Title: Insects, Diseases, and Animals
1Insects, Diseases, and Animals
- Jeffery K. Tomberlin, Ph.D.
- Assistant Professor Extension Specialist
- Texas Cooperative Extension
- Texas AM University
2Insects The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
3Diversity of Life
- Systema Naturae (1758)
- Kingdom
- Phylum
- Class
- Order
- Family
- Genus
- Species
5Basic Classification of Life
- Kingdoms
- Animalia (multicellular)
- Protista (unicellular eukaryotes)
- Plantae (plants)
- Monera (algae)
- Fungi (mushrooms)
6What are Insects?
- Kingdom Animalia
- Phylum Arthropoda
- Class Insecta
- Species ????
7What are Insects?
- Kingdom Animalia
- Phylum Arthropoda
- Class Insecta
- Species ????
- Characteristics
- Six legs
- Bi-lateral symmetry
- Three body parts
- Exoskeleton
8Insect Diversity
- -33 Orders
- -750,000 species world-wide
9Benefits of Insects
10Benefits of Insects
11Insects Associated with Disease????
12Insects as Direct Agents of Disease and Discomfort
- -Entomophobia Delusory parasitosis
13Insects as Direct Agents of Disease and Discomfort
- -Entomophobia Delusory parasitosis
- -Annoyance
14Insects as Direct Agents of Disease and Discomfort
- -Entomophobia Delusory parasitosis
- -Annoyance
- -Accidental
15Insects as Direct Agents of Disease and Discomfort
- -Entomophobia Delusory parasitosis
- -Annoyance
- -Accidental
- -Envenomization
16Insects as Direct Agents of Disease and Discomfort
- -Entomophobia Delusory parasitosis
- -Annoyance
- -Accidental
- -Envenomization
- -Dermatosis
17Insects as Direct Agents of Disease and Discomfort
- -Entomophobia Delusory parasitosis
- -Annoyance
- -Accidental
- -Envenomization
- -Dermatosis
- -Myiasis
18Insects as Direct Agents of Disease and Discomfort
- -Entomophobia Delusory parasitosis
- -Annoyance
- -Accidental
- -Envenomization
- -Dermatosis
- -Myiasis
- -Allergies
19Insects as Direct Agents of Disease and Discomfort
20Insects as Direct Agents of Disease and Discomfort
- -Vectors
- -Mechanical
- -Equine infectious anemia
- -Polio
- -Plant viruses
21Insects as Direct Agents of Disease and Discomfort
- -Vectors
- -Mechanical
- -Equine infectious anemia
- -Polio
- -Plant viruses
- -Obligatory
- -Malaria
- -Equine encephalitis
22Insects as Direct Agents of Disease and Discomfort
- -What organisms do they vector?
- -Viruses (arboviruses)
- -Bacteria (Lyme disease)
- -Protozoa (Malaria)
- -Nematodes (Onchocerciasis)
23Insects Associated with Disease
24Insects Associated with Disease
- -Flies (Diptera)
- -Bugs (Hemiptera)
25Insects Associated with Disease
- -Flies (Diptera)
- -Bugs (Hemiptera)
- -Fleas (Siphonaptera)
26Insects Associated with Disease
- -Flies (Diptera)
- -Bugs (Hemiptera)
- -Fleas (Siphonaptera)
- -Lice (Phthiraptera)
-120,000 species -Disease transmitters -Aquatic
and terrestrial
-120,000 species -Disease transmitters -Aquatic
and terrestrial -Holometabolism -One pair of
wings halteres
29Sites Attacked By Flies
30Three Primary Fly Pests
- House fly
- Stable fly
- Horn fly
31House fly, Musca domestica
32Horn fly, Haematobia irritans
33Insect Life Cycle
34(No Transcript)
35Horn fly, Haematobia irritans
- 1 pest affecting cattle
- Both sexes feed multiple times daily
- Reside on cow
- Consume 10 µl/day 3000/cow30 ml/day
- Bites hurt
- Cosmetic defects
Biology 1
36- Nursing cows
- Metabolism of cow
- Reduce feeding
Economic Threshold250 flies/cow
Biology 2
37Effects on weight gain
Horn fly s in Texas
38Stable Fly, Stomoxys calcitrans
39Insect Life Cycle
40(No Transcript)
41Where Are The Breeding Sites For Stable Flies?
