decision-making statements.
- To be able to use relational and equality
4Introduction to JavaScripting
57.1 Introduction
- JavaScript scripting language
- Enhances functionality and appearance
- Client-side scripting
- Makes pages more dynamic and interactive
- Foundation for complex server-side scripting
- Program development
- Program control
6What can JavaScript programs do?From
- Giving the user more control over the browser
- Detecting the user's browser, OS, screen size,
etc. - Performing simple computations on the client side
- Validating the user's input
- Handling dates and time
- Generating HTML pages on-the-fly without
accessing the Web server.
7What cant JavaScript programs do?From
- Use printers or other devices on the user's
system or the client-side LAN - Directly access files on the user's system or the
client-side LAN the only exception is the
access to the browser's cookie files. - Directly access files on the Web server.
- Implement multiprocessing or multithreading.
8Programming context
- Interpreted language
- Web browser as the interpreter
- Client-side only
- Compatibility depends on browser version
- But virtually every browser supports JavaScript
- Follow ECMAScript standard!
- Security issues
- You cannot access the clients system beyond
their web browser - Thus, no file access or direct printing
9Notes on compatibility
- Browser versions
- 80-90 of people user Internet Explorer
- Of which 99 use IE 6 or IE 5
- 10-15 use Gecko-based browsers
- Firefox, Netscape, Mozilla
- JavaScript and cookies
- Only 85-90 have JavaScript enabled
- Cookies usually enabled by defaultI dont have
statistics for how many leave this on - Screen resolutions
- 25 use 800x600
- 70 use 1024x768 or higher
- Recommendations
- Test all pages with IE 5/6 and Firefox
- Dont assume that users have JavaScript or
cookies enabled - Your site should still be functional without
client-side scripting or cookies - Design to be comfortably viewable with 800x600
resolution - Sources
- http//www.upsdell.com/BrowserNews/stat_trends.htm
- http//www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.a
10Object orientation in JavaScript
- JavaScript is an object-oriented programming
language - Based on objects with properties and methods
- JavaScript uses prototyping to replicate
behaviour, rather than classification (classes) - There are two types of variables
- Simple variables (also called primitives)
- Objects
11Objects in JavaScript
- An object is a complex type of variable that
contains its own variables (properties), and has
its own functions (methods) - Properties
- The variables of an object
- Can also be other objects
- Methods
- The functions that belong to an object
- e.g. document.bgColor, window.location
- JavaScript has a rich set of built-in objects
- http//www.devguru.com/Technologies/ecmascript/qui
ckref/js_objects.html - You can also define your own objects
12How to specify JavaScript code
- Inline Code
- Add dynamic functionality to an individual
element - ltimg onMouseOverdoThisFunction(this)gt
- Write JavaScript code directly in appropriate
event attributes - Embedded scripts
- Embed JavaScript code in an XHTML documenteither
in the head or in the body - ltscript typetext/javascriptgt x3 y9
document.writeln( x y ) lt/scriptgt - Inserting external scripts
- Insert a file with .js extension that contains
JavaScript code - ltscript typetext/javascript srcexternal.js
/gt - JavaScript libraries can be shared by multiple
XHTML documents - A note on CDATA
- lt!CDATA gt
- Necessary for legal XML to ignore and lt symbols
(which are common in scripts) - However, most browsers work fine without them
- http//www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_cdata.asp
- The textbook says to use lt!-- comments to hide
your code --gt - But CDATA is proper XML syntax
- Comments should validate, but not guaranteed
13First scripts
147.2 Simple Program Printing a Line of Text in a
Web Page
- Inline scripting
- Written in the ltbodygt of a document
- ltscriptgt tag
- Indicate that the text is part of a script
- type attribute
- Specifies the type of file and the scripting
language use - writeln method
- Write a line in the document
- Escape character ( \ )
- Indicates special character is used in the
string - alert method
- Dialog box
15welcome.html(1 of 1)
16welcome2.html(1 of 1)
17welcome3.html1 of 1
18welcome4.html1 of 1
19Illegal characters inXHTML vs. JavaScript
- HTML entities
- amp lt gt
- Others http//www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_entities
.asp - JavaScript
- Escape sequences
- \ \ \n \t \\
- Others http//www.devguru.com/Technologies/ecmasc
ript/quickref/escaped_characters.html - To convert between the two,use an XHTML ?
JavaScript converter - Google HTML JavaScript converter
- Best that Ive found
- http//javascript.about.com/library/blscr02.htm
207.2 Common escape sequences
For full list, see http//www.devguru.com/Technolo
217.3.1 Dynamic Welcome Page
- A script can adapt the content based on input
from the user or other variables
22welcome5.html(1 of 2)
237.3.1 Dynamic Welcome Page
This is the text field in which the user types
the value.
