The Fall in the Garden Genesis Chapter 3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Fall in the Garden Genesis Chapter 3


The Fall in the Garden Genesis Chapter 3 The Fall in the Garden Setting the Stage Adam was created first out of the dust of the ground before Eve and was made a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: ChuckG3
Tags: apple | chapter | fall | garden | genesis | tree


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Fall in the Garden Genesis Chapter 3

The Fall in the Garden Genesis Chapter 3
The Fall in the Garden Setting the Stage
  • Adam was created first out of the dust of the
    ground before Eve and was made a living soul
    (Gen. 27)
  • Eve was formed from a rib of Adam (Gen. 221-23)
  • One proof of a real Adam is the tracing of the
    lineage of Jesus back through David to Adam (Luke

The Fall in the Garden Genesis 3 The Players
  • Adam the first man (Gen. 27)
  • Eve the first woman (Gen. 221-23)
  • God The Trinity - Let us make man in our image
    (Gen. 127)
  • Satan Serpent in Garden of Eden(Gen. 31)
  • Cherubim guarding angels keeping Adam and Eve
    out of the Garden after their sin same as the
    cherubim (two angels) found on the Mercy Seat of
    the Ark of the Covenant (Gen. 321)

The Fall in the Garden Genesis 3 The Set
  • Place The Garden of Eden, the most beautiful
    place on earth the first woman (Gen. 221-23)
  • Geographic Location Somewhere in the Middle
    East, and perhaps in Ethiopia
  • Time Soon after God had created Adam and Eve
    no children had yet been born
  • Scenery Lush garden with many trees for food

The Fall in the Garden Scene 1A The Serpent
Tempts Eve
  • Eve is in the Garden of Eden
  • The Serpent appears who is called subtle in
    the KJV but the Hebrew word aruwm means crafty
    (Gen. 31a)
  • The Serpent appears challenging Gods word,
    saying Has God said, You shall not eat of EVERY
    tree in the Garden of Eden? (Gen. 31b)
  • Eve responds correctly saying, God has said
    that they may eat of EVERY tree except for the
    middle tree in the Garden of Eden.

The Fall in the Garden Food for Thought on
Scene 1A
  • Eve does not know the Serpent but listens to
  • The Serpent was apparently a beautiful creature
    before being cursed.
  • Eve is not listening to God but to one of His
    creatures (in this case a creeping thing).
  • Eve doesnt mention the tree not to be eaten as
    the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil but
    Adam was told about it before God made Eve.
  • She also doesnt mention the tree of life so
    perhaps Adam and Eve were not told about what
    they were but were just told not to eat of the
  • Eve knew what Gods rule was you may eat of
    every tree by the middle tree, which was the Tree
    of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The Fall in the Garden Scene 1B Eve and Adam
Fall to Temptation
  • The Serpent now instead of hinting at God not
    telling the truth, now lies in contradiction,
    saying Ye shall not surely die For God knows
    that your eyes shall be opened, you shall be as
    gods, knowing good and evil. (Gen. 34-5)
  • Eve responds by looking at the tree as seeming
    delicious (good for food) taste, pleasant to
    the eyes sight, and a tree to make one wise
    two of the five senses, she took it and also gave
    it to her husband Adam (Gen. 36).

The Fall in the Garden Food for Thought on
Scene 1B
  • The Serpent tempted them with the same sin he
    committed of wanting to become as God.
  • Eve may not have been near Adam at the time of
    being tempted or perhaps Adam would have heard or
    seen what was coming.
  • The Serpent tempted Eve at her weakest point
    she may have been hungry at the time or looking
    for some fruit to eat.
  • The Bible doesnt what type of fruit is eaten
    we all think of an apple but that is not
    specified in the Bible.

The Fall in the Garden Scene 2 God seeks
Adam and Eve
  • Adam and Eve know they are naked and so they
    sewed fig leaves to make aprons (Gen. 37).
  • Adam and Eve hid from Gods voice. (Gen. 38).
  • God asks Adam where he is (Gen. 39).
  • Adam said he was afraid of God and hid himself
    because he was naked (Gen. 310).
  • God asks Adam who told him he was naked and did
    he eat of the forbidden tree? (Gen. 311)
  • Adam said Eve gave it to her (Gen. 312)
  • Eve said that the Serpent tempted her to eat
    (Gen. 313)

The Fall in the Garden Food for Thought on
Scene 2
  • Just as we try to hide from God when we sin,
    Adam tried to hide from God as well.
  • Adam knew better and took of the fruit from his
    wife without being tempted which is in some ways
    worse than Eve.
  • Adam then blamed his wife Eve for giving him the
    fruit although he knew better.
  • At least Eve was honest that she was tempted by
    the Serpent and ate of the forbidden fruit.

The Fall in the Garden Scene 3 God curses
the Serpent, and puts a curse on Adam and Eve
  • Serpents Curses (Gen. 314-15)
  • Cursed more than all cattle and every beast.
  • Have to move on belly and eat dust the rest of
    your life.
  • Put enmity between the Serpent and Eve and their
  • Jesus will bruise the Serpents Head.
  • Eves Curses (Gen. 316)
  • Will have great sorry and pain conception
  • Adam will rule (give dominion, reign) over Eve.
  • Adams Curses (Gen. 317).
  • The ground is cursed with work to raise crops
  • Thorns and thistles will spring up you will eat
  • You will sweat and work hard to make bread until
    you die

The Fall in the Garden Food for Thought on
Scene 3
  • Sin always brings curses but we are freed from
    the curse of the penalty of sin by Jesus death on
    the cross
  • Paul talks about a new law where the husband is
    to love his wife as Christ loved the church and
    died for us.
  • The wife is to love the husband and submit
    respond to him.
  • If a husband will love his wife as Christ loved
    the church, he will receive a better response.

The Fall in the Garden Scene 4 God kicks
Adam and Eveout of the Garden of Eden
  • Adam names his wife, Eve (Gen. 320) as she is
    the mother of all living things (first woman on
    the earth).
  • God made coats of skin for Adam and Eve (Gen.
  • God said that they had to keep Adam and Eve from
    eating of the Tree of Everlasting Life or they
    would live forever in sin (Gen. 322)
  • God cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden
    to protect them and because of their sin (Gen.
  • Cherubs with flaming (Hebrew hawfak means
    flashing, brandishing) swords in multiple
    directions to keep anyone from coming near the
    Tree of Life (Gen. 324)

The Fall in the Garden Food for Thought on
Scene 4
  • God made Adam and Eve coats of skins (Herbrew,
    owr which means animal hides or skins)
  • The killing of animals would lead to God asking
    for an animal sacrifice from Cain and Abel and
    pointed to the eventual Lamb of God.
  • God had to keep Adam and Eve from eating of the
    Tree of Everlasting Life so God had to expel him
    from the Garden
  • Because of mans sin He needed a Savior, a
    Spotless Lamb of God.

Jesus was sent to the earth to bruise the
Serpents head.He died on the cross to pay for
our sins and He has defeated the Serpent!
The Prince of Peace
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