42(No Transcript)
43Stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans
- More abundant in confined areas
- Attack many areas sides, back, primarily legs
- Both sexes feed once/day
- Do not reside on cow
- Bites hurt result in wound
- Reduced feeding
Economic Threshold 2-4/leg
44Greene et al. (Kansas State University)
45Greene et al. (Kansas State University)
46Greene et al. (Kansas State University)
-How do they transmit diseases?
-Practically everywhere -Tropics primarily -100
- Larvae live in water (standing)
- Can enter diapause
- Adult females bite day or night
- Transmit filarial worms, viruses, and protozoa
- -Major problems
- Malaria -300 to 500 million cases annually
- -1 million deaths annually
- -Colonial time
- Yellow Fever -1905 New Orleans
- Dengue Fever -1995 Texas
- -Major problems
- Malaria
- Yellow Fever
- Dengue Fever
- -How do we treat?
51Methods of Control for our problem aquatic
52Methods of Control for our problem aquatic
- Bt dunks
- Dumping containers
Or screen buckets
53Methods of Control for our problem aquatic
- Bt dunks
- Dumping containers
- Community spray project
- Why are they still a problem?
- Why are they still a problem?
- -secondary hosts
- -sexual transmission
- -diapause
- Larvae live in water (running)
- Adult females are blood-feeders
- Distributed anywhere with running water (even
frozen) - Day feeders
58What Pathogens are Associated with Blackflies?
- -Black fly fever
- -River blindness (filarial worm) 17 million
infected - -Mansonellosis (tropical)
- -Painful bites (asphyxiation)
- -Bovine onchocerciasis (Africa)
- -Leucocytozoonosis (U.S.) similar to malaria
59Sandflies and Tabanids?
60Sandflies and Tabanids
- -Larvae in moist
- substrate
- -Feed on organic matter
- -Adults are day feeders
- -Females need blood
-Larvae are in muddy or wet areas -Razor sharp
mandibles -Adults are day feeders -Females only
on blood
61Sandflies and Tabanids
- Annoyance
- Transmit filarial worms or anthrax
- Common sandfly species develop in tree holes
(water source) - Bluetongue (virus)
- Hemorrhagic disease
-3,000 species -dorso-ventral flattened -Hemimetab
olism -Diseases?
-Taxonomy Two Groups Anoplura Mallophaga
Anoplura Obligate blood-feeders on
mammals Mallophaga Are more diverse and will
colonize mammals, birds, marcupials Which is
more important?
Anoplura -Vessel feeders (solenophages) -Typically
host specific (head vs crotch) -Must have blood
meal -Symbionts present in gut -Transferred
Mallophaga -Head much broader than Anoplura -Feed
on feathers and fur -Will take in some blood
Lice of Livestock (winter problem) -Cattle Biting
Louse -World-wide distribution -Attack all
ages of cattle -Head, neck, shoulders, and
rump -Irritate skin of animal
Lice of Cattle -Cattle Biting Louse -World-wide
distribution -Attack all ages of
cattle -Head, neck, shoulders, and
rump -Irritate skin of animal Control Prevent
an infestation (examine new cattle)
Lice of Cattle -Cattle Biting Louse -World-wide
distribution -Attack all ages of
cattle -Head, neck, shoulders, and
rump -Irritate skin of animal Control Prevent
an infestation (examine new cattle) Insecticides
Numerous pour-ons available, as well as
Lice of Cattle -Longnosed Cattle
Louse -World-wide distribution -Deposit one
egg/day -Calves dairy stock -Dewlap
Lice of Cattle -Longnosed Cattle
Louse -World-wide distribution -Deposit one
egg/day -Calves dairy stock -Dewlap
shoulders Control Not any different
Lice of Cattle -Cattle Biting Louse -Longnosed
Cattle Louse -Shortnosed Cattle Louse -Little
Blue Cattle Louse -Cattle Tail Louse
present during summer
-80,000 species (11 K in NA) -Aquatic
terrestrial -Hemimetabolic -Large
pronotum -Mouthparts originate at
bottom -Forwings ½ scleritized
-3,200 species -Laterally flattened -Usually have
ability to jump -Diseases?