Fig. 7.7 Prompt dialog displayed by the window
objects prompt method.
24JavaScript data types
- In JavaScript, you can use the var statement to
create a variable, but it is not required - You do not declare any data type (loosely typed)
- For scripting languages, data types are
automatically determined - Automatically converts between values of
different types - JavaScript data types
- Numbers
- Numbers are numbers, whether integer or floating
point - Boolean values
- true or false
- Strings
- Anything within quotes
- Anything within quotes
- Null
- "special key word denoting a null value"
- Means no value
- From http//www.ryerson.ca/JavaScript/lectures/bas
257.3.2Â Adding Integers
- Prompt user for two integers and calculate the
sum (Fig. 7.8) - NaN (not a number)
- parseInt
- Converts its string argument to an integer
26Addition.html(1 of 2)
27JavaScript native functions
- See http//www.devguru.com/Technologies/ecmascript
/quickref/js_functions.html - parseInt()
- Converts a string into an integer, if possible
- parseFloat ()
- Converts a string into a floating-point number,
if possible - string ()
- Converts any object into a string
- number ()
- Converts any object into a number, if possible
- isNAN ()
- true if the object is Not A Number
- escape() and unescape()
- Converts and deconverts strings to safe
28Operators in JavaScript
- http//www.devguru.com/Technologies/ecmascript/qui
297.5 Arithmetic operators
307.6 Decision Making Equality and Relational
31welcome6.html(1 of 3)
32welcome6.html(2 of 3)
337.6 Decision Making Equality and Relational
34Chapter 8 - JavaScript Control Statements I
Outline 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Algorithms 8.3
Pseudocode 8.4 Control Structures 8.5 if
Selection Statement 8.6 ifelse Selection
Statement 8.7 while Repetition Statement 8.8
Formulating Algorithms Case Study 1
(Counter-Controlled Repetition) 8.9 Formulating
Algorithms with Top-Down, Stepwise Refinement
Case Study 2 (Sentinel-Controlled
Repetition) 8.10 Formulating Algorithms with
Top-Down, Stepwise Refinement Case Study 3
(Nested Control Structures) 8.11 Assignment
Operators 8.12 Increment and Decrement
Operators 8.13 Note on Data Types 8.14 Web
- In this lesson, you will learn
- To understand basic problem-solving techniques.
- To be able to develop algorithms through the
process of top-down, stepwise refinement. - To be able to use the if and ifelse selection
statements to choose among alternative actions. - To be able to use the while repetition statement
to execute statements in a script repeatedly. - To understand counter-controlled repetition and
sentinel-controlled repetition. - To be able to use the increment, decrement and
assignment operators.
368.1 Introduction
- Writing a script
- Thorough understanding of problem
- Carefully planned approach
- Understand the types of building blocks that are
available - Employ proven program-construction principles
378.4 Control Structures
- Sequential execution
- Statements execute in the order they are written
- Transfer of control
- Next statement to execute may not be the next one
in sequence - Three control structures
- Sequence structure
- Selection structure
- if
- ifelse
- switch
- Repetition structure
- while
- dowhile
- for
- forin
388.4 JavaScript keywords
398.5 if Selection Statement
- Single-entry/single-exit structure
- Indicate action only when the condition evaluates
to true - Indicate different actions to be perform when
condition is true or false - Conditional operator (?)
- JavaScripts only ternary operator
- Three operands
- Forms a conditional expression
408.7 while Repetition Statement
- Repetition structure (loop)
- Repeat action while some condition remains true
418.10 Formulating Algorithms with Top-Down,
Stepwise Refinement Case Study 3 (Nested Control
- Consider problem
- Make observations
- Top-down, stepwise refinement
42analysis.html(1 of 2)
43(No Transcript)
44More on JavaScript operators
458.11 Compound Assignment Operators
468.12 Increment and Decrement Operators
- Preincrement or predecrement operator
- Increment of decrement operator placed before a
variable - Postincrement or postdecrement operator
- Increment of decrement operator placed after a
478.12 Increment and Decrement Operators
48increment.html(1 of 2)
498.12 Increment and Decrement Operators
50Chapter 9 - JavaScript Control Statements II
Outline 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Essentials of
Counter-Controlled Repetition 9.3 for Repetition
Statement 9.4 Examples Using the for
Statement 9.5 switch Multiple-Selection
Statement 9.6 dowhile Repetition Statement 9.7
break and continue Statements 9.8 Labeled break
and continue Statements 9.9 Logical
Operators 9.10 Summary of Structured
Programming 9.11 Web Resources
- In this lesson, you will learn
- To be able to use the for and dowhile repetition
statements to execute statements in a program
repeatedly. - To understand multiple selection using the switch
selection statement. - To be able to use the break and continue
program-control statements. - To be able to use the logical operators.
