Anchorage the words pin down' the meaning of an image in a text, (or your ... at a higher level, at the level of the story, the anecdote, the diegesis. ...
Para Wayne Booth, el autor impl cito se ve como 'el segundo ser' ... diegesis v. mimesis. ahora, las distinciones entre. telling and showing. summary and scene ...
Framing: Includes: Angle of camera, Aspect ratio, relationship between camera and object, or character and subject. Angle of Faming High Angle Low Angle These will ...
Mocks/quotes travel logs, actualities. M li s vs the Lumi res. The magician The documenters ... Trickery Recording life. special fx. Creative Purely ...
By: Ekky Imanjaya Film program BINUS INTERNATIONAL Layar Tancap older than (indoor) cinema) The name layar tancap was adopted for Indonesia s Youtube ...
Where the author took his ideas to settle his story. Of whom and of what he ... Topic/Leitmotif (a frequently recurring MOTIF, related to and expressive of a ...
BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT SEMINARIAN S SEMINAR THE VOCATION MOTIF Leadership is service Empowerment provided Various empowerments LUKE S USE OF THESE MOTIFS ...
(flash-back) Discourse. Focalization. Interpretation. The gaming situation. 1. 2. Game universe ... Games thus embody a virtualized, or potential dramatic ...
The butler. cannot, at the last minute, suddenly be. revealed ... Gerard GENETTE. French structuralist, 1990s. intertextuality quotation, plagiarism, allusion ...
Plots and Emplotment Plot holes A plot hole, or plothole, is a gap or inconsistency in a storyline that goes against the flow of logic established by the story's ...
The Big One Analysing Moving Image Texts: 'Film Language' SIGNS, CODES and CONVENTIONS Denotation, denotes, denoting; connotation ...
... of comic books X men Spider-Man Adaptations of video games Resident Evil Tomb Raider The Jane Austen Phenomenon Pride and Prejudice The Jane Austen ...
Austen s Sense and Sensibility From Text to Screen Roberta Grandi Universit della Valle d Aosta Adaptations of novels Heart of Darkness Apocalypse now ...
... and used for making ourselves understood, delivering or perceiving information. ... 'the activity of the character from whose perspective events are perceived' ...
... ability to create sincere emotional connections to characters who are immersed ... the narration and asking us to marvel at how the writers pulled it off; ...
'All music in the motion picture is under the sign of utility, rather than lyric ... 'the public's vague awareness that music should come to the aid of the picture, ...
... Action Often combine with other generic elements such as police-procedural, espionage, war eg James Bond 'fantasy' spy/espionage series, martial arts films, ...
G235: Critical Perspectives in Media Theoretical Evaluation of Production - Question 1(b) Narrative Aims/Objectives To identify what narrative is To introduce the ...
Homer and Hesiod tell salacious stories about the gods: Castration of Ouranos by Kronos ... Stories affect listeners & shape their soul. Power of poetry one of ...
Editing creates meaning EDITOR The role of the editor is to select and arrange shots in a way that conveys a specific meaning to the audience. The types of edit ...
Setting, lighting, costume, and acting. Staging the event for the ... Setting, lighting, costume, staging. Movement, color, depth, planes, volume, time, space ...
Change in the story value is achieved through conflict values ... Blogging (posting of private diaries), tabletop RPGs (group improvisational stories) ...
Title: Nessun titolo diapositiva Author: Federico Bertoni Last modified by: Federico Bertoni Created Date: 11/7/2006 12:47:05 PM Document presentation format
Un inclassificabile Intervista del 1964: Alla domanda Quali sono gli scrittori [...] che pi hanno influito su di lei? , risponde: Da ragazzo ero un lettore ...