NSLS-II SRX Beamline - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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NSLS-II SRX Beamline


Jeffrey Fitts - BNL (environmental science applications, XAS) ... Potential performance benefits of utilizing dread-lock vs. braided copper cooling designs. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: NSLS-II SRX Beamline

NSLS-II SRX Beamline
Tony Lanzirotti SRX Beamline Advisory Team
Chair The University of Chicago, CARS
Experimental Facilities Advisory Committee
Meeting April 23-24, 2009
Sub-micron Resolution X-ray (SRX)spectroscopy
Beamline Advisory Team Members Antonio
Lanzirotti (Leader) - Univ. of Chicago
(microprobe design, operation and applications)
Peter Eng - Univ. of Chicago (beamline
design/optics and instrumentation) Jeffrey Fitts
- BNL (environmental science applications,
XAS) Keith Jones - BNL (microprobe design, CMT
design) Lisa Miller - BNL (life science probe
design and application) Matt Newville - Univ. of
Chicago (XAS design, operation and applications)
Paul Northrup - BNL (beamline design,
management, environmental science
applications) Richard Reeder - Stony Brook Univ.
(microprobe applications in earth environmental
science) Mark Rivers - Univ. of Chicago (detector
and control systems design) Stephen Sutton -
Univ. of Chicago (microprobe design, management
and operation) Stefan Vogt - ANL (zone plate
microprobe design and operation, applications to
life sciences) Gayle Woloschak - Northwestern
Univ. (biological applications of zone plate
microprobes) NSLS-II Paul Northrup Interim
Group Leader (Hutch design, FOE component layout,
accelerator group liaison) Andy Broadbent
Beamlines Manager (budget overview, management
oversight) Jürgen Thieme Group Leader (July
2009) Institute for X-Ray Physics,
Georg-August-University, Göttingen Led the
project of building a scanning transmission X-ray
microscope at the electron storage ring BESSY II,
principally for spectromicroscopy in
environmental sciences.
SRX Scientific Mission
Workshops held by scientific communities (such as
Earth, Environmental, and Life sciences, Hard
Condensed Matter and Materials sciences, Chemical
and Energy sciences) have all identified
analytical resources that must be developed to
advance our understanding complex natural and
engineered systems that are heterogeneous on the
micron to submicron scale.
  • Higher intensity focused x-ray probes to enable
    the next generation of research
  • Focused beam instruments with a broad, tunable
    and scanable range of photon energy from 2-25 keV
    for elemental imaging and sub-µm spectroscopy
  • Versatility of focal spot size and sample
    geometry to accommodate varying sample needs

Accessibility of absorption edges.
Accessibility to fluorescence lines even larger.
Beamline Requirements and Specifications
LOI Proposal A sub-micrometer probe, insertion
device sector consisting of two beamlines, each
supplied by an optimized undulator with the two
undulators in a canted geometry.
  • Station KB
  • a Kirkpatrick-Baez mirror based instrument
  • energy range between 4-25 keV
  • spatial resolution adjustable from gt1000 nm down
    to 100 nm
  • instrumentation for XRF, XAS, XRD and fCMT
    (achromatic long WD)
  • 50x gt flux than current KB-microprobes in a 2000
    nm spot
  • Station ZP (not in initial scope)
  • a zone plate based instrument
  • energy range between 2-15 keV
  • target spatial resolution of 30 nm
  • instrumentation for XRF, XANES and imaging
  • 2x gt flux than current ZP-microprobes in a 200 nm
  • Share a common sample mounting and registry

Scientific areas where SRX will enable
significant advances
  • Health Hazards of Contaminated Materials, Bad
    Metals (contaminants in agriculture and drinking
    water, actinides from nuclear production,
    industrial emissions, mechanisms of toxicity)
  • Processes at the Interfaces between Minerals
    and Micro-organisms (biogeochemistry of
    microbe-mineral interactions, understanding
    biofilm processes , CO2 sequestration)
  • Global Effects of Particulates and Organisms in
    the Atmosphere and Oceans (metals cycling,
    effects on climate change, modeling airborne
  • Evolution of Our Solar System (interplanetary
    dust particles, comet dust, NASA sample return)
  • Environmental Genomics (metal homeostatis,
    ionomics, metallomics, biofuels studies)
  • Essential Metals in Cells and Organisms and in
    Disease Mechanisms (nutrient acquisition, metal
    detoxification, microbial pathogenesis,
    bioremediation, diseases related to altered
    levels of metal ions at subcellular level)
  • Metals as Therapies (understanding molecular
    level mechanisms of metal based therapies)
  • Metals in Imaging and Diagnostics (imaging of
    metal contrast agents, molecular imaging of
    marker proteins)
  • Catalysis and Chemical processes on the Single
    Particle Scale (coupled µXAS/µXRD of catalytic
    particles and interfaces to
  • follow processes such as oxidation)
  • Materials Science (elemental partitioning in
    microelectronics, elemental diffusion into
    microcrystalline domains due to aging of
  • plastics and alloys, tracking redox changes of
    single particle contaminants in batteries and
    silicon solar cells)

