Navy Regulations and the UCMJ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Navy Regulations and the UCMJ


Navy Regulations and the UCMJ Learning Objectives The student will know . . . (1) the purpose, scope, and constitutional basis of U.S. Navy Regulations and the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Navy Regulations and the UCMJ

Navy Regulations and the UCMJ
Learning Objectives
  • The student will know . . .
  • (1) the purpose, scope, and constitutional basis
    of U.S. Navy Regulations and the Uniform Code of
    Military Justice and relate these regulations to
    personal conduct in the military service.

Learning Objectives
  • The student will know . . .
  • (2) junior officer responsibilities relative to
    the military justice system including
    familiarization with non-judicial punishment
    (NJP), courts-martial, and essential publications
    relating to military justice, including
  • the proceedings of NJP and the punishment that
    may be awarded at NJP.
  • the 3 types of courts-martial and the system of
    courts-martial review.

U.S. Navy Regulations
  • Things to know about Navy REGS
  • (1) Principal regulatory document for the
    Department of the Navy (DON)
  • (2) Endowed with the sanction of law
  • (3) No other directive in the DON may conflict,
    alter, or amend U.S. Navy Regulations
  • (4)The CNO is responsible for ensuring that Navy
    Regs conform to the current needs of the DON.

U.S. Navy Regulations
  • Some Chapters
  • 2 Discusses origin, authority, and organization
    found in the Navy Department
  • 8 Duties of the Commanding Officer
  • 9 Senior Officer Present (Definition
  • 10 Precedence, Authority, and Command
  • 12 Honors and Ceremonies
  • http//

The Commanding Officer
  • Responsibility for his command is absolute he
    may delegate authority, but not responsibility.
  • Responsible for accomplishment of mission and
    duties assigned.
  • Responsible for maintaining good order and

Precedence, Authority and Command
  • Detailed in Chapter 10 of Navy Regs.
  • Shows relative rank and precedence of officers of
    different services.
  • Discusses exercise of authority.
  • Authority over subordinates.
  • Contradictory and conflicting orders.
  • Succession of command.
  • Succession in battle.

Senior Officer Present
  • Definition
  • The senior line officer present
  • Authority
  • SOPA shall assume command of all DON personnel
    when deemed necessary.

Uniform Code of Military Justice
  • History
  • Purpose
  • Scope
  • Persons subject to UCMJ
  • Specific offenses from Naval Orientation
  • http//

Uniform Code of Military Justice
  • History and Background
  • Phoenicians were first people to have strict laws
    concerning military personnel
  • 1775, Rules for the Regulation of the Navy of
    the United Colonies was drafted by Congress
  • 1950, Congress adopted the UCMJ (applies to all
    the armed forces)

Uniform Code of Military Justice
  • Purpose
  • Seeks to promote good order, high morals, and
  • Scope
  • Applies to every aspect of military life

Uniform Code of Military Justice
  • Who is subject to the UCMJ?
  • Active duty personnel
  • Reservists on active duty
  • US Naval Academy Midshipmen
  • Retired personnel receiving benefits
  • Civilians under martial law
  • NROTC Midshipmen on summer cruise

Punitive Articles of the UCMJ
  • Some Articles
  • Conspiracy (Art. 81)
  • Desertion (Art. 85)
  • Absence without Leave (Art. 86)
  • Missing Movement (Art. 87)
  • Disrespect Toward A Superior Commissioned Officer
    (Art. 89)

Punitive Articles of the UCMJ
  • More Articles
  • Assaulting or Willfully Disobeying A Superior
    Commissioned Officer (Art. 90)
  • Insubordinate Conduct Toward Warrant Officer,
    Noncommissioned Officer, or Petty Officer (Art.
  • Failure to Obey Order or Regulation (Art. 92)
  • Aiding the Enemy (Art. 104)
  • Spies (Art. 106)
  • Drunken or Reckless Driving (Art. 111)
  • Wrongful Use, Possession, etc. of Controlled
    Substances (Art. 112a)

Punitive Articles of the UCMJ
  • More Articles
  • Murder (Art. 118)
  • Manslaughter (Art. 119)
  • Rape and Carnal Knowledge (Art. 120)
  • Assault (Art. 128)
  • Perjury (Art. 131)
  • Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman
  • (Art. 133)
  • General Article (Art. 134) Catch All

Non-Judicial Punishment
  • What is NJP?
  • In order to maintain good order and discipline
    within his command, the UCMJ gives commanding
    officers the authority to award certain types of
    punishment when necessary.
  • It is NOT a trial! (No lawyers.)
  • Exacting standards of a court proceeding do not
    apply (regarding evidence, etc.)