529.2 Essentials of Counter-Controlled Repetition
- Counter-controlled repetition
- Name of a control
- Initial value
- Increment or decrement
- Final value
53WhileCounter.html(1 of 2)
549.3 for Repetition Statement
- for repetition statement
- Handles all the details of counter-controlled
repetition - for structure header
- The first line
55ForCounter.html(1 of 1)
569.3 for Repetition Statement
Control variable
Final value
of control variable
for which the condition is true
counter lt
counter )
Initial value
of control variable
of control variable
Loop-continuation condition
Fig. 9.3 for statement header components.
579.4 Examples Using the for Statement
- Summation with for
- Compound interest calculation with for loop
- Math object
- Method pow
- Method round
58Sum.html(1 of 1)
59Interest.html(1 of 2)
609.5 switch Multiple-Selection Statement
- Controlling expression
- Case labels
- Default case
61SwitchTest.html(1 of 3)
62SwitchTest.html(2 of 3)
639.6 dowhile Repetition Statement
- Similar to the while statement
- Tests the loop continuation condition after the
loop body executes - Loop body always executes at least once
64DoWhileTest.html(1 of 2)
659.7 break and continue Statements
- break
- Immediate exit from the structure
- Used to escape early from a loop
- Skip the remainder of a switch statement
- continue
- Skips the remaining statements in the body of the
structure - Proceeds with the next iteration of the loop
66BreakTest.html(1 of 2)
67ContinueTest.html(1 of 2)
689.8 Labeled break and continue Statements
- Labeled break statement
- Break out of a nested set of structures
- Immediate exit from that structure and enclosing
repetition structures - Execution resumes with first statement after
enclosing labeled statement - Labeled continue statement
- Skips the remaining statements in structures
body and enclosing repetition structures - Proceeds with next iteration of enclosing labeled
repetition structure - Loop-continuation test evaluates immediately
after the continue statement executes
69BreakLabelTest.html(1 of 2)
70ContinueLabelTest.html(1 of 2)
71Logical operators
729.9 Logical Operators
- More logical operators
- Logical AND ( )
- Logical OR ( )
- Logical NOT ( ! )
739.9 Logical Operators
749.9 Logical Operators
75LogicalOperators.html(1 of 2)
769.9 Logical Operators
77Conclusion to JavaScript introduction
789.10 Summary of Structured Programming
- Flowcharts
- Reveal the structured nature of programs
- Single-entry/single-exit control structures
- Only one way to enter and one way to exit each
control structure - Control structure stacking
- The exit point of one control structure is
connected to the entry point of the next control
79When things go wrongDebugging JavaScript
- Taken from http//www.ryerson.ca/JavaScript/lectur
es/scriptTags/debugging.html - JavaScript is case sensitive
- Document.write() will not work. Neither will
document.Write(). Almost every object, property,
and method name like document and write() begin
with a lower case letter. In cases like
document.bgColor the second word in an object,
property, or method name is almost always
capitalized. I.e. the C in bgColor but nothing
else. - Use the American spelling of color
- There is no colour property.
- Don't forget the closing bracket, and dont
forget both quotes - Make sure your pairs of (parentheses) and double
quotes or single quotes all match - Spelling counts
- Drop the e in document and watch what happens.
- The order you do things in matters
- If you set the background colour in the head of
the document the document background colour may
not change. If you set it in the body it will. - Watch out for quotes inside quotes
- Whenever you write out an HTML tag with an
attribute that requires quotes you must escape
the quote inside the tag by placing a backslash
just before it. - For example document.write("ltA HREF"myURL.html"gtA
LINKlt/Agt") will produce an error. - Escaping the quotes will fix this
document.write("ltA HREF\"myURL.html\"gtA
LINKlt/Agt"). - Make sure you escape both of them.
808.14 Web Resources
- http//www.javascripter.net/faq/index.htm
- http//www.ecma-international.org/publications/sta
ndards/Ecma-262.htm - http//www.devguru.com/Technologies/ecmascript/qui
ckref/javascript_index.html - http//javascript.about.com/library/blscr02.htm
- http//www.ryerson.ca/JavaScript/lectures/
- www.javascriptmall.com
- developer.netscape.com/tech/javascript
- www.mozilla.org/js/language