SRX Project Beamline Milestones
  • April 1, 2008 SREEL BAT submits LOI to NSLS-II
  • LOI reviewed by EFAC at May 5-7, 2008 meeting
    (one of 11 LOIs). EFAC report received June 2008.
  • Microprobe spectroscopy beamline selected as one
    of the six beamlines to be built within the
    project scope September 2, 2008. Renamed SRX.
  • First SRX BAT meeting and MOU signing October
    30, 2008.
  • Many design aspects since then adjusted to
    incorporate BAT recommendations already
    (Northrup, Broadbent).
  • SRX Group Leader hired by NSLS-II project July

Response to Comments from EFAC
Comment Response
The EFAC felt the case for the zone plate nanoprobe was not strong. EFAC therefore supports the KB branch more strongly than the ZP one. Published KB designs can already reach 30nm. KB branch will be constructed as part of initial project scope, optimized for 4.65-23.3 keV. ZP later (mature scope).
No coincident microscopy is planned with 50-nm probes, visible-light microscopy cannot be used to identify the location of the chemical signatures in thin sections or on surfaces. BAT has requested adjacent microscopy laboratory facility with integrated registry system for off-line characterization and targeting. On-line sub-micron XRD and phase contrast techniques will help. Other microscopies being evaluated.
EFAC felt that it might not be good policy for a centrally operated facility such as NSLS-2 to build beamlines catering to special interest groups such as earth, environmental and life scientists. As a project beamline access to all users will be through the NSLS-II GU program and be merit based peer reviewed. The BAT will consider if the NSLS-II PU proposals may be an avenue of enhancing support for key science groups.
The EFAC was impressed with the presentation of a beamline plan to build a pair of undulator beamlines for the earth, environmental and life sciences. The design was one of the most detailed presented with full, realistic estimates of the sizes and apertures of all the optics (i.e. mirrors) needed to achieve the small spot sizes required. Thank You!
Beamline Overview
not in initial scope
Only one undulator is in initial scope
  • Canted geometry consists of an undulator
    optimized for lower energy (ZP) in the upstream
    position and one optimized for higher energy (KB)
    in the downstream position.
  • The total cant shown is 2 mrad. This is minimum
    acceptable, provides sufficient space to place
    separate apertures around each beam before they
    exit the shield wall and adequate separation in
    the end stations.

SRX-KB Conceptual Design
  • Canted, on a short (low beta) straight
  • 4.6523.3 keV incident photon energy
  • Suitable harmonic rejection
  • Continuously variable energy range over the
    energy range specified with no gaps
  • No scientifically important edges (e.g. U L3)
    caught badly in a transition between harmonics