Non-Judicial Punishment
  • History
  • Greeks had NJP
  • Royal Navy commanders could sentence sailors to
  • Todays form of NJP was established in 1951
    (Article 15 of UCMJ)

Non-Judicial Punishment
  • Who may impose NJP?
  • COs
  • Officers in Charge and their superiors
  • Who may receive NJP?
  • Any military member

Non-Judicial Punishment
  • Does the accused have the right to refuse NJP?
  • If they are attached to a shore command, yes.
  • They can choose a court-martial instead.
  • What about at sea?
  • Members cannot refuse NJP because it could
    undermine good order and discipline.

NJP Procedures
  • Step 1
  • Someone is officially accused of committing an
  • A report chit is written up and sent to the Legal
  • Step 2
  • An officer (not in the accuseds chain of
    command) does a preliminary investigation.

NJP Procedures
  • Step 3 Executive Officers Inquiry (XOI)
  • XO holds a pre-mast hearing
  • Makes recommendation to CO
  • dismissal of case
  • award punishment at NJP
  • send to court-martial

NJP Procedures
  • Step 4 Captains Mast
  • CO stands behind podium
  • Division officer and chief are present
  • Accused is summoned
  • CO reads his/her rights
  • Accused has right to make statement on own behalf

NJP Procedures
  • Step 4 Captains Mast
  • Commanding Officer
  • weighs all evidence statements
  • determines guilt or innocence and determines
    amount type of punishment

NJP Types of Punishment
  • Extra duty (up to 45 days)
  • Restriction (up to 45 days)
  • Forfeiture of 1/2 months pay for 2 months
  • Reduction in rate (Busting)
  • Admonition Reprimand
  • 3 days bread and water
  • at sea only
  • (can only award to E-1 thru E-3)

Limits of Punishments
  • Rank of CO or OIC limits what he can do.
  • O-4 (LCDR) to O-6 (CAPT) can award to an E-5 the
  • 1/2 months pay for 2 months
  • 45 days restriction
  • 45 days extra duty
  • Reduction in rate
  • NOT 3 days bread water

Types of Courts-Martial
  • Summary
  • Special
  • General

Summary Court-Martial
Summary Court-Martial
  • Jurisdiction
  • Only for enlisted
  • Minor offenses (Non-capital)
  • Convening Authority CO
  • Composition
  • (1) Commissioned Officer

Summary Court-Martial
  • Types of punishment
  • 1 month confinement
  • Reduction in Rate
  • Forfeiture of Pay
  • Fines, Restriction
  • Accused CANNOT be discharged

Special Court-Martial
Special Court-Martial
  • Jurisdiction
  • Officers and enlisted
  • Serious non-capital offenses
  • Convening Authority
  • CO of any ship, shipyard, base or station

Special Court-Martial
  • Composition
  • Military Judge and not less than 3 members
  • Military Judge ONLY (if requested)
  • Defense and trial counsel are appointed
  • Enlisted may request 1/3 of members be an
    enlisted person from another command
  • Court hears evidence and votes on findings

Special Court-Martial
  • Punishment
  • Same as for Summary CM plus
  • Confinement with Hard Labor for 6 months
  • 6 months forfeiture of 2/3 pay!
  • Dishonorable Discharge

General Court-Martial
General Court-Martial
  • Jurisdiction
  • Normally officers and for capital offenses
  • Convening Authority
  • President
  • Fleet C-in-C
  • COs empowered by SECNAV or President

General Court-Martial
  • Composition
  • Military Judge and not less than 5 members
  • Military Judge ONLY (if offense non-capital and
  • Defense and trial counsel appointed
  • IF accused is enlisted, he/she can request 1/3 of
    members be enlisted.

General Court-Martial
  • Punishment
  • Confinement at Hard Labor
  • Total forfeiture of pay
  • Dishonorable Discharge
  • Officer Dismissal
  • Life Imprisonment or Death Penalty

Potential Test Questions
  • What document gives the Commanding Officer his
  • Describe the procedure for taking someone to
    Captains Mast.
  • What types of punishments can be awarded at
    Captains Mast?

Potential Test Questions
  • Describe the make-up of a General Court-Martial.
  • What types of punishments can be awarded at a
    Special Court-Martial?
  • What are the 3 different kinds of Court-Martial?
  • Which is used for strictly enlisted?
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