Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Dr. Kevin Ahern. Dr. Elisar Barbar. Dr. Gregory Benson. Gretchen Clark-Scannel. Yujuan Song. Dr. Karplus' Lab. Grant Farr ...
Can lead to greater understanding of basic biological processes ... Analyzing dynamics data. ...
... observation of encounters between single molecules of kinesin ... synapse, a relatively high tau concentration facilitates kinesin dissociation (red arrow) ...
I endorse the proposal by Manfred Schliwa (second nomenclature scheme based on ... The numbering by Schliwa preserves the widely used kinesin I and II nomenclature. ...
... kinesin dynein cAMP cAMP pigment cells ATP ADP ATP ADP ADP ATP ADP ADP-Pi Kinesin MT-motor proteins and the transported elements (Hirokawa, N. Science 1998, ...
Dyneins transport cargo along microtubules in retrograde fashion ... key=adenovirus ...
... hydrolysis, release of ADP and phosphate (Pi) from dynein is associated ... CPK = creatine phosphate kinase, a component of an ATP-regenerating system that ...
... the beating of flagella and cilia. Figure 7.24 Ultrastructure of a eukaryotic flagellum or cilium ... Figure 7.25 How dynein 'walking' moves cilia and flagella ...
Title: Slide 1 Author: Jonathan Scholey Last modified by: Jonathan Scholey Created Date: 9/30/2006 3:00:19 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Citoscheletro (II) Organizzazione dei microtubuli Organizzazione dei microtubuli Le tubuline a & b (55 kDa, omologhe) legano GTP/GDP. a-Tubulina lega GTP (non ha ...
CHAPTER 9 The Cytoskeleton and Cell Motility Microtubules (11) Microtubules (12) Basal Bodies and Other MTOCs Basal body structure where outer microtubules in a ...
Microtubule motors Text and image sources are included using the notes function of this file Intracellular transport vesicles Fast Axonal Transport Freeze!
I use these PowerPoint s in cell biology lectures that I give to first year ... Does anybody have a cold can of ATP for this guy. Motor MAPs & traffic ...
generate force for the movement of chromosomes, organelles, and whole cells ... This Sprite is named Twink. Ciliated epithelium of human trachea. Flagellum on sperm ...
a relentless triad Betsy Ott 1933 Dr. Kartagener 4 cases Quantified the clinical triad: Bronchiectasis Chronic sinusitis Situs inversus Primary ciliary dyskinesia ...
Distribution of vesicles, intermediate filaments and organelles within the cytoplasm ... of axoplasmic transport causes a traffic jam on the proximal side of the ...
Usually sheathed (covered). Rotates by way of a basal body in the bacterial cell. ... Cilia and flagella share a common ultrastructure E M of the Cross-section of a ...
Title: Slide 1 Author: Jamie Pighin Last modified by: Jamie Pighin Created Date: 5/28/2004 6:12:53 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles
Title: Barroso et al. and a role for TAP Author: Karen Bernd Last modified by: Karen Bernd Created Date: 10/31/2002 1:18:45 AM Document presentation format
Protein Synthesis on the Rough ER. A view of the eukaryotic cell: ... Paramecium - osmoregulation. Review: endomembrane system. A view of the eukaryotic cell: ...
Slide show modified from: Cytoskeleton, Cell Walls, & ECM Cytoskeleton network of fibers extending throughout the cytoplasm ...
10 m Human height Unaided eye 1 m Length of some nerve and muscle cells 0.1 m Chicken egg 1 cm Frog egg 1 mm Light microscope 100 m Most plant and animal cells
The cytoskeleton The cell surface and junctions * * Intracellular junctions in animals The tight junctions of the intestinal epithelium keep the contents of the ...
'T' Form (GTP-Bound Form) Grows at the End 'D' Form (GDP-Bound Form) Shrinks at the -End ... University of Porto Rua Campo Alegre, Portugal. Microtubules and Kinesin ...
CH 15 and 16 10/31 and 11/3. Cytoskeletal Components: microtubules, ... in the direction of cell elongation (have you ever seen a pseudopod on an amoeba? ...
The Cell-Chapter 6 and 7 Key Questions: What are the structures and functions of cellular organelles? How does the plasma membrane regulate the cellular environment?
Title: A Tour of the Cell Author: James C. Reidy Last modified by: Frevola, Marc - Ludlow Created Date: 6/30/1998 7:07:48 PM Document presentation format