Phosphors,  filters and  imaging  devices
Rh and bare Si stripes 280 mm, 2.5 mrad inc.
angle w/ bender
Removable Assume Windowless Ops. w/ differential
Cryogenically cooled Horizontally diffracting
BPM and feedback to stabilize SHS by controlling
the HFM pitch
100 mm H-KB, 280 mm V-KB lt 0.2 µrad RMS (requires
SRX Conceptual Design
Photon Shutters
ZP mirror pair
Shielded Beampipe
SRX-ZP hutch
SRX-KB hutch
SRX Conceptual Design
2 mrad canting angle
Vertical Optical Layout of the KB Branch
Vertical optics layout for the KB beamline
showing a single 280 mm long vertical focusing
mirror at 56.23 m
Calculations by Peter Eng (SRX BAT)
Horizontal Optical Layout of the KB Branch
Calculations by Peter Eng (SRX BAT)
Horizontal optics layout and scatter plots for
the KB beamline with a secondary horizontal
source at 53.6 m, produced by a horizontal
focusing mirror at 34.8 m. Working distance 30
Selected SRX BAT Recommendations
Items Status
Detailed interaction with BAT for individual components (use our expertise). In progress, A. Broadbent and P. Northrup have had frequent meetings with BAT members on design
Pursue discussions with User community to prioritize research projects and allow them to open discussions with other funding agencies. User workshop being planned by BAT for late 2009
Optical Design We envision the need to maintain sample/beam stability on the sample at a 10 nm level. Consider suggestions for BPMs current plans may be inadequate given likely stability requirements Vigorous evaluation of beamline stability required. BAT member collaborations with ASP on their microprobe design shows significant potential similarities in design which can provide lessons learned. Commission an optical study from IDT (optical performance, thermal evaluation, stability requirements) Specification for energy stability and reproducibility recommended to be 0.1 eV In progress P. Siddons and P. Yoon developing BMP systems Broadbent evaluating BPM requirements and ASP layout Optical Study commissioned from IDT for summer 2009
Selected SRX BAT Recommendations
Items Status
Sample Environments Environmentally controlled hutches to reduce thermal instability, development and utilization of an active registry system for KB/ZP sample interchangeability (i.e. active laser interferometer ), specialized enclosed sample environment will be needed, cryo cooling, etc. To be evaluated. XRadia chambers a potential starting design.
Beamline Controls EPICS, but evaluate new User interfaces and hardware standards (eg. Fieldbus, Java IOC). To be evaluated. Bob Dalesio (Controls Group Leader) will act as lead on this effort in collaboration with BAT.
IVU Recommendations 4 mrad canting angle should be pursued if possible (2 mrad is absolute minimum) Evaluate suitable devices to achieve 4.6523.3 keV incident photon energy, suitable harmonic rejection, continuously variable energy range over the energy range specified with no gaps. Evaluate of the feasibility of continuous scanning of the undulator gap with optical/interferometry feedback from the monochromator for spectroscopy Canting angles being evaluated by accelerator group. P. Northrup and O. Tchoubar have evaluated IVU options and presented to BAT, candidate device selected (discussion follows). IVU Feedback mechanisms to be evaluated.
Monochromator Design consider the potential utility of a horizontally diffracting cryo-cooled DCM for SRX-KB (discussion follows). Has been specified for evaluation as part of IDT optical study
BAT Meeting summary contains many additional
suggestions and recommendations.
NSLS-II Accelerator Restrictions
  • The device length, for a given minimum gap, is
    defined by the beta function for the straight.
    Minimum allowable gap of 5.0 mm.
  • IVU must fit in half-straight with room for
    canting magnets.
  • This means that 0.5m needs to be removed, then
    space divided in half, as two devices are fitted
    to the straight.

Evaluation suggests a 1.5 m long, 21 mm period
device with a minimum magnet gap of 5.5 mm will
provide excellent performance at the lowest
specified energies at the 3rd harmonic energy for
3.0 GeV beam lt 4.65 keV. This will also provide
at the highest operational energy range (23.3 keV
Rh K edge practical limit).
Potential SRX Monochromator Design
  • Australian Synchrotrons X-Ray Fluorescence
    Microprobe horizontally diffracting
  • No gravity effect, eliminating distortions such
    as crystal cage twist and sag and unwanted
    angular rotations of the second crystal.
  • Eliminates need for longitudinal second crystal
    translation stage
  • A properly designed horizontal DCM can be
    mechanically more stable particularly as energy
    is changed.
  • Horizontal deflection can increase separation
    between the KB and ZP branches.
  • Horizontal diffraction will enable the beam
    defining aperture to filter out any horizontal
    vibration and slope errors.
  • Space for incorporating interchangeable lattice
    cuts, including Si(311) DCM and DMM as potential
  • Potential performance benefits of utilizing
    dread-lock vs. braided copper cooling designs.
  • Potential complications to evaluate
  • Intensity loss of intensity due to polarization
  • Potential beam divergence effects compared to
    vertical geometry

ASP Microprobe DCM
Overall Project Beamline Budget
  • SRX Cost Estimate is 10,707,772
  • The costs were adapted from XAS
  • XAS ? SRX swap is feasible with 1.9M, mainly
    from high-heatload optics, redirected for ID
    development and purchase (which XAS didnt incur)
  • Detailed cost re-analysis is part of planned
    FY09 design efforts (SRX Group Leader)
  • Only the KB branch of SRX is included in
    baseline, but space and design accommodations are
    made for development of ZP branch

Conceptual Design Report due September 2009
  • Next BAT meeting June/July 2009
  • Group Leader on hand
  • IDT optical report will be in hand summer 2009
  • NSLS-II and SRX front end design refined
  • Undulator specs refined and incorporated into SRX
  • Cost estimate and schedule updated
  • Beamline scientist hired
  • User Workshop by end of 2009
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