Title: Anatomy of the adrenal glands
1- Anatomy of the adrenal glands
- Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis
- Renin-angiotensin system
- Steroid hormones
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
- Adrenal disorders
- Adrenal insufficiency (Addisons disease and
others) - Adrenal hyperfunction (Cushings syndrome and
others) - Pheochromocytoma (adrenal medulla)
2Thomas Addison (1793-1860)
3 The leading characteristic features of the
morbid state to which I direct attention are
anemia, general langour and debility, remarkable
feebleness of the hearts action, irritability of
the stomach and a peculiar change in colour of
the skin, occurring in connection with disease of
the suprarenal capsulesThomas Addison, 1855
4Clinical Presentation of Adrenal Insufficiency
- Generalized and muscular weakness
- Loss of appetite and weight
- Low blood pressure
- Hyponatremia
- Mild anemia and eosinophilia
- Symptomatic response to treatment is dramatic (1
hour or less) - Hypoglycemia
5Clinical Presentation of Adrenal Insufficiency
- Only in primary (Addisons disease)
- high ACTH
- Increased pigmentation
- Hyperkalemia (loss of aldosterone)
- More prominent hypotension
- Salt craving
6A Famous Patient with Addisons Disease
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8Addisons Gum Hyperpigmentation
9Causes of Secondary or Tertiary Adrenal
Insufficiency(low ACTH)
- Exogenous Glucocorticoid Suppression
- Hypothalamic-pituitary disease
- Pituitary tumors
- Prior radiation therapy
- Head trauma
10Primary Adrenal Causes(ACTH increased)
- Autoimmune (most common in industrialized
nations) - Tuberculosis (most common in third-world)
- Adrenal Hemorrhage
- Replacement by metastatic tumor (gt90)
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12Incidence of other endocrine and autoimmune
diseases in 365 patients with autoimmune adrenal
From UpToDate.com
13Cortrosyn (ACTH) stimulation test
- Give 1 amp(250 mcg)
- Draw a single cortisol 30 and 60 min post
- Interpretation Normal value gt18-20 mcg/dl
- Can be done at any time without regard to meals
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15Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
16Causes of Cushings Syndrome(not including
- ACTH Dependent
- Pituitary dependent (Cushings Disease) 70
- Ectopic ACTH production by tumors 5
- ACTH Independent
- Adrenal Adenoma
20 - Adrenal Carcinoma
2 - Macronodular Hyperplasia
2 - Surreptitious glucocorticoid use 1
17Ectopic ACTH Syndrome
- Most cases are caused by tumors of the lung,
pancreas, or thymus - Most common
- Bronchial Carcinoma 30
- Small Cell Carcinoma of lung 20
18Synthetic Analogues of Cortisol
19Physiological Effects of Glucocorticoids
20Glucocorticoid actions
- Acutely
- Glucose mobilized from liver, muscle, fat
- Chronically
- Elevated insulin
- Muscle atrophy
- Fat redistribution with
- Lipolysis in periphery
- Fat deposition in face, trunk
- (due to elevated insulin?)
21Common Features of Glucocorticoid Excess
- Menstrual Dysfunction
- Easy Bruisability
- Osteoporosis
- Psychological changes
- Glucose Intolerance
- Proximal Muscle Weakness
- Weight Gain
- Central obesity
- Moon Facies
- Facial Plethora
- Hypertension
- Purple Striae
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26Cushings syndrome diagnostic strategy
- Confirm hypercortisolism (unless exogenous Rx
with another steroid) - Establish cause
- ACTH independent
- Adrenal adenoma or carcinoma
- Exogenous steroids
- ACTH dependent
- Cushings disease
- Ectopic ACTH
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28Differential diagnosis of Cushings syndrome
- Dexamethasone suppression test
- ACTH levels
- Sometimes also
- Inferior petrosal sinus sampling
- (CRH testing)
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31Plasma ACTH
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34Cushings syndrome Treatment
- Exogenous (drug-induced) try to taper
- Primary adrenal (ACTH-independent) remove tumor
or entire adrenal - Ectopic ACTH try to find and remove
- Cushings disease (ACTH-producing pituitary
tumor) try to localize and remove
35Transphenoidal Surgery
36Primary hyperaldosteronism
Autonomous adrenal aldo
Volume expansion
37Primary aldosteronism
- Suspect in hypertensive patients, especially with
hypokalemia. - -Up to 50 are normokalemic.
- Simultaneous plasma aldosterone to renin ratio
- Confirmatory test 24 hour urine for aldosterone
production - Suppression test of aldosterone IV saline
infusion - Imaging (CT or MRI), adrenal vein sampling
38Pathology of adrenal medulla
- Pheochromocytoma
- 10 bilateral
- 10 ectopic (extra-adrenal)
- 10 malignant
39Clinical features of pheochromocytoma
- Hypertension
- 60 sustained
- 40 paroxysmal
- Headache
- Palpitations
- Chest pain
- Diaphoresis
- Tremulousness
40Catecholamine metabolismDiagnosis of
vanilyl mandelic acid (VMA)
41Diagnosis of pheochromocytoma
- Urine metabolites
- Metanephrines
- Catecholamies
- Blood
- Plasma Free Metanephrines
- Imaging studies
- ONLY for localization!!
42Pheo, other points
- Rare lt 0.2 of patients with hypertension
- Up to 15-20 occur as part of genetic disorder
- von Hippel-Lindau (vHL)
- MEN2 A and B (also medullary carcinoma of
thyroid) - Treatment surgical extirpation
43Slide credits-Steven Chessler, M.D.,
Ph.D.-George Dailey, M.D.-George Merriam, M.D.
(University of Washington)-Bradley Anawalt, M.D.
(University of Washington)
44Cushings Syndrome